This needs heavy editing and rework. For example, it lists NH-2 as unknowable when I know NH-2 this much about them: "The first nekos were the NK-2 and NH-2, which were made to combat the new "Seraph" organic weapons of the Elysians. The NH-2 proved to be successful, but limited, and so PNUgen created the NH-7 Nekovalkyrja II." and their complete physical appearance.
While this proposed article says "The Technical Manual is the only text available that even relates to Neko history, but it provides no salient clues.
It states that 20 years passed between the NH-2, the prototype series, to the NH-7 mass-production model. Changes were widespread, according to the manual, but without knowing what the NH-2 was like, the listed changes lack context."
I know more than the wiki does on the matter and that should not be the case. It's an article that isn't omniscient but adds more questions than answers and, therefore, I think that to consider approval it should be completely reworked into something that
adds to the setting rather than detracts.