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Approved Character Nanise Elisara


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Name: Nanise Elisara

General Information

Species: Iromakuanhe
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years by the Iromakuanhe count

Family / Creators: Eyr Ranr background

Employer: Astral News Distributor
Occupation: Field Reporter
Rank: Warscribe
Current Assignment: Embedded with Bahram Wing

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'9
Weight: 139 lbs
Measurements: 81-66-90
Bra Size: B

Build and Skin Colour: Nanise is a tall, dark-skinned Eyr Ranr hailing from Hlarai. Her sun-kissed, dark olive skin is the product of a life sailing Urhal Island, Tikopia, and Biskarck regions. She has a fit, toned build indicative of regular physical activity.
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour and Style: Her straight, nearly-black hair falls down to her lower back when let down bus is almost always kept up in a ponytail.

Distinguishing Features: She always wears a small carved metal pendant that was given to her by her grandmother. Nanise claims that it was made from a piece of the crashed HAS Bismarck, the fallen airship on which her family served in its operational days.

Psychological Characteristics

Nanise is a loud and confrontational girl with an overly-inquisitive nature, perfectly reflecting her chosen profession. Even so, she is extremely laid back and relaxed on the occasions when her interest isn't piqued, sometimes to the point of procrastination after her personal whimsy has been satisfied. Nanise’s wanderlust is stereotypically Ranrn and, when combined with her Hlarai cultural identity, sometimes comes off as overly-optimistic. However, it would probably be more accurate to describe her as somebody who aims low and flies even lower, leaving her ideas and opinions with little room for disappointment. When interacting on a friendly, familiar level, the Ranr is very comfortable with making new friends and partners, and has no problem with open sensuality and harmless, spur-of-the-moment intimacy or romanticism. Like most Ranr she places her own dreams and aspirations in front of everything else, including religion, but still respects and recognizes the metaphysical—what other proof than her own homeworld of Hlarai is needed?

Likes: Sailing, investigating, telling people about things, Hlarai Islandshark steaks, surfing, evening parties on the coast, Salcra Weed, makin' whoopee.
Dislikes: Sitting around, disingenuous people, pig-disgusting Runyaens.
Goals: To see all of the Commonwealth—especially new worlds being explored and claimed by the Astral Vanguard.


Born on Hlarai, the Eyr Ranr Nanise Elisara spent most of her life on the water, sailing from island to island, port to port, only occasionally visiting inland destinations and the city ships that were the characteristic dwellings of her ancestors. In the generations since the tragedy of the HAS Bismarck her family had not given up the adventurous lifestyle that was their birthright by settling in what would become the slums or sprawling city streets of their former home, but rather chose to continue the Eyr Ranr tradition on the ocean. In the time since their decision, the family’s seafaring ways grew from a small flotilla of makeshift catamarans and outriggers to an, albeit small, interconnected community of Eyr Ranr and other Iromakuanhe that chose to life off of the bounty that existed between Hlarai’s landmasses. Working as everything that would be considered essential such as fishermen and shipwrights to more exotic and mundane professions, the Iromakuanhe that Nanise shares an ancestry with live a deceptively simple and safe life in harmony with the resplendent, but often dangerous flora and fauna of Hlarai’s seas and islands.

From an early age, Nanise worked alongside her mother and father, brothers and half-brothers, sisters and half-sisters, and other extended family, doing whatever duties her age would allow from rigging sails and lines to collecting and preparing meals. Still, she was noted by those around her for having an extreme curiosity about everything, even for an Eyr Ranr, especially concerning why things happened. By the age of ten, Nanise was one of her sailing community’s keeper of traditions, a duty that involved remembering and recounting significant events that occurred within the small fleet. It wouldn’t take long until she was called a gossip though, mostly by those whose unfavorable actions were discovered and made public by the girl with little discretion. Regardless, Nanise continued to do the job that she loved, alongside the others required for the sustenance of the community. That was, of course, until more powerful people disliked what she told about them.

Rather than giving up something that she found she loved, the young Eyr Ranr left her traveling family at age fifteen, slinking away during a stop at the Saea Wakir island of Anuta and using what money she could muster to arrange transport to Hlarai’s capital city, Lahru. Her goal wasn’t as clearly-cut as events would transpire, all Nanise wanted to do was find somewhere that she could continue to do what it was she enjoyed—find the truth and let people know about it. Of course, not knowing much about the cosmopolitan places that existed within Iromakuanhe society, she was pleasantly surprised when she, almost immediately, discovered the Astral News Distributor, an organization all but dedicated to doing just that. Gaining employment with the organization itself wasn’t overly difficult nor was the work she did, starting out working with text media, writing tidbits of filler without credit. Eventually, Nanise would be allowed to write actual news, and by the age of eighteen, was given her first broadcast assignment: report on the actions and people of the Astral Vanguard’s Bahram Wing.


Communications (Writing):


Entertainment (Storytelling):

Knowledge (History of the Eyr Ranr on Hlarai):



Rogue (Investigation):

OOC: I know the skills aren't filled out. Will do that on the wiki that I'm making as you read this. I need this character good to go in an hour.
Here's the only nits I found:

It says she's tall for an Eyr Ranr, but 5'9" seems short (or average) for an Eyr Ranr, IIRC

Biskarck should be spelled Bismarck
bus should be spelled but
Ranrn should be spelled Ranr

History section looks good. If we were not on a time constraint, I'd actually like a little more detail concerning her getting into and her work in the AND. But, in terms of the content that's there, it's well enough.
Revolver said:
Here's the only nits I found:
It says she's tall for an Eyr Ranr, but 5'9" seems short (or average) for an Eyr Ranr, IIRC

I was going more from an OOC standpoint of the universe. Took out the word.

Revolver said:
Biskarck should be spelled Bismarck
bus should be spelled but
Ranrn should be spelled Ranr

Fixed both of the first on the wiki. The third is "America is to American as Ranr is to Ranrn."

Revolver said:
History section looks good. If we were not on a time constraint, I'd actually like a little more detail concerning her getting into and her work in the AND. But, in terms of the content that's there, it's well enough.

Yeah. I wanted to write a lot more. I'll add later, but I wanted to post with the core ideas in there as to give Ex time to look it over.
I realize what you intended with Ranrn, but unless I'm misremembering what Exhack said, there's no changing the culture nouns when they are being used as adjectives.
Although it doesn't quite follow my usual format for Iroma biographies, this character is approved for IC usage.