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Approved Submission [NDC corp] Black Wings Enterprises

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Having to say text between headers and the images, charts, and the like below them gets just as old for me to say it as I am sure it gets hearing it.

Add text between the headers and the images, charts, and like below them please @Jack Pine
Oh, thank you that is very considerate of you. I'll set a reminder to look at it later today when some GM stuff is sorted.
Beneath logo and general information there still needs to be text.

The logo screams "eye strain" to me. Both because its internal is black against our wiki's dark background and the red is jarringly bright. Can the inside of the logo get color or can the black parts get a border around them?

Can you add Obsidian City to Sirris VI's planet article?

The green facility is in a 5 km stretch of jungle and is also 3 miles by 2 miles, but the 5 km is 3 miles. I propose making that jungle a tad bigger to account for it so it's tucked in the jungle rather than pushing at its border. Your call and small facet.

I suggest linking and talking about how Department Of Advanced Research And Development (D.O.A.R.A.D.) specifically works with BWE since it seems like they would do so and since you sprinkled in D.O.E.

Great submission that is highly needed! Very good work!
@Ametheliana I have added text under the mentioned headings, added the city to the planet article, expanded the region listed as the green zone, as well as added DOARAD into the mix in an advisory liaison capacity as suggested. I will have to speak with @Whisper on the art, as he created it.
I won't let that hold this up, approved. Have Whisper link up with me to talk about what could change.
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