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RP: 5th XF [Nami no Seigi-IC] Akuro III/Command

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SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff


The conference theater onboard the Akuro III was packed full, even the balcony seating on the deck above had officers standing at the back. The lights dimmed, and Katsuko emerged onto the lower platform, Akuro standing behind her with her arms folded behind her back.

A huge volumetric projection of the Bizankro Theater of Operations appeared to Katsuko’s left, along with two other smaller maps of the Yuukan and Jiyuu systems.

“Under Imperial Orders we will be going to Bizankro a little ahead of our originally intended schedule. We are going to perform a strike that will terminate the SMX infestation at Bizankro and secure the system for the Empire. “She took a breath looking to the higher ranking flag officers sitting in the front rows. “Two hours ago I ordered the YSS Munin II to deploy to the Bizankro system under stealth, where she delivered six PANTHEON-eye units into the system which have been feeding back data to us on what exactly we are going to be dealing with.”

The map of Bizankro enlarged, revealing all nine of the system’s planets and their dozens of moons. “Bizankro has nine planetary bodies, orbiting five of these (Bizankro III, IV, V, VI, and VII) are a SMX shipyard facility with Two Skirmish Groups engaging in active patrols between them – these facilities are highly defended and are beating heart of their logistical operations in this region. Two of these facilities (Bizankro IV and V) are home to a Mishhuvurthyar Balanced Battlegroup, which appear to be undergoing some kind of overhaul.”

The image changed, “The inner system appears to be some kind of staging grounds, and we have confirmed the presence of One Mishhuvurthyar Command Battlegroup near Bizankro II.”

Katsuko said, “We will begin the operation with a little creativity. TF-50 will proceed to Yuukan escorting the Seijou Colonization Group which will appear to be delivering a Colony Outpost to Yuukan. The SMX know we have operations in the system and are unlikely to see it as nothing more than a standard operation.” She paused, “From Yuukan the 17th Armor Wing’s Red Squadron will be transferred from the Akuro III to NC-X5-39 a Yuuko Class Gunboat which will deliver them to the outer Bizankro system where they await the signal to deploy…”

The image of the orbital shipyard facility at Bizankro VII enlarged, “The outer facility at Bizankro appears to be mostly automated, and has only a few gunships guarding it. Since traffic is heavy coming in and out of these facilities—their shields are generally offline until an emergency situation is brought up. It will be up to the 17th’s Red Squadron to deploy from NC-X5-39, approach the facility undetected, infiltrate it and gain control of it’s command center without having any of the surrounding facilities or ships alerted to their presence. Once they have control of the facility they will signal the Akumu Battlegroup under the command of ShoSho Tomori Rina, which will fold in under the cover of the facility which now will be under our control, including its massive arsenal of SEPCS.”

Katsuko brought up an image of the modified Kyoto Carriers, “We have rigged two hundred Kyoto Carriers into flying aether bombs, and another hundred into decoys. This group of ships will jump in and begin kamikaze runs on the remaining orbital facilities. Their concentration should be on the two with Balanced Battlegroups attached. The goal will be to destroy the facility with as many of those ships docked to it as possible. Simutaneously, the Akumu Battlegroup and the forces from the Lorath will engage the enemy, and begin its push towards the inner system, cleaning up behind the Kyotos.”

Katsuko then said, the map focusing in on the SMX Command Group in the center, “Once the Akumu group signals that the SMX Command Group has engaged them, the Akigumo Group will break from TF-50 at Yuukan and join the fight. At this point we will begin a series of communications transmissions falsifying that we are running low on reinforcements and weapons and begin to allow our forces Bizankro to appear as if they are being pushed back towards the outer system, drawing the command group towards the facility we have captured.”

The map switched back to Yuukan, “At this point, the Akuro III and the rest of its escorting group will make the jump to Bizankro to a point in the inner system; the Akuro III under the cover of its escorts will push from the inner system towards the Akumu group and our captured facility.” She paused a moment, “Operational Commands will come from the Akuro, all ships should be trying to stop any attempt by the SMX to flee or call for reinforcements. Since the First Expeditionary Fleet has the SMX busy at Jun, and the third at Valaad I hope that they will caught off guard enough to leave us alone.” Katsuko then enlarged the map of Jiyuu. “Our Jiyuu Defense Shield and Hotaru will remain behind to provide support incase they attempt to strike us while the fleet is engaged at Bizankro. Himitsu, will stay put unless Hotaru calls for assistance. Our Skirmish Groups will remain close to home as well, but will serve as reserves for our forces at Bizankro.”

She then looked in Yuriko’s direction, “Our assigned First XF ship, the YSS Asamoya and it’s assigned group will deploy to Bizankro behind the Akumu Group, their job will be specifically to target SMX Battleships, focusing their attacks on their communications, weapons and shielding sub-systems.”

Katsuko said lowly, “I have faith in you all….Carry with you the pride of Jiyuu, and the fiery flame of revenge for those we lost at Taiie.” The lights brightened, “You are all dismissed. Go o your ships we mobilize in fifteen minutes.”
The briefing hall had cleared out, Katsuko sat alone in one of the seats in the center of the front row. She watched the volumetric overlay of Bizankro, watching as it replayed the sequence over and over. She let out a sigh, What will this achieve? Aside from angering Melisson more, and drawing attention to Jiyuu...

Katsuko's comm beeped in a nagging tone once again.

Katsuko answered, after licking her lips to try and wet them. "Katsuko here...What now?"

"Motoyoshi-Taisho, Mr. Davis needs to discussion something with you about the SMX, it is important," Ember said quickly watching the Sky Marshall as she made the request.

Davis's face, as usual, was a slate of concrete, but his crossed arms, and the way his cane dangled from his armpit implied he had a lot on his mind.

Katsuko pulled the communicator away for a moment, she swallowed hard and then took a deep breath before replying ""Alright, I am in the Briefing Theater on the Akuro, I just got finished giving the briefing for the operation. The place has cleared out, so come join me."

Ember nodded. "Yes, Taisho. we'll see you in a bit, Ember out." She closed her communicator again and let it fall with a soft thud against her chest again. She gestured to Davis, "Ask and you shall, receive, sir. We're to meet her in the Briefing Theater."

Another communication came immediately after she terminated the one from Ember, the text file opened in a volumetric window. The research report from Chie had her wide-eyed, By Chiharu...This cannot be... She forwarded the communication and file securely to Misato.

"Lead the way," Davis said with a sweeping gestured to Ember. "I would certainly get lost within the walls of this gloriously large vessel." The good news seemed to relieve him a little.

Ember smiled warmly at Davis, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before she withdrew her hand and lead him through the corridors of the Mirage and then the Akuro to the Briefing Theater. Since the matter seemed so grave, she didn't volunteer any attempts towards friendly conversation like she had earlier.

Katsuko heard the doors slide open, she did not rise to meet Davis or Ember...She sat quietly and awaited their approach. A thousand thoughts worked through her mind at once. The news from Chie had shattered her understanding of the universe. It was hard to keep the calm visage, if the marker meant what she hypothesized, it changed everything.

Davis bowed slightly before approaching her. "Thank you for your time, Taisho. I read the reports about your trip to Yamatai and offer my condolences for the lack of progress made."

Ember waited at the door to the room, waiting to see if Katsuko wished for her to leave or to stay.

Katsuko merely nodded, she instructed Akuro to upload the information from Chie to Ember.Join us.... A moment passed, an awkward one as she struggled to speak to Davis. "Progress seems to be not the only thing lacking from Central Yamatai these days. The information they send is generally false or is senseless..." she paused, saying then "but,that is not what you have come to discuss... is it?"

Ember nodded politely as she took a seat to the left of Katsuko, leaving the set on her right open for the Sky Marshall to take.

"No, it is not," Davis said with a grave nod. He walked to the open chair and sat down. "I wish not to burden your mind any further, but this information I feel is too important to wait. You are familiar with the one who calls herself Melisson, correct?"

Katsuko nodded, "I am familiar with the name. I personally have not had the experience of meeting her, but Mayumi did while I was dead." Katsuko did not turn to look at Davis, her eyes remained forwards on the volumetric projection of Bizankro

Ember pursed her lips together in eager silence, placing her hands on her lap in front of her.

Davis continued. "It will then be of interest to you to know that Melisson has a fleet of 320 SMX ships outside of Delsaurian space. What we initially took for an attack, however, turned into something far more complicated." He waited before continuing further. As complicated as the day's activities had been, the Sky Marshall was still in control of his own diplomatic capabilities.

"Sky Marshall...In this galaxy, things are always more complicated. It is the status quo..." Katsuko said, still not straying her eyes from the images.

Ember eyes went from the Sky Marshall's to the Taisho's as she waited for the answer she felt was inevitable. "Diplomacy?"

"Exactly," Davis said with a quick glance to Ember. "Normally we would have blown her out of space the second she spat the word, but she came with information that was most unsettling." Davis tapped the tip of his cane on the floor. "Concerning the plague."

"The plague?" Ember seemed truly puzzled by this. Everyone knew and was affected by the plague. What was there new to know about it?

Katsuko's eyes closed, "What about the plague...?" Simultaneously she began to pull information from PANTHEON, she had needed to know anything about it; of course the documentation was sparse to say the least.

"In many ways, those of the Yamataian Star Empire have overshadowed the Nepleslians as well and repressed your progress from the very moment PNUgen, which included Emperor Uesu amongst their number at the time, released the plague which killed the majority of the Nepleslians settled on Yamatai and helped make the Geshrins dominant... a dominance that set your people back and under the..."

The Sky Marshall pulled out his data pad, turned up the volume on the speakers and let the file do the talking for him.

" ...leadership of Geshrins and even nekovalkyrja for the next twenty years. It happened in YE 8 and it was called the Elysian Plague. The Elysian took the brunt of the blame and PNUgen's Ningyô Heiki project gained much more favor thanks to that... not to mention it helped get rid of the Nepleslian Emperor then ruling and all his staff - leaving you-know-who to pick up the pieces."

The Nepleslian simply had his eyes closed the entire time, the memories of his past coming to him through Melisson's insidious words.

"Shall we continue?" His words were soft.

Katsuko looked at Davis now, her dull gray eyes seemed to lose their light. She did not see him, but Corro-- all suited up with a cigar hanging from his lips and the smell of Nepleslian whiskey drifting from his breath. She whispered, "Continue..."

Ember's eyes went wide in disbelief. Their Emperor did this to them? Surely, Melission was simply lying to instill that sense of fear and doubt in them? Would he really do that to them all?

Davis fast forwarded the file to another important point. Although the entire document was littered with precious information, he simply wanted to share the most pressing of facts.

"Emperor Uesu was threatened to desist from his investigation in another matter on the pain of information being released about his involvement with the PNUgen plague. I hold that little tidbit from a Ketsurui princess, so, I'm fairly confident it's reliable. There is consistency, therefore I myself am inclined to believe it... not to mention it's too outrageous to really be a lie."

"Even if you choose not to believe the claim of the so-called Elysian plague being made as I stated, there still remains the whole matter of the Mishhuvurthyar in fact once being nekovalkyrja that we choose to free. I still wish to punish Yamatai for its callous disregard of what life it does not hold as its own and to the arrogance they show toward all they meet and try to subjugate."

"This tidbit of information I am not so sure of myself, and I seek your input on it," Davis said quietly. "Is it true?"

The Sky Marshall knew he was pulling a tremendous risk sharing this information with her. But, since the diplomacy was moving quickly on his own front, he needed to use desperate measures to gather what he could.

Katsuko got up from her seat. Akuro, if you could give us some privacy... The fifth installed KAMI complied, leaving only its data service running in the room. Katsuko walked to the podium and picked up a data pad transferring some information to it, she walked back over to Davis handing it to him. "I don't know if it is true, but I too am inclined to believe you..." The pad contained... the genetic analysis from Chie Research Base.

Ember looked at Katsuko with a worried, confused expression before looking back at the Sky Marshall. "Melission might be telling the truth? No... no way."

Davis read the information intently for a few moments. "If I'm reading this correctly... this says there's a genetic link..."

His face grimaced in pain. Dark times indeed lay ahead. "Blessed Nepleslia..."

Ember's heart sank as she suddenly felt conflicted by the information they had been given, It was a lot to take in, "They... they... how could they do this? Knowing that the SMX and nekos are... they really?" The former Nepleslian looked from Davis to Katsuko, still looking very confused about it all, unsure of whether or not this was all some huge cruel joke.

Katsuko said lowly, "I am about to send three million soldiers to fight in a war, a war that no longer makes sense to them. Taiie fell and we were dismissed as dead, as all pawns are..." she paused, looking at the map of Bizankro, "We were of no use to them again until we regained our footing..." She brought up a volumetric window displaying the imperial order to strike Bizankro. "I know the ...lie within this...Whether we win or lose, the SMX will want revenge, and they will come to Jiyuu as they did Taiie. While those who wrote the order go irresponsible for their actions...The cycle repeats itself, over and over."

"Taisho, this circumstantial evidence is too hard to ignore," Davis said simply, after taking some moments to compose himself. He heard Katsuko's words of concern regarding her own soldiers, understanding the feelings that must have been going through her. He bore the same dreadful responsibility, and it was never easy to deal with. "If ALL Melisson says is true... where does the 5th XF... stand? How can Nepleslia ignore the near genocide of its people?"

Ember closed her mouth, pushing her hands together as she suddenly stared down at her lap. Her look of confusion deepened as did her sudden doubts as to why any of what they did as a fleet mattered.

Uesu really did this all to us? It's his fault we no longer have a past? That we no longer get to see old age? That being over the age of 30 is a freakish anomaly? Ember kept her thoughts to herself as she felt her anger start to grow.

"Melisson's words, truth or false are of little implication if you think about it. The actions of the central government, the years of mistakes..." she cut herself off, she thought for a moment, "The Fifth and Jiyuu stand where they have from the moment we arrived in the Yugumo Cluster, in defense of our way of life, and in suspicion of the continuous blunders of the government." Katsuko sighed, "I can not sit back any longer...Sky Marshall, I ask that you stay..I will summon Ayana and the rest of my Flag Officers."

"I will stay as long as I am capable," Davis said. "My senators are soon to engage in diplomacy with Melisson, which I cannot ignore for obvious reasons." A pause. "I will be frank with you. I feel we have earned that degree of trust after all of this. Should my senators be convinced by Melisson, there will be serious repercussions... I need to know where you stand should it come to that."

Katsuko asked, "Will you share your information with the others when they get here?" She said, "I do not want to say where I stand until I am sure they are in agreement. We tread on dangerous ground now."

"Indeed. I will share what I have with them," Davis replied calmly. "Although I fear the reaction will be negative to say the least."

"You may be surprised...I am not the only one who has a negative view of some of the actions committed by the central government."

Ember looked back up at the Taisho and the Sky Marshall. "I'll summon the others..."

All BISA personnel, Disperse yourselves onto the ships of the fleet and await orders. Katsuko sent out, using BSIA's secure line. Katsuko then issued an update to Command, giving them the impression that they were holding due to an intelligence leak.
Yaichiro arrived as soon as he could, wondering what could possibly be holding up the operation...did the Hanabusa manage to get an operative out alive after all? Was the operation compromised? Well, he'd find out soon enough.

The young officer seated himself in the same location as before, but not before bowing to Katsuko and the assembled superiors.
Rina soon arrived, quiet and composed. She just arched a questioning eyebrow before seating herself smoothly in her seat. Truth be told she was in the process of getting everything ready on her end when she'd been called back.
Kahori and Saito also arrived, wondering just what happened, though they waited to hear like everyong else what Kat had to say. Each bowed in turn before taking their seats.
Caine, upon recieving the message from Ember turned on his heel to start hurrying back toward the briefing room. Adjusting his uniform to look nice and made sure it was fully neat looking, he wanted to make a positive impression on the higher ranked officers afterall. When he got back and brushed a hand through his hair to straighten it and went through the door and bowed to the higher ranking officers.

The half-elf yamataian walked over and slid into a seat that wasn't taken and glanced over to Katsuko. His expression neutral but he was wondering what this was about and why in such ahurry.
Davis received a new message now:
IPG Reports that Nepleslia Prime was just attacked by Mishhuvurthyar.
Eriko entered, Misato a few steps behind her. They both took up positions in front of Katsuko, Ember and Davis that were sitting still at the front of the briefing theater. Katsuko said, “There has been some new information I felt important to the mission at hand.” She motioned to Davis, “Sky Marshall if you could please share with everyone here this news…” She got up from her chair and slipped between Eriko and Misato heading back to the podium, so she wouldn’t have to be right there to hear it again.
Davis reached into his pocket and pulled out his datapad. He scanned the message and his eyes widened for a moment, before narrowing sharply.

Something was wrong. The headers were screwed up. Where was the source? The encryption protocols? The sender? This can't be authentic....

Perhaps it was denial that made him move the message to his archives for later analysis, or fear. However, he knew right now that he was on the cusp of something great, and those fears would have to wait for now.

Another beep. The Elysians had sent their information. Surely another step towards the truth. But he would have to read that later.

He cleared his throat as he stood from his chair and took a few steps back to face the gathering.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Sky Marshall Robert Davis of Nepleslia. I come under the authority of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, of which I am premier, to share with you information most grave. It appears that an SMX fleet of 320 ships, headed by a woman you call Melisson, has engaged in negotiations with our nation south of Delsauria. She has brought news that struck deeper than any distrust we had of her forces. What I am about to share will be somewhat disturbing, so please keep any questions to yourselves until I finish."

With that, he put the datapad down on the table and ran the two segments of the file once more.

No matter how many times he listened to that file, it was never easy to erase the painful memories it brought up. He took a moment to cough, a much needed break to the silence following Melisson's speech.

"Ahem... according to information the Taisho has sent me, the link that Melisson claims seems, for all intents and purposes, to be true. Neko and Misshu share several identical genetic markers, a disgusting revelation to say the least. Now, if Melisson was not lying about that..."

He could not finish the rest of that statement, so he contented to leave the implication hanging.

"I'm sorry to be in this room to share with you something so horrible, when you and your soldiers are moments away from battle, but it is something that I feel is necessary for you to know before you engage the enemy. Thank you for your time. I will field any questions you have that your Taisho cannot answer."

He retook his seat and motioned gently toward Katsuko.
Yaichiro's eyes narrowed, and he sent a telepathic communication to Katsuko and the Bakufu...as encrypted as possible.

I can tell you all from personal experience that Hanako-Taisho and Melisson have spoken at least once in the past, maybe more...I was present at one such meeting, and she seemed fully truthful at that time...I suspect her, but I cannot say it is outside the realm of possibility...it also tells me that Hanako-Taisa may have been the princess to give Melisson her information...they seem to have an odd relationship.
Katsuko tapped her fingers on the side of the podium in consideration, responding to Yaichiro with a nod. At stake was the legitimacy of the Imperial reign of the Ketsurui, as well as the honor of all Nekos. If something was not done, the entire galaxy would be against them.

Katsuko then said something unexpected, not to those gathered but to Akuro. She turned to the manifestation and uttered a blunt set of instructions. "Order all ships in the taskforces originally Bizankro bound to resume loading, all ships prepare for fold to Yamatai."

Akuro nodded, and left the briefing theater. Katsuko said then to those gathered, "I have had enough of being kept in the dark. We are going home to get answers. All ships are to take up defensive formation around the Akuro when we arrive and await further orders. Make it clear we are going to get answers, not to engage in some kind of fight that will make things worse. We jump in one hour."
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