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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Name: Leistung group


Inactive Member
Emblem: (comming soon)

Name: Leistung group

Description: The Leistung group is a privately funded organization researching and developing technology for use in starships and the commercial sector. While the funding for the organization generally remains anonymous the scientists, security and logistics details are drawn mostly from extra universal sources such as Ayenee. The technology developed by Leistung is kept by the backers of the organization, who don't plan to release the technology for months or even years after the development is completed. While the organization leaves the private lives of its employees alone, talking about their work is strongly discouraged.

Political: None
Military: Negligible
Economic: Negligible
Social: None


Size: ~20 people
Agenda: Technology Development
Resources: Extensive Ayenee credit and material resources.
Affiliates: None
So, out of character, where's their funding coming from? Also, what's the use of them developing technology if they're hoarding it like FEISAR Corp did?
Well this does actually look very interesting, so I think NC would like to chuck a few zeroes in their general direction =O
OOCly QIS and their allies. The reason for hording tech is to maintain a technological advanatge over whoever.

This is mainly for the two labs NC is putting up for rent.
I'm wary of approving this. A couple people have come to me worried or asking me not to let you run anymore corporations because of what happened last year with QIS.

Anyway, if I allow this group, they're going to have to use the transuniversal gate(s) like every other civilian entity, which means their cargo is subject by occassional inspections by the YSSDF.
that makes it sound like it was entirely my fault.

In any case you know just how I can run things, generate activity, and create an enjoyable experiance for those role players who are up to it.
Uso Tasuki said:
OOCly QIS and their allies. The reason for hording tech is to maintain a technological advanatge over whoever.

That raises some red flags for me: Unless I'm mistaken (again), diplomatic ties between the QIS and the Empire hasn't even been formally restored yet. And in any case, I think most of the problems that once plagued this RP stems from everyone trying to maintain some "technological advantage" over everyone else. :p

If you want to run a civilian company, then I believe you should at least make your research results public. You can appeal to the Imperial government to help you enforce patents and such, but I don't think it's fair to have a company operating on Imperial soil that funnels all of its discoveries to QIS and only QIS.

I have it on good authority that you are a great GM, Zack, but I'd much rather see you help Tameka with her SS Kiroshi plot for now.
-The information about funding is OOC, the money and resources would be properly laundered before making their way to the group in this universe. As for tech, that is hardly something that plagued this RP.

You can appeal to the Imperial government to help you enforce patents and such

Patents do not exist in this universe, 'patents' can only be enforced by secrecy, military force, or getting in bed with the government and getting them to pass a law that does that for you.

-The group would also not be on imperial soil but on NC property.

-I'm getting around to the SS Kiroshi once I have a character, its not a big chore for me to multi-task.

-RP mechanics wise, the technology would not be contributed to anywhere but my own mind, keeping the tech level stable. NC would also benefit from the group's skill.

-RP development wise, the group would be forced to make use of the transdimentional gates. This is something that is not really expanded upon anywhere in the SA site. This allows for additional background information to be made available because these gates are being interacted with. We also get to see the YSDF in action when Wes uses them to search for contraband.
Uso Tasuki said:
Yangfan said:
You can appeal to the Imperial government to help you enforce patents and such

Patents do not exist in this universe, 'patents' can only be enforced by secrecy, military force, or getting in bed with the government and getting them to pass a law that does that for you.
Oh. what a shame it would be to actually work with the system instead of against it! It's at all not difficult to propose a law.

Uso Tasuki said:
The group would also not be on imperial soil but on NC property.
It could be argued that because NovaCorp is a Yamataian corporation, NovaCorp's territory is Yamataian, too. Some legal clarification is needed.

Uso Tasuki said:
-RP mechanics wise, the technology would not be contributed to anywhere but my own mind, keeping the tech level stable. NC would also benefit from the group's skill.
That seems pointless. Why have an entity in an RPG that doesn't contribute to it a meaningful way?

Uso Tasuki said:
-RP development wise, the group would be forced to make use of the transdimentional gates. This is something that is not really expanded upon anywhere in the SA site. This allows for additional background information to be made available because these gates are being interacted with. We also get to see the YSDF in action when Wes uses them to search for contraband.
I agree on this part. It would be nice to show the YSSDF and the gates in action.
To save time, I'm going to skip the quoting. Proposing a law is pointless if you don't have the support to get it passed.

Corporations that are involved with the Yamatai goverment have always had a high degree of autonomy. This is more of a case of tradition over law.

That seems pointless. Why have an entity in an RPG that doesn't contribute to it a meaningful way?

Thats the only one I'm going to quote, because the point made right after it contradicts it. The group would be able to contribute to the RP, but not to the strength of the goverment, KFY, ect.
The information about funding is OOC, the money and resources would be properly laundered before making their way to the group in this universe.

Okay. I guess QIS isn't all that serious about the peace talks then. That's fine.

As for tech, that is hardly something that plagued this RP.

We'll agree to disagree on this one.

Proposing a law is pointless if you don't have the support to get it passed.

If you are serious about making Leistung Group a legitimate Yamataian corp, I'd support the bill. Get Wes onboard and you'd have 3 votes.

Corporations that are involved with the Yamatai goverment have always had a high degree of autonomy. This is more of a case of tradition over law.

True, for the major corporations that have proved that they can be trusted. A very close eye was kept on NovaCorp after it was founded, mostly for signs of illegal activities. It has served the Empire honorably so far, and more trust is gained with each passing day.

The group would be able to contribute to the RP, but not to the strength of the goverment, KFY, ect.

And that's precisely why I'm worried. I still say NovaCorp property, just like PNUgen property, is Yamataian soil, just like Microsoft property in Redmond is still American soil. If Leistung Group want to do research without aiding the Yamatain government, that's fine, but do it outside of Imperial territory.

All I want is to avoid a repeat of what happened last year. I have nothing to gain here, except in keeping this place a balanced, stable environment.

So I guess I'll force your hand a little, Zack. The 3rd XF will bid on one of the labs being offered, and will try to set up shop next to you. (The protocol officers were mad that the Thaxarians showed up and there was no Yamataian government representative present.) If you just want a corporation to run, without imbalancing the RP, I believe that you won't mind.
No offense taken. :) What can I say? I don't RP that often. I will do newbish things on a regular basis.

My only defense is that, my actions shouldn't really interfere with what you're trying to do. I'm sending over diplomats, not SAINT agents. :p
Again, your mixing IC with OOC. The action itself is irrelevant, the fact your using OOC information to take the action is.

and do I have the ok to use this?
Will this be part of the Destiny plot and actually involve role-play in non-negligible amounts? You know I'm very wary of this. >,>
Well, they haven't been approved yet, so they're not anywhere at the moment.
The plan is to have a decent ammount of roleplay, and help out around NC a bit. There is no reason for them to be on the Destiny and I don't belive we were ever talking about that? O.o