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Approved Character Natalie Dawning


Inactive Member
Name: Natalie Dawning

General Information
Species: Geshrin
Gender: Female
Age: 25


Mother: Dawning Veronica
Father: Dawning Thomas

Faction: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Pilot and Navigator
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Assignment: Pilot

Physical Characteristics

Height: 184 centimeters (5'11'')
Weight: 57 kgs (119lbs)
Bra Size: C cup

Build and Skin Color: Athletical build, flesh skin
Eye Color: Childish-like Blue
Hair color and Style: Short white hair, with three stylish ponytails to waist.

Distinguishing Features: Cybernetic leg, a scar near her right eye.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Natalie is a born to be wild girl. She overdoes almost everything she does and says, but keeping in mind, in most of the cases, her superiors's words. She is very defensive at first sight, but when she gets confident with a person, she oaths to give the best of her personality.
Her love for the combat-like situations makes her to think everything is a battle and will always find a way to crush her opponents. But also, she is very unfortunate with men, provoking a tomboy-ish aura around her sometimes.

Likes: Vehicles, sports
Dislikes: Cats, nerds
Goals: To become a fabled pilot among men and women


Natalie love to combat and vehicles got her into the hardests of the trainings in the academy, overpassing her limits most of the times to be the best. This got her accidently in live combat situation during training, and a explosion heavily injured her, lossing her right leg (which was changed for a cybernetic one) and leaving numerous scars, but probably the most aparent of those is the one near her right eye. She sucessfully went thru academy and enlisted as a pilot in a starship.


Technology: Vehicles are technology, and Natalie loves vehicles. She shows to be very proficient in managing every single computer with user interface inside a vehicle.

Communications: She also relays her confidence in the best communications available. Natalie believes fondly in the command staff to give her the right directions in order to have accurate battles. In other hand, off-battle paperwork and other chat-like communications, is not Natalie style, and she tries to avoid most of it.

Mathematics: She went through the studies of mathematics to skill the basics of ballistics, an important facet of the most powerful of the vehicles.

Vehicles: This has been Natalie's dream since she was a little kid. Mastering the vehicles as another part of her body has been her passion of everyday. She knows to pilot numerous terrestrial and space vehicles.

Fighting: To know how to do some serious destruction with a machine, you first need to learn to kick some serious ass with your bare hands. This is Natalie's motto. And she makes it count with fine displays of melee combat, bare handed or with weapons, specially katanas. She will always think of a way to get a melee combat before using a ranged weapon.

Survival and Military: To know on what your foot is on is a priority for Natalie. Always looking down to a map, and take considerations of the disadvantages of the terrain or space will always become an advantage in combat for Natalie.

Starship Operation: Stellar cartography will always amaze Natalie's sense of combat. To know every corner of the battlefield is a must in order to crush the enemy, as well, Natalie will always have a need to know where is she headed in the vastness of the space.
History is all right. The cybernetic limb replacement/augmentation is sort of overdone, but it's not too bad. Interesting personality. Good job.
your missing a skill in there. And since you don't have your 7th skill it should be Communications since it's required to be in the army.
I tried to put comms in the technology comment too, but seems i did it more like a technology: computers more than communications. Im fixing that now
I separated both skills. I hope that fixes it =). Thanks for poiting me that... i cant wait to start playing!
You might wanna rename the second technology Communications And if you get put in the Mikomi... and you hate nerds and cats my poor science officer is going to get on your nerves... and well Ghi won't like you she's trying to become a cat. It should be an interesting relationship developing with the rest of the crew if you make it aboard.
Character approved. ^_^
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