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OOC [Nepleslia] 1st EXMF - The liberation of Ukk

Name: Roy Sterling
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Nepleslian
Appearance: Roy is 5'6" and a lean, muscular 160 pounds. His hair is long, blond, thick and shaggy. His modest full beard is much the same. He has bushy eyebrows. His eyes are a piercing sky blue one might get lost or drown in. No homo. Roy has a large stocky build, a fair complexion and plenty of soft, luscious body hair. His face is chiseled yet is soft around the edges and he has a very prominent jaw.

Roy loves country music or its Nepleslian equivalent. He's an assertive, honest straight shooter with a good sense of humor. He never sweats the small stuff and seems almost too easygoing when things get grim. He is a staunch supporter of libertarian values and has great sympathy for conservatives. He often questions whether changing things will actually improve something overall or only result in equal trade offs and new problems. As a result he isn't quick to judge traditions and old wisdom. He also enjoys embracing stereotypes.

Roy and his crew grew up on the mean streets of Funky city together and lived in poverty. Roy was taken care of by his grandfather as both of Roy's parents died in the Rok'Veru offensive. His father was killed by snipers after the vehicle he was in was hit by an IED. His mother was killed by a Mishhu parasite that took control of a small Nepleslian girl and forced her to detonate a suicide bomb on her squad.

Tank Name: The Quahhg
Tank Crew:
- Gunner: PFC Orville Hutt 6'3" and quite muscular. He has short black hair and a light beard. He's very loyal to Roy and is confident everything will be alright as long as his friend appears in control. He's a man of few words and has a serious, professional attitude.
- Driver: PVT Macon Bulcao 5'10 and pretty fat though still plenty fit. His face is pudgy and his eyes appear beady. He has deep tan that nearly makes him look orange. His hair is dark brown and short and he has only a little fuzz on his chin. His nose is short and piggish. Macon is very talkative and loves to yell regardless of his emotional state. He is very outgoing and frank to a fault.
- Loader: PVT Dover Chisholm 6' and strapping. Dover is a bald, handsome black man with a pencil thin mustache and skin as smooth as his perpetually cool attitude. He seems to be able to anything with style. His face is soft with few prominent features. He loves to party but usually keeps things tastefully low key and is the thoughtful, considerate planner that makes sure everyone has a good time. He is very modest and hard to anger.

Apologies for the delay - have been busy IRL with school and such.

Also, does the surface of Ukk bear any resemblance to the environment shown in the video below?

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With that aside, I apologize for the delay, I've just been too busy playing the hell out of Armored Warfare this past week. As stated above, feel free to start posting there on the thread or ask any questions here or on the IRC, where I'm on all the time, also as stated on the OP for the mission, half of the tanks are still equipped with the old Maximus Mk2 model, so the first 3 people who post will be getting to use the Super Maximus ICly.
Post is up. Sorry for the delay in posting, I had a rough week.

Also, regarding the post schedule, I'll try to keep one GM post every seven days unless anyone has any objections.
My apologies for not posting sooner; had a lot of midterms/projects to do over the weekend; will try and have a post up by this evening.
Mod note: Changed thread type to OOC.
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