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OOC [Nepleslia] 1st EXMF - The liberation of Ukk

Foxtrot 813

Prettiest Member
Inactive Member
Do you want battles that are Kursk-esque in scope and things like combined arms? This is the plot for you then.

Do you like tanks? This is also the plot for you

Do you like dank memes? This is also for you.
I am looking at you, bob.

That's right, the tank plot that never was is back under a new GMship and without the Houdini-esque disappeareances from last time.


The 1st EXMF is a plot that focuses on tankers and their exploits. In the plot, you will control not only your character (the tank commander), but the actions of the crew, with a few limitations. Would you like to know more?

The plot will take place in the conquest of Ukk. With the second NMX war over, Nepleslia is finally consolidating its holdings, and forms a sizeable task force to conquer a system that is occupied by a splinter faction from the NMX. Ukk has been a thorn on the DIoN's side ever since the retreating NMX elements from SC-4 occupied and extensively fortified the systemthere is a need to deploy the HMBTs to spearhead the ground attacks.

Initially, players will mostly be using the Maximus Mk2, but as the plot progresses the newest variant will have been introduced to all the crews.


"Why are we use tanks when we could use other things like flying PA or glass it with spaceships" you ask. The main reason is simple, because tanks are really cool, and unlike ships, you can love them.

The second reason is one of the centerpoints of the plot: the NMX at Ukk not only extensively fortified their positions on their populated areas, turning them into fortresses, but the intent of the Nepleslians is to capture the planet and retain most of its infrastructure, which isn't possible when it's been glassed by starships. Another reason is the extensive deployment of terraforming by the defenders: The once earthlike planet has been turned into a desertified deathworld, and breathing outside without proper apparatus is potentially lethal, since the dust practically amounts to small shards of glass.

There will also be other reasons, but I don't want to spoil them until the plot is underway.


This first part will just be an interest signup. I want at least 3-4 people so there is a platoon level unit to go with. If more people are interested, I'll rearrange them in 2 different platoons. Character sheets won't initially be required (and I'll later provide a template for the crew), but once the thread leaves Open RP players will have to create a sheet for their PC (and an NPC sheet for the crewmembers, should they want to)
Super tempted but the character I want to use is wrapped up in something atm.

Also I ... Don't really know much about tanks.

Well, except for this.

I want to get to know Nepleslia better, starting as an outsider.

When do you begin?
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I'm totally interested. I wanted something like this a couple of weeks ago and made an ex-tanker character out of frustration that there wasn't a plot like this. :D
I will be joining this and I will be posting very infrequently and everyone involved will want to leave. One hand I am looking at you buddy we're going to be in a platoon together you and me it, so get ready to be disappointed frequently by my lack of posts.
Okay, I didn't expect the spots and then the extra spots fill within a day of pitching the idea, this is pretty neat. Anyway, that's eight people total, enough for two platoons, so for now, I'm closing any more requests to join so we can move on with the organization and temporary crew descriptions.

This will be the lineout for the platoons; I'll be editing the wiki page later today when I get back home. One thing worth of notice, though, I will be making platoons 5 squad strong (although now that I think about it I could take one more person), so that I can fit a GMNPC to be the command element of second platoon.

Platoon 1
1-1: @Foxtrot 813 < Platoon Leader
1-2: @Born-On-Board
1-3: @ShotJon
1-4: @Amaryllis
1:5: NPC

Platoon 2
2-1: NPC <Platoon leader
2-2: @Lamb
2-3: @Gunhand4171
2-4: @Acewing13
2-5: @Gunsight1

About the crew descriptions:

For the open-rp part of the plot, players don't have to create a full-fledged character bios for their tank commanders, just use the template given below and that will be good. However, once the plot leaves Open-RP and gets its own subforum, I'll be requiring at least one bio for the TC, and if people want they can just make one for each NPC too. I know I will.

Anyway, here's the template:

(For clarity sakes, the TCs start at the E-4 or E-3 rank)
Tank Name: (go nuts)
Tank Crew: (You are the commander, remember that)
- Gunner: (One rank below TC)
- Driver: (E-1 or E-2)
- Loader: (E-1 or E-2)

And here is my sheet

Name: Ross Mitchell
Gender: Male
Species: Nepleslian
Appearance: Standing 5'10'', Ross has an unremarkable build, hard facial features and a slightly tanned skin. Although young, the stressful life has given a roughed look to his face, and he already has laugh lines forming around the corner of his mouth and wrinkles on the sides of his eyes. Never seen without his helmet, he has a short light brown hair and brown eyes.

Personality: Cool headed under pressure and clever were the two main traits that landed Ross on the role of a tank commander along with his ambition at his age. He's a man who's hard to lose his calm and who is thorough when doing his duty, which translates to being predictably updight when off-duty. As someone who's very devoted to his duty, Ross tends to put his crew and the mission first to new levels, and more often than not will push his crew to their limits to achieve his objectives.

Rank: 2LT (O-1)
Tank Name: "Vehicular Manslaughter"
Tank Crew:
- Gunner: SFC Sergei Nikolayevich - Platinum haired, blue eyed Nepleslian with a very light skin who speaks with a heavy Kuzynetski accent. Never shuts up.
- Driver: PFC Maggie Greengold - Short and athletic Nepleslian with a light skin tone adn green eyes. Has a dirty blonde hair. Has to put up with the gunner's yapping.
- Loader: Pvt Bob ''Brick'' Johnson- Dark skinned ID-SOL with a bionic arm who was transferred to tank crew duty after a very lengthy career as infantry. Surprisingly the quietest of the crew for his size.
I probably do some updating on this when I get home from work, but heres mah character and her crew and all :3

Name: Aleksandra Zinoviya Simonova
Nickname: Sasha
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Nepleslian

Appearance: At 5ft2, Aleksandra is deceptively small in size, belying her wiry toughness. Her face delicate and her eyes deep emerald green in color. She has long crimson hair falls to her lower back and fair skin.

Personality: Aleksandra is an intelligent and dedicated soldier, even at her young age. She prefers a more casual style in handling herself and her people in most situations, though she shapes up properly when superiors are around. She is steadfastly supportive of her fellow soldiers and has already proved her willingness to sacrifice herself for her fellows in combat. Aleksandra likes to think she has a good sense of humor and likes to pull practical jokes on people when she can.

Rank: E3 Private First Class
Tank Name: "Misha"
Tank Crew:
- Loader:
PFC. Natalya Ivanova, a tall dark haired woman with icy blue eyes
- Gunner: PCF. Sofia Filitov, a mousy blond woman with brown eyes
- Driver: Pvt. Mariya Gerasimov, a short tawny haired woman with green eyes
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For third time I am putting this in an OOC. It better fucking work this time :^) :^)

Name: I. "Wespe" Titenlieb (Though she uses Wespe as a name.)
Age: 28 AY
Gender: Very very Female
Species: Abwehran surfacer
Appearance: See the bio
Personality: Once again, the bio
Rank: Corporal
Tank Name: The BONE
Tank Crew: (You are the commander, remember that)
- Loader: Jenn'ir "Wojtek" Daaar'ka - Female Lorath Lmanel, aspected with bear. Very stoic. Good with engines.
- Gunner: Fastclaw Wolflord - Kohanian wolfman. He is a wolf. He likes to kill stuff. He likes to kill stuff a lot.
- Driver: Rum Taman - Phod driver. Why he did not join Yam army? They don't really use any bloody tanks do they? Great cook. Can make best burgers on the engine grill.
My character will be a parody of both John 'Jack' Aubrey from the Aubrey-Maturin series that I've been shoving into my ears lately as well as a few of the more traditional Royal Navy archetypes such as Lord Keith, Lord Nelson, and Henry Morgan. As such, be prepared for toasted cheese and soused hogs' face in a tank.

Name: Reginald Paulander Smythe
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Species: Nepleslian
Appearance: Smythe is toned, yet lanky man with long, wavy brown hair bound into a braided pigtail. He's traditionally handsome, though the jagged scars along his lower jaw show that he's made little use of his looks. With his chin always held high and his eyes set straight ahead, Smythe has a pompous, yet fierce look of determination always plastered on his face.

Personality: Smythe came up in a regal estate in the northern reaches of Delsauria, always with his nose in books and his hands on a rifle. He longed to explore the outside world and experience first-hand the regal traditions and exciting warfare he found in his novels. Much to his dismay, when he came of age and set out on his own he found out that he'd been reading historical novels about another age. Undaunted by this disturbing revelation, he set forth to bring a sense of discipline and tradition back to the stars, and fill the galaxy once more with pomp and circumstance. This did not bode well for him in the military, and his uptight attitude and strange diet was off-putting to many potential friends. Being dropped into the tanker service with the rest of Nepleslia's discarded warriors, Smythe found a few friends who, despite not taking as strong a liking to the traditions of the past, at least found an amused tolerance in it. Being the highest in rank among them, Reginald endeavored to make them his crew. They being almost equally disliked in the service, he was successful.

The Independent Cruise
Reginald and his crewmates have gone to great expense to line the hull of their tank with thick wooden panels anywhere that hatches and service doors aren't. Every morning, they proudly go about swabbing the planks and scrubbing the top of the hull with rough holystones to give the tank a bright white top in contrast to the warm rosewood along the sides. These wooden panels, though often poked fun at by other tankers, have absorbed their fair share of munitions-- munitions that would've no doubt bounced off of the tank's thick armor; but nonetheless have been instead wedged into the soft wood as some minor consolation of its effectiveness. Of course, after every sortie, the crew fastidiously returns to their stores of more wood paneling and hastily repairs their damaged carpentry in an effort to preserve the regal look of the vehicle.

Loader Kilik Haughtersly - A massive, hairy beast of a man from Nepleslia Prime, Kilik is the strong and reliable loader of the Independent Cruise. Between loading rounds, Kilik can always be trusted to bring along some dried meat or a steaming cup of tea. He can also be trusted to complain at no end about doing so. He's sick and tired of Smythe, but he'd rather not spend the time or energy to get to know any other tank commanders, and his bitter attitude makes him hated by any other superior.

"Which I'm loadin' HE on account of it's a bloody open truck. Which it'll set roight up in flames, won't it?"

Gunner Edwin Davish - Davish is a small man with short blonde hair and a quiet voice. He takes great pleasure in aiming and firing the main gun, to the point where he will break his typical softspoken meekness to cheer upon a sound hit. Edwin has also been known to fall in with women of every race and species-- without even trying, his looks and quiet attitude somehow breaking him off as a hit with the ladies.

"I've set my sights right on the driver's nose. And now I'll pinch it."

Driver Atano Kaibe - A massive, dark-skinned ID-Sol bred for some strange use during the golden age of Nepleslian genetic engineering, Atano is a quiet man who speaks with a thick Kohanian accent. He has a cybernetic eye affixed to the great metal plate that serves as the left side of his forehead. He's fallen in with Smythe because, as a driver he's slow to advance and not quick to make tight manuvers. While other commanders despise this behavior, Smythe adores it because it gives his tank a sense of power and impending calamity. Not easily shaken by deflected impacts or even injury, Atano will happily drive slowly ever onwards until somebody tells him to stop, the engine stops running, or he's hit something the tank cannot surmount.

"Nothin' a tank can't run over..."
Name: Conrad Armstrong
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Nepleslian

Appearance: Standing at 6'3", Conrad is a well toned man. His face is rough, but his eyes are a bright blue. His long blonde hair is normally kept in a short pony tail. His right arm and leg have been replaced with cybernetics when he had a training accident which severed his arm and leg.

Personality: Conrad is a out spoken, joker. He is very intelligent and loves to talk to people despite his tough looking appearance. He likes to joke around with his subordinates, to make the team feel more like a family. He looks after his crew like an older brother. Though he is quite the comedian, he know when it is time to work and will adopt a determined attitude to get it done. Conrad, however, does have a drinking problem and has been known to get in trouble on many occasions.

E-4 (Sergeant)

Tank Name:
The Wraith

Tank Crew:

- Gunner: (E-3) Mina Hawkins is a lanky fair skinned Nepleslian marine. She is Myra's sister. She has emerald green eyes and Jet black hair. She is a very shy person. Great shooter

- Driver: ( E-2) Rex Greyson is an dark skinned Half Id-Sol marine. He has red eyes and light brown hair and a cybernetic left eye. A very boisterous man, he loves being loud and running things over.

- Loader: (E-2 ) Myra Hawkins is a lanky olive-skinned Nepleslian marine. She's got brown eyes and blonde hair. She is Mina's sister. Myra is a loud mouth just like Rex. Very good with fixing the tank.

Here my crew and I am sticking to it.
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Name: Percival “Shakey” Ricketts

Rank: Sergeant

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Species: Nepleslian

Appearance: Percy Ricketts is not even remotely the poster-boy ideal of the Nepleslian military. Possessed of a significant beer-belly, a bald spot, a unibrow, and prodigious body hair, Sergeant Rickets is as unimpressive looking as his name implies.

Personality: Percy “Shakey” Rickets is terse, nervous, and mealy-mouthed - the polar opposite of the popular image of a Nepleslian marine, especially a tank commander. Despite this, however, he possesses a disarmingly potent sense of humor and scored highly in tactical exercises during training, earmarking him for a TC position straight out of school in Nepleslia's underfunded and under-appreciated tank corps. Well liked by his crew despite his milquetoast demeanor because of his excellent performance in exercises, high personal standards, and a makes-sense leadership style that earned him many employee-of-the-month accolades as a Neppy's branch manager in civilian life.

Tank Name: Conspicuous Consumption (Usually shortened to CC or Conspicuous on comms)

Tank Crew:

- Loader: PVT Dmitri “Press P” Protopopov, a stout brick of a man with a name that is unpronounceable by 90% of the nepleslian armed forces. Often mistaken for the tank's commander due to his intimidating stature and classically handsome features (CPL Sanders often describes Dmitri as “A granite statue that happens to smell like a package store”), Dmitri is actually fairly affable, but extremely socially awkward. Enjoys helping others, but hates cameras or talking to anyone outside the close-knit, dysfunctional family of the tank. Notorious moonshiner and lush.

- Gunner: CPL Ashley “Missus” Sanders. Sanders is actually male, but seems to take great enjoyment in the androgyny of both his name and appearance provide, often wearing makeup and perfume even on exercise. No one really knows why Ash enlisted - by all accounts, his family was quite rich and successful; he could have comfortably been a dilettante his entire life, lounging in the cradle of high society where his decidedly feminine appearance and mannered upbringing could have charmed many other successful men's wives.

- Driver: PVT Joel “Fucking” Martinello. Scrawny, brown-skinned, and hyperactive are the three words that most describe this man from the equatorial region of Funky City. Never seeming to sleep, Joel is a chatterbox, constantly hopped up on a potent mix of combat candy and tobacco, much to either the amusement or annoyance of the rest of the crew. Martinello revels in the hatred of fellow servicemen he considers 'pansies', and will needle mercilessly anyone without a suitable sense of humor to sustain banter.

Excerpts from the crew's academic evaluations during training:

“Although unimpressive on the surface, their unit displays remarkable camaraderie and consistently scores above-average in field exercises. This marine recommends the crew stays together after HMBT school, to preserve the excellent dynamic presented during training.”

“Visually poor, but tactically above-average.”

“Better than any crew made up of a tranny, a retard, a children's television show puppet, and the dad from every nepleslian sitcom has any right to be.”
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“Better than any crew made up of a tranny, a retard, a children's television show puppet, and the dad from every nepleslian sitcom has any right to be.”
Name: Oswald "Ozzie" Vincent Tyson
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Nepleslian

Appearance: Never without a cigar in his mouth, lit or otherwise, this coal black haired, brown eyed, and sun burned skinned Nepleslian stands at an unassuming 5' 7", though he makes up for it with his bodybuilder toned arms and chest. He always has a smirk on his mouth and raises an eyebrow whenever he hears something he disagrees with, which happens a lot.

Personality: Ozzie believes himself to be God's gift to the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps, even though it doesn't know it. This attitude has made him enemies with his previous commanders, who don't recognize his sheer brilliance in the area of tank combat. Truthfully, he is good at his job, but his pride requires him to believe that he is the best tank commander alive and no one can match him. Whenever someone proves to be his better, he grumbles and just drills his crew and tries to best his competitor. Spends his free time lifting weights and bar hopping.

Rank: E-4 (Sergeant)
Tank Name: The Great Ozymandias (Called Ozy on the coms, to Ozzie's delight)
Tank Crew:
- Gunner: E-3 (Corporal) Charley "Ice Queen" Snyders - Blue haired, blue eyed and light skinned Jiyuuan/Nepleslian who never speaks unless spoken to or an enemy is in sight. Formerly Magnhild Mizushima.
- Driver: E-2 (Private First Class) Issac "Deacon" Patterson - Brown haired, green eyed and dark skinned Nepleslian who is the glue that keeps the crew members from killing each other.
- Loader: E-1 (Private) Franklin "Earthquake" Horn - Blonde haired, brown eyed and light skinned ID-SOL who keeps everyone entertained with what he thinks is high quality jokes. Everyone tolerates them because he tries so hard to think of new material and occasionally, they are actually funny.