Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: The Wayward Nan's Workshop


Inactive Member
((This is mostly just a downtime thread. Nan's Workshop is always open for anyone to stop by. Just no adult themes please))

Nan's room is as it always has been, a cross between a meticulously kept with areas of complete chaos. One would even say this describes Nan perfectly.

On a normal day the soft soothing sounds of techno K-pop can be heard permeating the surroundings. Inside, Mother floats to and fro constantly picking up and tidying little things here and there with a very motherly cluck or take randomly placed for full immersion. And there is Nan, floating stomach down, legs kicked up at the knee as if he were lying on a bed talking on the phone with his BFF. He is tinkering with some new kind of this or that, who really knows right?
Ana had gotten a call from her "little" brother. She peeked into the room where he said he'd be and was greeted with the sight of him floating in mid-air as if there wasn't a care in the world. She stood at the entrance and watched quietly as TB scuttled into the room, avoiding Mother's constant picking up of stuff with a few beeps and whistles. A small smile, rare for the mechanic, could be seen on her lips at the whole scene
Ash peeked into the room, smiling when she saw both Nan and Ana there.

"Oh hey. So this is your slice of the ship, eh?" She strode into the room, eyes glancing to and fro and taking in her surroundings. And then she tilted her head and narrowed her gaze at Nan.

"Did you mess with the gravity plating in here? How are you floating?"
Nan was so lost in his tinkering he had not seen Ana in the doorway nor TB wandering through the room. So much so that he had even started whistling to the same tune and tone.

When Ash spoke he jumped a little and floated slowly down and landed lightly. With his ever present warm grin plastered on his face he answered, "Oh, I'm Yamataian. We have super powers." As if this cleared everything up.

"I appreciate you both coming. I called you both here because, while I am amazing with computers and pretty decent with engineering I feel I could use some help converting several prototype drones in to original designs." He walked to a nearby bench and lifted up a fairly makeshift amalgamation of a large orb with limp "arms" hanging from it.

"This is my first attempt at a remote maintenance drone," he winked at Ana, " with inspiration from TB. I like to base concept but it's very inefficient in it's power and utility to cost ratio. I am considering a heavy resin shell and 3D printing it's chassis.

"Sis, could you help with a propeller based flight system and perhaps some of the insides? And Ash, you have some real life experience and use of tools out and about. Your thoughts on the utility arms and the chassis would be great."
Ana looked around more as Ash made her way in. She blinked at all that Nan had around him and was rather impressed and somewhat intimidated by all the documentation. Though she could read what was all there, she had never seen much of things like this and a lot of it was still rather puzzling to her.

At the mention of what he wanted her to help with, she gave a small squeak, "What? I...I don't think...I mean...I don't know if I can! I don't really know much more than working on the engines and what I was able to cobble together with TB."
Nan smiled at Anna's adorableness, "That is exactly why I need you sis. I know nothing about engines. Especially the kind for propellers. At least take a look and see if you can do anything."
Ana wrinkled her nose a bit and nodded, "Okay...sure." She looked at the schematics, frowning as she tried to decipher what was in 2D. Tapping her chin, she asked, "You don't happen to have a way to see this if it's real?"
Ash raised an eyebrow as she looked over the drone, tapping her chin with her fingers as she thought.

"What is the power source currently?" she asked, holding out a hand for the drone to inspect it closer.

"If you are going to use it as a maintenance drone, what kind of tools were you looking to fit on the arms? A cutting laser or saw of some kind and perhaps a claw for grasping objects come to mind."
Nan pointed at Ana and in his best imitation of a teacher, "Excellent question. Mother, could you display those propeller designs I had downloaded from InterNEP? Just think Sis, you can keep a starship engine running, I am sure keeping some propellers going should be no sweat for your genius once you hunker down in it,"

Turning to Ash, "Oh it uses some horribly complex Lorath gobbly-gook. Wierd bacterias, hyrdogen cells and other mad scientist type components. Seriously, they have some pretty 'out there' stuff. I want to change it all over, maybe tie it in with the the propeller systems that Ana comes up with. As for the tools you are right. I added these three on to the prototype from a FARS parts. I would liek to keep the general gist of them.

"I feel a claw or grasping arm is essential as is a cutter and a tool arm. I have this lame-o ulti tool connected right now but I wouldn't say no to a more automated or sexy set up."
Ana smiled a bit at Nan as Mother projected the requested schematics. She looked them over and it was like the light was shining in her eyes as she became just as excited for this particular work. She looked to TB and said, "We have our work cut out for us! You will need to be even more alert to what we do here as well as the main engines of the ship."

TB beeped and booped at Ana as she looked for the pieces she would need to start putting one of the propellers together.
Ash thought for a minute.

"Hmm...bacteria energy cells. Does not sound too far fetched, considering much Iromakuanhe biotechnology uses symbiotic lifeforms to provide what you would equate to cybernetic enhancements."

She looked at the arms on the drone again.

"Do you have a fabricator and a torch of some kind? I could probably piece together something if we have the right parts," she said with a smile.
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"Yeah you bio tech users are just weird. Tech belongs in circuits and hard components. Bunch of weirdos," he said obviously jesting. "I have a 3D printer ready to go as well as some of that heavy duty resin I mentioned earlier ready to go to make the body and we can also print up some arms. We can cannibalize these arms for the arc cutter and grasping arm."
"Well, considering the fast blood coagulation that my people and I share, we are unable to use traditional cybernetics and we were forced to improvise. Symbiotic replacements are effective and common in the Commonwealth."

Ash set down a bag of tools and began to rummage through it, pulling out several tools and a pair of welding goggles.

"The Astral Commonwealth is very far from here..." She paused awkwardly, then continued laying out her tools on the work bench. "I doubt you will be able to see any of our technology any time soon, unfortunately." She turned to look at Nan and pointed at the drone.

"Well, let us get to work then. I can begin disassembling the arms if you like."
"Yeah, let's get those arms going," Nan said with a big smile. While the room was, for now, Nan's bedroom it was relatively cramped for three adult(ish) people to be working in. Nan sat behind Ana and leaned back against her using their combined weight to sit comfortably.

He brought up his PHC screen and began programming in dimensions and sending the specs to the printer for the main body. He turned to Ash," You know, I actually wouldn't mind learning more about you. I mean, you are hanging with the cool kids so you can open up. I mean I could always hack your PC but, you know, totes invasion of privacy."
Ana didn't mind having Nan leaning against her as they worked. She pieced together the mechanics of the build as Nan and Ash talked, but at one point she paused and frowned, turning to look back at the others confused, "Cool kids? What are those?"