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Rejected Submission Neko Burger Resubmission

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Inactive Member
Submission Type: Company/Restaurant
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=yamatai:neko_burger

Faction: Yamatai and Nepleslia primarily. Ideally approval from any other faction FMs that would tolerate this business in their space would be nice.
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? I don't think so.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? Yes

I guess I'm tagging @Koenig808 @DocTomoe @Abwehran Commander and @Exhack because one or more of them might say their faction would ban it. Sorry if this seems weird. To clarify the restaurant would sell artificially grown pieces of sapient species.

If it helps my Neko is currently guarding some Origin people on Ake in a plot in which there's supposed to be a lot of peaceful farming/terraforming with the occasional exciting predicament so I imagine she has plenty of time to oversee things through long distance communication technology and she's got experienced help to be where she can't.

I made a new thread because I figured it'd be better to start fresh.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
To note, and answer what you questioned and what the Yamatai FM will say most likely: No the Elysians can't outright ban them in Yamatai or the Yamataian Territories outside of Elysia, and Elysian Owned planets. I'm sorry if what I said came across that way, but thats not what I intended to say.

I can say that Elysian people in governmental power would probably speak out against it in Yamatai, but its up to the Yamatai Senate to outright ban it on planets ran by the YSE Government, rather than the Elysian Senate.

So if approved in Yamatai, there will be RP'd out Elysian Protestors and such, most likely. Really depends. So there is capable cause for Rp.
its up to the Yamatai Senate to outright ban it on planets ran by the YSE Government
That's a great joke. Don't you know that all Yui needs to do is say something and it's law? The Senate's job is to rubber-stamp what the Ketsurui Clan, in the form of Yui, wants. Even the Empress must obey Yui.
FM's are fully allowed to state whether something is banned in THIER faction, they know their factions best and many times the banning can be related to cultural reasons.

For example, the Neshaten would never permit this business from operating anywhere in their borders.
As long as Neko Burgers it going to try to sell meat from people, grown in vats or otherwise. Tamahagane Corp will have nothing to do with this. They have a corporate image to maintain.
Go with what Kampfer said, make it an underground facility. You get your RP and its not exposed to the public.
That brings back the question of funding, though. Would the Black Syndicate possibly be interested in backing something like this, @Koenig808? Just off the top of my head, they're the only major organization that would back a marginally legal business.
After talking this over with some of the staff; a decision has been made to reject this submission. In the future, I ask taht both the OP and those involved in responding treat each other with respect and civility.

It can be resubmitted at anytime in the future, but I ask that you respect the opinions and criticisms of those responding to your thread.
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