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Nekovalkryja Weight- Ranged or No?


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
I have heard a bit about Nekovalkyrja being generally fit and trim. Recently I went to double check that during a discussion of the standardization of Nekovalkyrja body weight and saw on the NH-33 page's physical characteristics section that they are "45kg (99lbs)". The listed height range just above it is an actual range.

I ask because I have seen a large array of NH-33 with varying weights, from around this 99 mark into the 120's range. From my limited perspective, this is a healthy and understandable range for a physically fit and active woman IRL. Bust size and height dramatically pushes the number around IRL, but we're also dealing with genetically engineered catgirls here.

So, @Wes and @Nashoba, are NH-33 all the same weight or should there be a range in the physical characteristics section added?
On paper, Nekovalkyrja are short and skinny or slender. Their appearance is deceiving. The reason they're like this is because the Type 33 Nekovalkyrja is made primarily to work in space or in suits of power armor in space and it's important that these compact soldiers fit in the spaceships and mecha they're going to be placed in, and having everything fit them consistently means making them all in a close range of sizes and mass. The wiki has some details on this with the normal height and weight of Nekovalkyrja. It also says they're not supposed to be very busty.

They're also really strong because their muscles are literally inhuman, and my thought was that the same force they use to float and fly with is also used as an anchor when...
If you look at from a medical perspective the average NH-33 (Excluding the 33A's since they can be taller) is 5-5'5. Basing it off the average Asiatic females growth and weight range through their teenage years (since every neko is eternally young and looks like a young adult to teenager). The average neko should weigh about 119-144 pounds before you factor in stuff like weird gravity fields they project and being living gynoids and whatever weird tech the neko have inside them.

Tbh. i think the neko should be significantly heavier. Possibly even closer to 200 pounds at minimum (Being heavier doesnt mean you are fat... You can just be made of denser or heavier material), But they can subconsciously alter their own gravity to seem lighter. Because frankly its pretty unplausible for the neko to be so strong while weighing so little.

It would be like if a child is as strong as a full adult. They can still hit like a ton of bricks, But they dont have the weight to put behind them or the ability to leverage. But thats just my natural bias that anything perfect like the neko have to have serious drawbacks other than being just immature and impressionable children with the ability to tear off arms if they throw a tantrum, Even if im one of the only ones who plays them like this~
On paper, Nekovalkyrja are short and skinny or slender. Their appearance is deceiving. The reason they're like this is because the Type 33 Nekovalkyrja is made primarily to work in space or in suits of power armor in space and it's important that these compact soldiers fit in the spaceships and mecha they're going to be placed in, and having everything fit them consistently means making them all in a close range of sizes and mass. The wiki has some details on this with the normal height and weight of Nekovalkyrja. It also says they're not supposed to be very busty.

They're also really strong because their muscles are literally inhuman, and my thought was that the same force they use to float and fly with is also used as an anchor when they push things (whether that's lifting a duffel bag or punching a Kuvexian in the nose).

In practice, since GMs have been given approval powers and FM don't really interfere much, there's a bunch of approved Nekovalkyrja out there in the RP with decidedly non-standard sizes. It's almost impossible for Nekovalkyrja to weigh less than spec so most of what we see is "overweight" Nekovalkyrja and usually it's because people are treating them like they are humans. This isn't a big deal and isn't something I want to bother players about because I want people to have fun and identify with their player characters. So I'm just gonna say that the Star Army of Yamatai allows Nekovalkyrja to be up to 11 kilograms (22 1/4 pounds) heavier than specifications (specifications being the average size lised on the wiki) before it sends them to Star Army medical for being a fatty. Since the typical NH-33 weight is 45 kg (99 lbs) that's 56 kg (123.4589 lbs). I hope that gives everyone some room to work with.

Note: I am considering a new model of Nekovalkyrja that is much heavier due to containing a lot of heavy (think mechanical) internals and subdermal armor. This would be more of a Borg-esque or Terminator-style type that the fleshier current one.
If there are any indisputable truths in life one is that everything is imperfect.
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines flaw as:
a: a defect in physical structure or form.
b: an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness.

Even the finest, most well thought out, thoroughly engineered machines, computers, and creations in general will always have a flaw. Granted, the flaw may be undetectable, but it is still there. However, it is generally believed by engineers that there is one perfect design for a machine, based on the reality that when one person creates a design another is made that improves upon it.
Ancient buildings could never match the size, safety, and convenience of current architecture.
Cars from the 40’s couldn’t compete with modern day successors in any situation.
Even last years cellphone is inferior to its new model planned for next year.

And yet, despite having thousands of years of technological advancements humanity still has phones with idiotic autocorrect errors, self driving cars that merge into the back of dump trucks, and houses that can even have carcinogenic drywall!
These issues are generally unseen when hand-made by the original designer but one person can only hand craft so many things.

Enter Mass-production.

By definition, to produce a large volume of items requires sacrifice in quality. These products are not handmade with individual care, but rather are made via automation. That works well with a million products that are all identical to the next one in line.
But Neko are hardly identical. Different personalities, skills, quirks, and physicality.
The Star Army isn’t cloning an original template. They are creating people FROM an original template. In order to create such a diverse variety of people they MUST DEVIATE from the template, that design the creator felt was his best, most perfect design has been altered over a million times!

Is it any wonder there’d be overweight Nekos?
Perhaps the original might have been trim and boyish, but the original NH-33 isn’t in production. Of that there was only ever one. Now we are left with the automated system that is meant to deviate from said design to create an imperfect representation of the NH-33. But since nothing is perfect so is the original.

Thus we are left holding a paradox.
Yamatai can demand perfect but will have to sacrifice individuality in order to do so. They will never do that and in turn will continue to have overweight Neko.

So in conclusion, heavier Neko are not really a flaw of the system. Rather, it is the system itself that is flawed. In its purpose to make the ultimate soldiers it is not bound. It is creating people and not machines and therefore is not optimized for creating super soldiers, an exchange the SAOY has chosen for the many advantages that only truly living being can bring that no robot could ever dream of duplicating.

Nekovalkyrja are not the ultimate soldiers nor are they Gynoids. They are a species.
The way i looked at it with Suzume when i made her taller and a bit heavier was that yamatai offers considerable modifications towards minkin and nekos. Her ideal body is one thats taller and more muscular after all, Not a short and petite little banger but a well defined battleaxe. And with this size comes weight. And im sure there are millions (billions? trillions?!) of neko who arent just standard copy/paste from the vat. They choose to be taller, or mini neko, or vibrant and colorful or have facial markings or be a non white skin color, or have different colored eyes. Digital tattoos and digital makeup are a part of that two where they can alter their military body without breaking the laws. Neko are young and immature and likely obsessed with girly things like their appearance and try new things all the time to see what they feel fits best for them.

And also:

@Wes why dont you just use that neko neko idea for the 33A? (i know this is getting off topic here but i dont think its worth starting a new thread.). If i'm reading the submission thread right you originally designed the 33A to be a more multi-purpose body with several future enhancements and possible upgrades. Since the 33A was meant to be a more modular neko that didnt need PA or powered its own armor and weapons or upgrades it already has the framework but is right now just "taller option for nekos"

Just work on those upgrades instead of making a whole new class of neko, but with possible drawbacks that would make the 33A superior to the base Nh-33 in some respects due to how modular it is but these upgrades are a trade-off instead of a just a perfect increase of skill and power. (Like something to make them faster or fly faster but it weakens the structure of their bones making them more fragile. Or more strength but the neko actually lose endurance like a normal person or actually fatigue,Better vission options for marksmen like more powerful IR/NV or actual zoom but their increased eyes are significantly more sensitive, And stuff like that, etc.)