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Approved Submission [Nepleslia] F/A-7X "Goliath" Fighter/Assault-Bomber


Banned Member
  • Submission Type: Starfighter Weapon
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Faction: Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
  • FM Approved Yet? Nope, @Koenig808
  • Faction requires art? Nope.

    For Reviewers:
    • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
    • Contains New art? No
    • Previously Submitted? No


    A brrt gun for SARP's manliest faction; intended for usage with said faction's manliest (imvho) starfighter.

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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Nice. I've only noticed the SDR 1(!) of the Vulcan since you brought it up, I'm eagerly waiting for the rest of the craft.
I believe I talked to either you or Archander about the proposed "A-10" project; I gave my consent to this project on grounds that it remain a space-only vehicle as we already have enough Super Coronas to provide CAS for the SMDIoN
@Koenig808 I've re-worded the article to reflect the fact that the Prevenger is primarily intended for demolishing structures and/or heavily armored vehicles instead of providing general CAS; my apologies for not considering the Corona's role when creating the HVY-PRC and for not being more concise with the weapon's intended purpose.
Though this weapon is anti-vehicle and anti-structure, I'm hard-pressed to not see it fielded in other available roles. This thing is seriously powered up; at SDR2 and firing that fast, we are talking an anti-capital ship weapon. With an effectively limitless power supply, this weapon feels a little too powerful to approve ... but everything is within the confines of the technology available. It's not like this is doing something NAM is not capable of doing.

I'd like to see the starfighter attached to this weapon before the weapon gets approval. A weapon of this size and potency needs trade-offs, and I suspect they're in the fighter, not the weapon itself.

I've placed this submission ON HOLD until the fighter is submitted.
Moved to rejected while on hold, with the option to restore it after the fighter is submitted.
  • Submission Type: Starfighter
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Faction: Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
  • FM Approved Yet? Nope, @Koenig808
  • Faction requires art? Yep.

    For Reviewers:

    Essentially, my Nepleslian-inspired take on the legendary A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog", influenced by the "boom-and-zoom" (props to @Archander for the quote) of the BTL Y-wing.

    Now, I know (or am fairly certain, at least) that art is required for vehicle submissions; what I humbly ask of the reviewer for this article is that they consider the article itself - for I plan on making a very detailed three-dimensional model of the Goliath in Autodesk Inventor once the submission passes review (as, well, I really don't want to start now and run the risk of having to change something major further on, should revisions to the article be necessary).

    Lastly, @Grey Library......tis' done. Took me too damn long, and apologies for the wait - but now that it's here......enjoy~~~ :3

    P.S. @Doshii Jun......can you please restore the Prevenger's thread to the status of [Pending] or [New Submission]?
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I can consider the article itself, but I need your FM to OK not having art on this submission for the time being.
A couple things.

On the Kraken, can you use sticks at the same time, ala Yamatai's SPINE, or is it more like the YF-21 in Macross Plus, where you're using the neural system only?

When it comes to the Prevenger -- I've melded the two threads -- I'd think it needs more atmospheric range. Not much; maybe double. A higher firing rate seems fair too. Now that I see the fighter to which it is attached, I'm OK with it.

I'm curious about its supposed lack of maneuverability, though. Right now it's an immensely hard nut to crack, but it has CDD, which gives it maneuverability plenty good for the atmosphere and in space. Am I missing something?
@Doshii Jun

Regarding the Kraken, I've expanded the Cockpit section slightly to reflect that it indeed does rely solely on neural control (which is a decision based upon the wording of this and this).

For the Prevenger, I've updated the relevant sections here and here; the weapon now has a firing rate of 70 RPM (similar to its inspiration) and an atmospheric range of 5 miles.

Lastly, regarding the CDD......that's actually something that I missed; the only reason I utilized the Continuum Distortion Drive in the first place was to avoid having to use the (imho) ridiculously OP Super Vogel. Does Nepleslia have any other methods of FTL besides the CDD and Vogel, @Koenig808 ?
Can you get a Nep authority to OK that? Not doubting it's a good idea; just want to be sure they know of it.
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