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Nekovalkyrja telepathic ability question.

sada sakue

Inactive Member
Could the NH17 (and other versions of nekos) be used as a broadcast station or it has to be directed at someone in particular ? Couldn't find anything about that.

and when you need to target someone, how do you do ? Do you have to know the target location to direct the telepathic beam ? Do you need to know some kind of I.P. address ?

and if it's a broadcast, does other Nekos need to tune in to hear it, or do they automatically recieve it ?
sada sakue said:
Could the NH17 (and other versions of nekos) be used as a broadcast station or it has to be directed at someone in particular ? Couldn't find anything about that.

This page should detail the extend of psionic powers nicely.

Now, in the case of nekovalkyrjas, they have access to telepathy and to encrypted telepathy with a select range increment. My supposition is that a neko can feel the mind of the person (or the presence of a computer open to such communications) it's trying to address within it's range and that it can send the information specifically to it (encrypted)... but generally, the content of transmissions are understood by all others in range.
In the SARP, telepathy only exists in a boradcast (omni-directional) form. There is no directional telepathy. Identification of telepathic receptees is handled with a short "handshake" process similar to what you might see in today's wireless networks.
I have no idea about how do "handsakes" works in today's wireless networks. I tried some google search, but I ended finding nothing but brain hurting 45 pages long security analysis or things like that.

From what I gathered, Nekos would repeatedly broadcast something like "I'm unit SN° blahblahblah" every few moments, so that other Nekos in range would know who is listening, right ?
Not really. It'd go more like this:

Nekovalkyrja 1 (System): "Anyone out there? I would like to transmit"
Nekovalkyrja 2 (System): "I am prepared to recieve your transmission."
Nekovalkyrja 3 (System): "I am prepared to recieve your transmission."
Nekovalkyrja 4 (System): "I am not taking any incoming signals at this time."
Nekovalkyrja 1 (System): "Hello Nekovalkyrja 2, I would like to send only to you. Here is my public encryption key."
Nekovalkyrja 2 (System): "Key recieved, verified and enabled. Go ahead."

(End handshake)

Nekovalkyrja 1 (Voice): "Hi there, you'll never guess what I heard..."
Nekovalkyrja 2 (Voice): "Oh! Do tell!"

I assume that all these handshakes are done near instantaneously, as I tend to see people with Neko characters just throwing telepathic messages at each other left right and center. All sorts of good stuff to eavesdrop if they are actually supposed to do the handshake :P

Can non telepaths hear the messages? They are open sending it to everyone in range after all.
As well, Neko naturally encrypt their transmissions. Even if you're the correct kind of "telepath," you'll hear only static.