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NaX-SC-01a Malchick

Let me know when the interior is done.
An IPG prison is not a fun place. Veles has made sure of this, and as such designed the specifications for the Malchick's prison block himself. There are twelve cells, each made of solid Leptonium, and painted gray. There are no edges in the room, and it is intermittently extremely bright or extremely dark, sometimes switching every couple seconds. The cells are 2 feet wide, two feet long, and five feet high by default, although this can be adjusted in the prison control center. Beneath the floor of these cells lies a large plasma vent, linked directly to on of the fusion reactors, and always kept hot provided the reactor is online. With a flip of the switch, the vent will open, and fill the chamber with plasma, effectively erasing whatever was unlucky enough to be inside. Also inside is a Nerimium-covered speaker, capable of transmitting noise at up to 4000 decibels into the chamber, usually only in the event the prison keeper wants whatever is inside to die. There are also several very small hatches that can open to allow in a flood of NAM Nano-Constructor System bots in, with the sole purpose of slowly and painfully eating whatever is inside to death. There are also retractable restraints built into the wall.

Ok, yeah. That is against the law. And not even IPG is above the Law.
Treaty said:
A prisoner of war is a person captured by the military in combat or in a war.

All prisoners of war:

1. Will be provided adequate food and water.
2. Will be provided a decent place to sleep.
3. Will be provided with medical attention.
4. Will be provided with clean clothing.
5. Will not be mistreated so long as they cooperate and submit to their captors.
Which in turn means the prison is perfectly legal so long as they don't put people who they have fought in military combat inside of it.

And sense when has being illegal been a barrier to approval?
1. The Nepleslian Senate agreed to allow waiving the law in the case of necessary actions being undertook by the IPG for the security of the state. And, in other cases, yes, the IPG is above a very large number of laws, seeing as how their very existence is technically in violation of several articles of the Nepleslian constitution. That's why they do black ops.

2. This is a classified starship. Only the IPG and X-Tech know what's in it, and if you catch a glimpse of the prison block, it's probably because you're going there, in which case there's about a 99% chance you're not coming out.
Not approved, then.
Thanks for updating the interior. Don't forget the cargo area!