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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

(NDCB) Surprise and Uncertainty in the NDC

Recent Duskerian history has been rather turbulent for the young nation. So much so, that news has not been able to be consistently given outside our borders. But today, we have formulated a run down of everything of import in the last half year since the passing of the founder, Lord Jack Pine.

Nearing the end of YE42, the government finding itself uncertain and with a new ruler at the throne left by her late father. Certain reforms, that at the time were somewhat vague, were set in motion. Alterations to the government structure, heightened security measures, and continued plans for diplomacy.

These are just a few key points of this period of change. After the Lord's death, a new head of the Internal Security Division was chosen, a Sareashe Cathetel-Casdan. This was at the same time that Neera Pine took the throne, and began to make a series of changes in the nation.

"I believe in my father's vision and ideology, but I must make sure our people are strong, that our nation may be stronger too. He wanted this to be home after all, and the people are the family that make it so." -Duchess Neera Pine.

New Beginnings
Towards the end of the year, her new title and that of her uncle, Archduke Mark Oaklen. Were announces at the unveiling of a new class of ship, roughly a month prior to the fated battle of Glimmergold. It was also at this time that a new race joined the people of the NDC, the newly dubbed Operators, who were created by Waylan Vulca and a team assembled by the government's advanced R&D department.

Glimmergold itself was a very dark, if at least hopeful event for the nation, as both patrol fleets were sent to the final battle of the war. Out of 164 ships, with full crews of brave souls, only 49 returned home with as many as that survived. 70% loss across the entire force sent, resulting in the death of thousands of troops. The day of their somber return has therefore been dubbed as "Black Dusk" day.

The events of this battle have been the topic of some controversy following the aftermath. Members of the community cry out against the results of the war effort, despite victory having been costly achieved. An anti-war faction of individuals has slowly shown to be growing attraction on the matter. Just what exactly happened at Glimmergold? What lead to this victory coming with such a price, and we're out people the only ones to exact such a price?

This event still leaves many questions, as well as a few doubts, but during this event. The burial foundation did not rest for the following week, as the remains of the fallen were reforged, and laid to rest at memorial wall in Sanctuary Park in the capital.

However, with the turn of year YE43, life in the NDC tries to return to normal. With this won calm, the fleet forces have already begun restructuring and reconstruction. Operators have entered full production, and the new spectre class ship has entered service production.

Additionally, a surprising reveal was given with unveiling of the new Anima system by the government. Sarah Pine lives again, the mother of the royal family, who had been thought dead for almost a year now. This has caused quite the stir, as well as theories and a few possible rumors we aim to further investigate.

A new system of nobility has also recently been announced, and brought into action as well. The council of the six under both the Archduke, and Archduchess, have all been given titles of nobility. This comes across as a bold move to the populace, and has them wondering what it entails with it's institution.

Political Scene
On the political spectrum of things, the NDC government is still establishing talks with the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. They have also attempted to reach out to their neighbors, the Kingdom of Neshaten again. On top of it all, the New Dusk Conclave has also wholeheartedly jumped into participation with the international effort of strengthening ties. They have opened an embassy, shops, and other offices in Pisces station located in Xylar system.

Today's Market
Economically, the nation is seeing something of a boon after the war. Business has seen an increase in traffic from outside our borders, as well as several new companies cropping up to further stimulate a burgeoning market. Hopefully this means we'll be seeing more, and even exotic products and services going forward.

One such services is even a new form of social media that has been linked to almost every nation. Referred to as PhotoNexus, they are opening a regional branch in the NDC. This office is being headed by the heir to the Noval Heavy Industries corporation, Andar Noval who will be aided by the ex-executive secretary of Black Wings Enterprises. An Angela Hartbrook, who recently resigned to take the position in pursuit of a "new career direction", as she stated when asked for comment.

Public Advisement
Citizens are advised to stay away from the mountain range that surrounds the greenzone on the mainland. This crescent formation of mountains has kept us safe with a natural barrier for the last two years, and protected at each pass daily by those of the Duskerian Legion. This has lead to a significant spending in military funds and materials to hold this defense line of trenches, meant to keep the large predatorial fauna of our homeworld out of the safe zone.

A massive construction is planned to take place over the next day or so, as the NDC government has planned to build a large stone wall across the range. Once completed, spending will be reduced, and the greenzone will be safer. Plans to further develop the greenzone afterwords are already in discussion. Currently the plan as released to the public is to have one to two Hephaestus class ships loaded with mined materials, to enter into low orbit. To which they will descend into the airspace of the mountains and begin construction with the new multistruct fabrication used in colonial development.

Closing Statement
Thank you one and all, and thank you for your patience in these busy times. We here at NDCB strive to bring you the news as we can, bit also the truth of every matter. We may not be the quickest, but we dig for every detail, so that you can stay informed. They say knowledge is power, and we seek to empower the people of this nation we call home. Stay cozy out there Duskerians, and we'll keep you in the loop.

This is the NDCB signing off.