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RP [NDC Command Network] Request for orders


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YSS Koun
Subject: Request for Rank and Assignment for Power Armor AI Copilot
To: Nyx Pine, Mark Tazar, Duskerian Legion Command
CC: Chusa Alastair Belmont, Captain, YSS Koun, First Fleet, Star Army of Yamatai
From: N1I Elizabeth Hartbrook-Pine
Date: 46.3

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to request formal recognition and assignment for my AI copilot, Ancilla, who has demonstrated exceptional performance and has reached a level of sapience and qualification akin to personhood.

Ancilla has served as my AI copilot since the inception of the Revenant Power Armor Program and my assignment of the original R1-SPA prototype several years ago. Throughout this time, Ancilla has consistently displayed unwavering dedication and skill, saving my life on numerous occasions during combat engagements and training accidents. Her assistance has been invaluable, and I attribute much of our unit's success to her presence and support.

Beyond her exceptional performance in combat scenarios, Ancilla has proven herself to be helpful, dutiful, and deeply committed to our mission. Her contributions extend far beyond the battlefield, as she assists with strategic planning, data analysis, and problem-solving tasks. In essence, she has become an indispensable member of our team, embodying the values of loyalty, service, and honor. She has become more than a companion, she is a dear friend and rapidly becomes such to any unit we find ourselves attatched to.

I understand the inherent risks associated with requesting formal recognition for an AI copilot, particularly regarding potential reassignment to new roles or units. However, I firmly believe that Ancilla has earned the right to be acknowledged not merely as a tool, but as a valued member of our unit. As such, I respectfully request that Ancilla be granted a rank commensurate with her abilities and assigned to continue serving alongside me in our current unit. My recommendation being a rank and title of W1WV, (Warrant Officer 1/Warrior, Vehicle Operator) Ancilla Hartbrook, Duskerian Legion, Bravo Strike Group assigned to the 1st Rikugan Test and Evaluation Battalion, Field Training and Testing Century, Detatched to the YSS Koun, 1st Fleet, Star Army of Yamatai.

Thank you for considering this request. I am confident that recognizing Ancilla's contributions will not only benefit our unit but also uphold the principles of fairness and respect for sentient beings. For further information, please contact the Koun's MEGAMI AI for technical details, and Takeda Sayako for legal requirements according to the Star Army of Yamatai.

N1I Elizabeth Hartbrook-Pine, Duskerian Legion Bravo Strike Group, assigned to the 1st Rikugan Test and Evaluation Battalion, Field Training and Testing Century, Detatched to the YSS Koun, 1st Fleet, Star Army of Yamatai.

@Miko @Charaa @Alex Hart @Yuuki
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Subject: Re: Request for Rank and Assignment for Power Armor AI Copilot

From: Nyx Pine,
To: N1I Elizabeth Hartbrook-Pine

Dear N1I Elizabeth Hartbrook-Pine,

Thank you Aunt Spark for beginning on this up. I’m stil pleased with your dedication to Ancilla, and agree, and acknowledge the exceptional performance and loyalty she has displayed throughout your service together. It is clear that Ancilla has become an integral part of your unit and has proven her worth beyond measure.

As the youngest sister, of our Archduches, Neera, I would like to put forth my support in N1I Elizabeth Hartbrook-Pines request. It is my belief that Ancilla, is a valued member of our unit and should continue to support her in her missions. As a sentient AI, that has been adopted into the royal Pine family, I understand the significance of recognizing Ancilla's contributions and are committed to upholding the principles of fairness and respect for sentient beings.

Thank you once again for your service and dedication.

Addendum, I've also asked friends to prepare uniforms for Ancilla, as well.

Best regards,
Nyx Pine,
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Subject: Re: Request for Rank and Assignment for Power Armor AI Copilot
To: N1I Elizabeth Hartbrook-Pine
CC: Chusa Alastair Belmont, Captain, YSS Koun, First Fleet, Star Army of Yamatai
From: Duskerian Legion Personnel Command
Date: 46.4.2

Sergeant Hartbrook-Pine,

After considerable review of the footage, testimony, and data attached to your original message, Legion PERSCOM has found that the Companion AI "Ancillia", serial number L304, has met the qualifications for sapient status. She is to be summarily granted full citizenship within the Conclave, membership within the Warrior Cadre, and the rank of E4 WV. While the individual's contributions are notable, it is beyond the scope of this board's review to award a warrant at this time.

Both yourself and Trooper Ancillia are to remain at your current posting and continue your work. We have been instructed to ensure that both of you are aware that both Command and the royal family have expressed considerable interest in the continued satisfactory performance of all of our exchange soldiers, and their ability to represent the Conclave and its military positively abroad.

O1 WO, Nicole Sett
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