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Nekovalkyrja virginity


Retired Staff
This is going to come off as an odd question, but I was wondering and I felt the question was worth asking on the boards since a lot of players are playing or have played nekovalkyrja characters.

Do the cat-eared gynoids have maidenheads when created? My initial impression was 'no', but I couldn't be sure. Those are bioengineered creatures and superflous elements - like a pinky - were removed... so I'd like to know.
Actually, this could be a point of pride, of contention, of peer pressure and such for some.

Unless one of Kotori's room mates (back when she was at school and wasn't prudish) would have had a particularly wicked finger technique, there would be a rather good chance Kotori would still have it.

I'm refering to the 'hymen'.
For roleplaying reasons, I want to know if they have hymens. It is tied to the subject of virginity and should, in my opinion, be a relevant enough question.
From a technical angle, I'd probably say no. There is no particular reason for them, certainly not in nymphomaniac war machines.

As for keeping them even if they had them? Well Neko become sexual very early, and become very sexual. Possibly not a finger, but they do have other sex toys.

This is not a topic I have enormous intrest in, but I gave my 50 cents, and will now leave it. Enjoy this rather bizzare topic.

Well, there was another topic on menstruations... so I didn't see what harm asking about that particular bit would have been (or maybe it's just that I'm a grown adult and not afraid of the subject).

I saw the possibility of it being added for the sake of completeness (somewhat useless yes...) or having the nekos - being artificial constructs, as being sealed when out of laboratories.

Not to mention, like Tomoe said before, that nekos could have a self-sealing system for when their wombs ~are~ at work creating younglings. I certainly wouldn't want any foreign substance to bother nanomachines at work creating a small, complex eight-inch neko.

Note : Zakalwe's avatar is creepy *edges back*
If it matters to Kotori, dude, just have her synth one. Hasn't she engaged in any sexual activity at all? On the Mikomi? Otherwise, "sealing the womb" can be done by just by synthing over the genitals.

EDIT: There are catheters in the Mindy armors. Maybe at one point one of them "misses" its target by accident? Hehehehehehe ... heh ... hehhhhh ...

*thinks about what would happen if it missed in a Kylie* Nevermind.
Ack! *gets a vivid mental image and shudders* I'm now ~quite~ certain Kotori connects her SLICS connection before the catether gets in just so she doesn't have to feel it go in x_x

You know, that whole question thing was sprung simply from me wondering if I should use the word 'maiden' for variety instead of just 'girl', 'lady', 'female' or 'woman' >_<; of course, synthing up a membrane works, but then, there's no bragging rights to be had ~_^

And no, Kotori and Rufus did nothing on the Mikomi of the sort. She massaged him, he got some ideas in his head and she skipped out on him before he could play out his fantasies.

I dunno why I feel like explaining something still 'off record' but Kotori 'indulged' herself only 3 times with other nekovalkyrjas in her life so far. Those three times were early when she was getting her Star Army training and was surrounded by other nekos whom had no such restraints. She decided to stop at some point - not because it didn't interest her but because she got some naive, dreamy idealistic idea in her head and decided to stick with it.

Rufus sort of put her life's planning for the next 8 years out of whack though.
Ahohhhh ... sou ka. Souuu ka.

"Maiden" is colloquial and a bit of a lexical antique, as no one seems to use the dictionary definition. Is it realistic to think such a word would be employed in the Star Army? Perhaps in personal conversation ... but I'm not so sure.

Remember, maiden means unmarried in terms of humans. Animals who haven't mated are maidens. Goofy, eh?

See, I figured Kotori had done something with other Nekos, not the Roofie -- I mean, the Rufus.

Anyway, if you KNEW for sure the person in question was a technical virgin (no sexual intercourse) then "maiden" would still apply, hymen or no -- especially in such a futuristic world.[/i]
I'm...gonna back out of this topic. By my two cents is this:

If it's so important, have the neko in question hemosynthesize the hymen, but I don't see why the hell anyone's even asking if you think of it like this: "Any form of penetration: non-virgin, If none - virgin" see? It's as easy as that. But that's very general terms you could go into all the different types of virginity: As in the "first time" for a certain experience like Kotori for example probably isn't a virgin in terms of female/female oral sex for example. But still a virgin in terms of phallical penetration like Yuuko is. XD

*now runs like hell for the backdoor out of the thread*
*sighs* Look, Wes can come by, say 'yes' or 'no' with any specifics and I'll be happy. I'm starting to regret I even put up the question up on this board instead of asking in a IM or something. That would have been simpler and hassle free.
Hehehe, "Battle" tentacles...I always wondered what those two girls were really doing in the washroom in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

Nekovalkyrja are human-like in appearance but not genetically. I noticed that the section on hymens in that wikipedia has a link to 'vestigial' - which, I would expect, should have a SA-lexical definition of "Not included in Nekovalkyrja."
Presence of Hymens in Nekovalkyrja Subjects (IIRC):

NH-2: Yes
NH-7: Yes (Regrowth is optional)
NH-10 aka "NH-X": Yes
NH-17: Yes (Optional)
NH-22: No
NH-27: No
I can't believe there was such a highly detailed, preexisting answer to such a question. :shock:

Sometimes worlds with such a huge canon feel intimidating to newcomers. That's to be expected, but I hope you can see why! :P