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Nekovalkyrja combat capabilities


Retired Staff
I've gathered a few things about the things a nekovalkyrja could do in combat, but there's still a lot I'd like cleared up and I finally decided to tackle that question. (I'm addressing more recent NH-17 nekos to NH-27s as I understand them - I expect to be corrected)

- Skin-based, holographic optic camouflage (NH-17S, NH-22M, NH-27) : Neko have the capability to produce holograms in close proximity to their skins; this however, only allows the nekos to hide their bodies (any garment actually worn still remains visible) by holographically showing the image on the opposite facing of the body - effectively turning transparent.

Seeing that clothing does impede the camouflage capability, a good number of nekos resort to being naked and using their holographic skin to cover themselves with illusory clothing. Fixed holography like clothing seems easier to maintain than transparency and can be maintained indefenitely as long as the neko remains conscious and clear headed. The 'transparency' feature is harder to maintain and the neko can't keep it up along with any strenous activities other than focusing on remaining unseen (nekos can't effectively fight while invisible).

- Light sensitive tactile sensors "See Through Skin" (NH-17R, NH-17T, NH-17S, NH-22M, NH-27) : Another advantage nekos have is the capability to feel light on their skin - actually allowing them to 'see' without the use of eyes (though actual defenition and clarity compared to eyes could be in question).

- Body Hemo-synthesis (NH-17R, NH-17T, NH-17S, NH-22M, NH-27) : Nekos have their bloodstream laced with nanomachines, which give them an extremely strong metabolism, extremely resistant to disease and some form of toxins (though not Mishhuvurthyar-injected enzymes). However, the most recognized capability hemo-synthetis provides is rapid regeneration of wounds, helping in recovering from various hurts and even restoring lost limbs under a short span of time, provided the wound wasn't cauterized (energy weapons are sort of effective) or that the neko has a sufficently high blood supply (lack of blood will hinder regeneration).

- Customizable hemo-synthetic eyes (NH-17R, NH-17T, NH-17S, NH-22M, NH-27) : Nekos, through the use of hemosynthetics can alter their eye composition under short notice to perceive different visual spectrums : this would include visual light (standard), infrared, ultra-violet, black-and-white night vision and so on... though it shouldn't be possible to access stuff like magnetic resonance since that's not based on optics at all.

- Combat Tentacles ports (NH-17R, NH-27) : Some nekos have severaly control ports openings on the surface of their skin designed to expel blood on purpose to create 'battle tentacles' to help them in manipulations or close-quarter combat. The tentacle length can go up to around 5 feet. They are relatively short lived though and dissolve to limphatic sludge when no longer supported by the neko ( additionally, dead nekos also happen to dissolve in much the same way >_> ).

- Encrypted telepathy (NH-17R, NH-17T, NH-17S, NH-22M, NH-27) : Nekos can share information, from thought transfers to heavier amounts of data such as image/audio feeds. They can transmit such information feeds over a considerable distance and make them undecipherable from any other Esper-potential creature through computer encryption, thanks to their unique mind composition. Some can use quantum-encryption - which is more reliable.

- Psionic attacks (NH-17T, NH-22M) : Some nekos are designed with telepathic warfare and have telepathic capabilities is excess of others... most likely being able to do mind blast or a sort of 'mind shriek/scream'. Actual details on the extent of those capabilies seem sketchy.

- Gravity manipulation (NH-17R, NH-17T, NH-17S, NH-22M, NH-27) : Nekovalkyrjas can use their inbuilt capability of altering gravity to allow them to hover around, making it possible for them to float and even mae them capable sheer 'flight' in low gravity environment. Additonally, this capacity to alter gravity can be used to spin their center of gravity, allowing them to move on walls and ceilings. Combat-wise, the nekos can resort to fine-tuing their body mass at select moment to inflict more punishment and better 'roll with punches'.

* * *

Okay, I covered some stuff above, but there's still a lot that seems sketchy to me and I'd like clarifications if possible - angled toward combat, obviously, seeing the title of the thread.

Some other things I was wondering about :

* Extent of the ability the NH-27 has to manipulate and absorb metal, any relation with the neko's ability to manipulate their electro-static, magnetic fields?

* Speaking of electro-static and magnetic fields, anything can be done with that? Can it be used to deflect projectiles, blunt some forms of energy attacks and perhaps even cause skin-contact 'tazer' bursts?

* actual boundaries for the use of a nekos holographic capabilities.

* forms of harm that can be delivered to greater effect to nekos (I don't have the feeling they can be stabbed to death, short of putting a knife to the hilt in their foreheads... and then again, they might just pull it out after a few minutes x_x ).

...I'll think about more questions later on once this thread gets active. I do want feedback as the actual extent of a nekovalkyrja's capabilities are sort of left in the air and they are termed as 'powerful'. M'okay... but having a character in a evil universe of tentacled horrors and other sort of space monsters (including scary black-dressed nekos and nekos whom have Ursula the Sea Witch for a cousin) makes me want to know how much I can push the envelope ~_^
To be blunt, Nekos are as close to invincible as you can get in the SARP, that is if the neko is an NH-27, unless you know what you're throwing at e'm..

Models pre-dating the NH-27 are created with human-like genetics, thus they are vulnerable to forms of bio-warfare that are designed to attack on the genetic level, and directly assault DNA. Pre-27 nekos also have simmilar organic structure to "humans", this allows for a shooter to be able to hit a "weak spot" on a neko, and take her down. Additonaly the pre-27's are quite vulnerable to zero atmosphere, as was displayed by Hanako's decompression, in truth, NH-27's could choose to seal off their lungs for the given time they are in zero atmosphere, or create a "bubble" over themselves with their own flesh. pre-27's can also be sliced, diced, cut up, and experimented on with greater ease than a NH-27, who is essentaly a big pile of nano-machines.

Now, as for the NH-27 and other simmilar models (Apparently including the wicked Misshu/Neko). They are able to be sliced, diced, shot, burnt (short time), poisoned, smashed, bashed, decompressed, supercompressed, and a great number of other things, but the things that can kill them are quite numbered. The things that can kill an NH-27 to my knowlege would be; slicing the unit into tiny peices and keeping them seperate, freezing then shattering, burning for a long duration, deep genetic scans, highly toxic radiation, explosion strong enough to spread them accross the landscape, energy weapons set to vaporise, large numbers of beam induced wounds that would be too extensve to regenerate, and hitting "vital spots" that can acctualy vary depending on the NH-27's preferance of how they shift around their own parts.
Modern nekovalkyrjas (NH-17 to 27) can survive vaccuum for up to a couple of minutes. What they have less ease handling is lack of oxygen (though in theory, heading out into vaccuum with lungs retaining air is a recipe for disaster). Though Miles said Hanako died from decompressed lungs, it was my understanding that she asphyxiated, pure and simple.

Additonally, Nekos are far less suceptible to being hit at a weak point because most 'weak points' can be restored back through hemo-synthesis. Shooting for the heart would help if the nekos had any : apparently, it's their whole artery system that actually contracts/decontracts (think the ondulations of a worm) in a full body very gradual manner that makes them look as if they had no heartbeat, but makes the blood flows around anyhow.

I have no idea on what sort of veins they have to be able to do that, or how their flesh doesn't seem to sweel and budge visibly, but I go that 'they have no heart, their body moves the blood around' part from Wes.

Considering, one organ that could seem vulnerable are the lungs, but it seems they can draw oxygen to their bloodstream directly throuh their skins too! (making lungs more like an air retention/speaking aid feature than anything else).
the prevention of bulges can be explained simply. Just make the tissues that surround the blood harder than the tissues outside of it, thus they are able to contain the pressure. Now if some one were to begin to inject them with fluid directly into their veins........ [evil-laugh]Fuwahahah[/evil-laugh]

But a vital spot that could work would be a major pathway for their blood, thus allowing their contents to spew out and leave the neko weak and vulnerable and unable to regenerate with ease. Or her brain, that is obviously a must have.

Now for the air through the skin thing... thats a bit much, but it would be amusing to shove a neko into a super dense atmosphere and see how much they expand due to absorbing too much air.
Kylie description said:
Life Support: The torso section of the Kylie houses the life support systems of the Kylie, which include the an oxygen supply, and a liquid nutrient supply. The Kylie can support a pilot for up to 3 days before replenishment is needed. If needed, the Kylie can filter outside air to replenish its supply (not usually done until absolutely necessary, though). Oxygen is both supplied for the both to breath (mostly for psychological reasons) and forced through the pilot's skin, much like the way a skydiver doesn't have to breathe while falling. The Kylie's interior includes a catheter device that wriggles its way into the pilot's urethra and bladder, keeping the pilots from having to exit the suit to urinate.

Sorry, my bad. Seems that nekos DON'T breathe through their skins. They apparently can, however, receive oxygen and nutrients through their HS ports.

...those are the ports that produce the battle tentacles, right?

The ports Wes told me Kotori didn't have?!

Gah, no long space voyages in power armor for me >_<
Kotori said:
Gah, no long space voyages in power armor for me >_<

In this situation, my friends would say, "suck it." I, however, am a more mature sort.

"Suck it long, suck it hard."

*sees the forum police coming* Oh shi--
Don't worry sir, We're from the inter---- WHERE IS SARAH CONNOR?

Seriously though, thats kinda a let down that Kotori can't just fly away and ditch everyone with a powered armor that can turn small cities to ash. >_>
The Mindy armor's aether beam is not that strong. >_>; it's going to bore 3-inch holes with every shot. That that rate, she might take out a few blocks before she passes out. By the time she's done with a city, the Lorath will have invented space battleships.
That seems pretty much spot on Yangfan ^_^

The notes above are nice to know... I didn't know the details about the older models... but I'd likie it if there could be more crusty details on how nekos actually operate in combat - the sort of stuff GM and veteran players have been exposed to before and perhaps outlining just how some stuff works. That was really the basis of the creation for this thread.
Yangfan that is very very cool. One of the better depiction of the Neko I've seen actually.

I think we need a new Telepathic weapon Neko actually. You know, for against the Mishu, or just for the hell of it.
Psionic attacks (NH-17T, NH-22M) : Some nekos are designed with telepathic warfare and have telepathic capabilities is excess of others... most likely being able to do mind blast or a sort of 'mind shriek/scream'. Actual details on the extent of those capabilies seem sketchy.

I though Wes made it clear there was no telepathic combat under the new Psionic rules.
Wes said:
Some characters (with the appropriate skills) may:

* sense other characters' feelings (empathy).
* use their minds to transmit thoughts or in some cases data (as one would with wireless internet).
* use their thoughts to attack the minds of other characters (brute force psionics).
* attempt to force another character's mind to reveal information (mind reading). Note: victim will notice this.

Game masters may:

* give characters precognitive thoughts, dreams, or visions as a plot device.
* allow a character be clairvoyant, anomalously knowing things that they logically should not (very rare).

What is not allowed:

* Characters cannot use their minds to physically manipulate reality. No telekinesis or fire-starting, etc.
* Passive mind reading (hearing what others are thinking). People's minds are not constantly transmitting thoughts.
* Communicating with the dead (because of course there is no afterlife).
* Magic (unexplained and/or illogical manipulation of reality).

Um... you sure? ~_^
I've got to shovel a bunch of mulch when I get home (and only have a few minutes until my bio lab final) so I can't put much into this discussion now, but I will be making a guide to nekos when I can, something similar to Yangfan's chart, with detailed explanations. Most comments in this thread were right-on, with only a few corrections:

NH-17T and NH-27 have holographic camouflage, too.

Sorry, my bad. Seems that nekos DON'T breathe through their skins. They apparently can, however, receive oxygen and nutrients through their HS ports.

...those are the ports that produce the battle tentacles, right?

The ports Wes told me Kotori didn't have?!
Nekos CAN breathe through the skin. Ports weren't needed on later NH-17s because Hemosynthesis of objects outside the body was not used often and was rather energy-intensive and somewhat dangerous.


Modern nekovalkyrjas (NH-17 to 27) can survive vaccuum for up to a couple of minutes. What they have less ease handling is lack of oxygen (though in theory, heading out into vaccuum with lungs retaining air is a recipe for disaster). Though Miles said Hanako died from decompressed lungs, it was my understanding that she asphyxiated, pure and simple.
This is correct. Nekos are sturdy and can usually survive sudden decompression, but they'll need an oxygen supply to keep going...except for the NH-27, which can make its own, or the NH-28, which runs off pure energy from its internal generator.
*Revisiting this thread and hoping for more questions and discussion*

I added a NH-29S Stealth Variant to the CCG.
How much raw physical power do the nekovalkyrja have? I think it'd be nice to know that, based on a figurative comparative scale. For example, here's my idea of how strong they are :

Geshrin: Standard human strength. Can be honed to a greater degree depending on lifestyle and exercise.

Yamataian / NH-29: On the upper scale of what we view as human physical prowess.

NH-7 / NH-17 / NH-22M: Suprahuman strength and capable of performing even greater feats considering the use of anti-gravity control (see Yuuko's arena fight). For example, I currently expect Kotori to be capable of lifting heavy furniture and throw it a few meters away, force open locked doors (but not blast shutters) and to be able to break bone if she was to punch a geshrin.

NH-27: Similar to the previous set, but carries it even further. I'd say lift and be able to throw cars like Hanako's sport sedan, be able to crunch through brick walls (and probably turn a geshrin into a abstract art piece and significantly damage a neko).

NH-28: Even more extreme; the NH-28 has power armor level strength and so is far stronger than even the NH-27. Can probably tear through power armor with physical attacks (it seems to have a slight edge on them in the regard of physical combat), push shuttles around and tear through metal walls (as long as it's not nigh-impervious metal like Zesuaium, to which the NH-28 would just use it's energy weaponry to blast through anyways).
Yamataians and NH-29s seem to have the anti-grav prowess as well, if they work at it or train with it. But last I checked, this ability is draining. Is this notable?
Yamataians can fly around, neko-style, in low gravity and can make tall jumps or slow falls in normal gravity. NH-29s have the same antigravity ability as the NH-17 or the rare NH-22M types.