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Approved Character NEKO Neko [Karasu Jime]

a suspectedly defective NH-29A Nekovalkyrja. It is unclear what in the hell she was thinking, but when Karasu Jime was born, she had several irregularities.
Defective nekos aren't generally allowed to live, though...
Suspectedly. All that was certain was she was really freaking weird. And had an unhealthy obsession with cats...

Functionally, her military performance was exemplary. Aside from the occasional bouts of delusional cackling mid-mission......
I'm with Wes on this one. No matter how true it is in real life, the military is not completely full of idiots. I'm sure someone would've made note of these irregularities and recommended to trash her.
I recommend making her someone's kid, if you are able. (I'll be honest and say I didn't look at the submission at all, just these posts here.)

Means she ain't gonna get killed, though her military experience is still required.
The character herself IS someone's kid, they're currently arguing about the mother, Gamer.
Well, as far as I'm aware Nekos are highly prone to abnormal psychology anyway. I hardly doubt that she'd be scrapped for being really weird, if there were any physical defects, or psychological defects that could endanger her team mates (inability to handle pressure, a tendency toward teamkilling etc.) then of course she would probably be scrapped. As it is, I really can't see being weird as a reason to scrap the neko, else a whole ton of other nekos would be scrapped.
mizunoyoroko said:
As it is, I really can't see being weird as a reason to scrap the neko, else a whole ton of other nekos would be scrapped.

I'm with Yoroko on that one. Most of our Neko PCs are pretty weird in the head. I'll just remove the word 'defective' to clear up the controversy.
Fay said:
No matter how true it is in real life, the military is not completely full of idiots.
I am really offended by your ignorant implication that the military is full of idiots. Many of this site's members and their family members are serving or have served their country through military service, including myself, Blas, Kim's husband, Mike (Gallant), Brian, and several others. Your comments are flat out unacceptable and insulting and I demand you apologize to the military members of this site immediately.

I myself am a current active duty member of the military. I can, firsthand, say that there are a lot of idiots in the military. Mostly due to my own generation, unfortunately, with their lack of common sense or morals. However, I do apologize if I have insulted anyone. It was uncalled for, and I will be sure to keep work out of this site from now on.
Last I checked, part of the job of the military is to protect the Constitution, which includes free speech. I'm sure everyone Wes named would agree that's part of the job. Not to mention, Wes, that Fay agreed with you.

Now, can we get back to the character? Y'know, the point of this forum? The tech forum has enough dramatic garbage as it is for it not to bleed over here. And I hate deleting the comments of the site's owner for being off topic.

1. The personality you describe, as a whole, might not be a typical Neko. But she's hardly exceptional, considering how many Nekos they are in the SARP. Nekos already have humanesque brains.

The point of her "irregularities" is to make her be special, and to get her in SAINT. Changing that word to say she's "unique" shuts up everyone, including me, and doesn't really change the point of getting her into SAINT. Sounds like an easy fix to me. The physical changes we can write off to personal preference.

Like I said in this thread β€” Nekos are different. They're human because their players are human. If we all wanted the same soldier, we'd play the game that way. We don't, and Wes has let that happen since players were allowed to play Nekovalkyrja. Hell, if it weren't allowed, my character Yukari would've been trashed long ago.

2. The problem you have is your skills. The Humanities skill assumes she's intimidating. She isn't. She won't be, until characters think she is. Let that happen. She isn't effective in gathering intelligence yet, but she will be. After some RP time. State that she's TRAINED in getting intelligence. That's more effective.

3. Under Starship Operations: "And more?" What's "and more?" A catch-all, generally, and Starship Operations is piloting, not more. Focus on her piloting. Let other crewmembers handle the rest.

This character is pending. Please address the list of edits above.
I'm sorry for getting this off topic, Doshii, but thank you as well. I'll still be a little more careful about how I say things.

Anyway, about the character, Doshii pretty much covered everything. I can't really see anything else wrong with her.

Not to be a grammar nazi (>_>), but, by definition, something that is unique is irregular, although the inverse of this is not necessarily true. BUUUT I really do want to shut you up :x so "unique" it is.

Doshii Jun said:
She won't be, until characters think she is.

Implicative grammar FTL. I very nearly killed myself over that with my first character...

Mock patronizing aside, I have made edits in the little 'problem' areas. I believe they will behave properly in the future.
I'm an editor, so your Nazism (notice the caps on the "N") is approved.

This character is approved for IC usage.
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