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OOC [nepleslia] Ipg - Special Paranormal Investigation Team (spit)


Inactive Member
Right, not really able to make a whole new plot for this. Nor do I think it deserves one. So let's see how well this Open RP stuff can function with my crackpot ideas.

IPG Operators from the Intelligence and Military Police sections are welcome. This is NOT a job for the Commandos.

Physical and Psychological Description:
Brief background and skills:
There's an idea I've been having floating around in my head for a paranormal investigator in a different RP. Hint, it isn't Nostrovia. He's inspired by Francis York Morgan from Deadly Premonition, and Agent Mulder from the X Files.

Keep in mind - I won't be able to play until the 17th due to university commitments.

Name: James Avery Morgan
Gender: Male, Nepleslian
Physical and Psychological Description: Early 30's, 6'1" blonde hair, light blue eyes. Appears to have a scar running through his hairline starting from right temple and going along his head for a three inches. Cybernetic right eye, made to blend in with his face. Carries himself with an upright posture, keeps himself well groomed with a nice suit and a green tie.

Occasionally seen talking to himself, fidgeting with his tie when he's thinking, prone to thinking out loud and has odd taste in food. (Sandwiches with cold-cut turkey, jam and breakfast cereal - in the sandwich!) Sometimes nicknamed 'Jim Jam' by his peers and clients, a shortening of his first name and the contraction of his initials.

Background & Skills: Former police investigator who was always lumped with the weird tasks and crank calls despite showing good critical thinking, analytical and profiling skills. One day he was given an assignment to investigate someone's house and there was no rational explanation for what transpired, transcending simple ideas or concepts like 'A Nekovalkyrja did it' or 'It's a hologram'.

He managed to get out alive with his client alive but he was booted off the force for 'health reasons' and the client was committed to a sanitarium. Using his knowledge and investigation know-how, he set up a private investigation service and operates out of an office in Wilco City. James has fond memories of doing gang raids or ring busts with a whippet-sized shotgun or an acoustically suppressed sub machine gun. He got to keep his preferred weapons as mementos when he was discharged.
(updated with some new info )

Name: Mochizuki Sayoko
Gender: Female, Jiyuuian

Physical & Psychological Description: Middle 20's, 5'6" height, medium length green hair, fairly slender body that is hidden away by the grey greatcoat collar of the IPG. There is also a large scar on her left shoulder as a reminder of her fateful encounter with the Mishhvurthyar in the recent past, and this sensitive area is often covered with a piece of light armor for protection (as her NH-22C body has not fully regenerated it even years afterward). If one looks closely, you can see a small UOC Peacekeeper former colonial insignia on it as a sign of her devotion even now.

Sayoko gets along well as part of a team and is generally an outgoing person, although she always seems to keep a comfortable distance between herself and others, in part due to the racial prejudices inherent between Neplesians and her kind, and also her strange quirk that some people just can't really relate to. During the day she is a reliable worker and graceful under fire, but at night she seems completely different... haunted as she is by uncomfortable dreams, she will often resort to sedative drugs just to get a good night's sleep.

Skills: Sayoko is proficient in IPG basic and the Advanced skills in Intelligence gathering, as well as being especially good at forensics and xenobiology. Also, her former UOC Peacekeeper soldier training comes into play for combat, as she will sometimes employ Jiyuuian technology such as medkits and a NovaCorp Xaser blaster pistol for soft targets.

Background: A former enlisted member of the UOC Peacekeeper forces that was a survivor of the brutal invasion of the Tange system by the Mishhuvirthuyar. Although a fairly 'green' Peacekeeper 2nd class rank at the time of the invasion, she nevertheless fought to secure the escape routes of refugees alongside Neplesia's Operation Dynamo. While trying to direct civilians at the Hizagari spaceport, she had the unlucky fate to be hit by a parasite and started to black out as the Mishhu nuerotoxins began to invade her thoughts and make her turn on her allies. Fortunately one of them was able to snipe the nasty beast off her shoulder with a well-aimed shot just in time, and medics evacuated her to a transport off world before the place was overrun. Unconscious for some time, her body was able to regenerate most of the damage yet something had clearly been.. changed.. somehow by the encounter.

Although shaken up by the whole ordeal, Sayoko was determined to get back to her peacekeeping duties and help ensure the safety of her people in the refugee camps on Neplesia and Pryedain. Although she was highly skilled, her integration process into the Nepleslian ranks was hampered by a set of recurring nightmares that had begun to trouble her in her sleep. Some were easy to chalk up as just tentacle-filled visions of post-traumatic stress syndrome from the horrors she had experienced, like many of her fellow Jiyuuians (at least that is what the psychologists told her). But then it began to get more strange, as the dreams turned into sorts of "visions" and brief altered states of consciousness sometimes even during the day. She tried her best to keep a lid on the erratic behaviors and explain it away as rationally as her mind having had some lingering brain chemistry damage from the parasite.

However, when she finished her training and started field work in the IPG Intelligence units, this curse began to turn into a twisted sort of blessing... for the visions were starting to make some kind of sense as a series of whispers, cryptic clues, warnings and the like manifested from somewhere else. This spooky ability was something she only shared in confidence with a very select group of people as the secret of her otherwise uncanny luck in cracking some hopeless situations, lest her superiors really think she has lost it and is unfit for duty. Little did she know, the higher-ups knew exactly what she was capable of and had a plan in mind...
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Ooo. Colour me interested. Agent Morgan and Agent Mochizuki. I look forward to being free on the 23rd to play.

Someone else throw in their hat and we can go for three paranormal agents!
I might if no one else objects, could be a fun setting. I'll get a character up by tonight after I get home.
Scully: What do you think caused this?
Mulder: I'm not saying it is an alien intergalactic black ops group, but it is an alien intergalactic black ops group.
IPG Agent: *Hiding behind a crate* Abort abort! We have been discovered!
Sounds good to me, not in too much of a rush to start myself. But most definitely eager to see where this will all lead... though I must say I keep laughing at the use of 'SPIT' as our acronym. I hope the ghosts and stuff take us as seriously as we take them.
Name: Alexander "Vulcan" Black
Gender: Male , Nepleslian
Physical and Psychological Description: 6'3" roughly 240 lbs, with wide shoulders, a barrell chest, and thick arms, all gained through physical work and exercise, blue eyes and close cropped black hair, decently tanned skin. A couple scars here and there but nothing stands out. Strong jaw covered in a well kept goatee.

He is a gruff but easy going guy that tends to say things before thinking them through all the way. This tends to get him slapped quiet a bit by the fairer sex whenever he happens to run into them.

He has developed what the doctors believe to be a case of Schizophrenia as he has begunto talk to "voices" that he hears, though if they voices are there is left to be seen.

Brief background and skills:

Alexander was born into a family of blue bloods from the FCPD (funky City Police Department) and followed in his families footsteps all the way. An eleven year man of the force, all but seven of those years were spent in the SWAT team of his precinct, a fact that led him to off time that allowed him to do nothing but work out and shoot gun giving him a large physique and a expertise with firearms. As time went on, he was given more and more responsibility as he showed a aptitude at issuing orders and thinking through tough situations that called for odd tactics in hostage situations and barricades. Eventually he made it to second in command of the swat team, and has led various operations when the head of the SWAT team was unavailable.

Assigned on a task force given the job to take down a local cult that had sprung up, he was second in command on the operation which minutes after entering the large complex went violently south. His team of ten was killed as they hunted the cult members down within the house, until only he was left. Scared for his life and faced with a member of the cult that had trapped him in a room, he hesitated to fire before being stabbed in the chest with a knife.

He was found by a second team that had been sent in, a few bodies of cult members laying about him and bleeding from his chest, but still clutching his gun tight. After a medical and psychological evaluation, he was placed on administrative and medical leave, allowed to retain his position on the force and ccollect his paychecks, but unable to work from the stress of what had happened, and the voices he had begun to hear in his head.
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Excellent... Now to wait for Luca. While we wait, if you have any interesting ideas you'd like to suggest, send them to me. Haven't finalized the first mission yet so your ideas could make it in.
Name: Gavin Newman
Gender: Male
Physical and Psychological Description: Newman is a man who was chosen to lead SPIT because he did not believe in such things as the "supernatural." As a non-believer, it is considered more likely that he is able to keep an analytical mind to the task. Like many IPG Military Police, he is quite used to field work.

Newman is a no-nonsense, facts first man. While he acknowledges the need for gut instincts, hunches, WAGs, and speculation, those all take a backseat to cold hard facts.

He stands 6'5" tall, though with a wiry frame. Like most pre-Valken IPG Operators, he has been augmented with all of the top of the line cybernetics. These have been tweaked to allow for even greater customization. Unlike most Nepleslians, he has dark skin and bald head.

Brief background and skills: Newman is an investigator and a skull crusher. It was his duty to track down and prosecute high profile criminals in the Imperium. After locating his last target, he and his team moved to make the arrest but he was wounded by a HHG round to the knee. After recovery and rehabilitation, he was assigned to lead the newly-formed SPIT.
So before we post, I wanted to know how you guys want to run this?

1) I lay out my plans and we all work together to make it come true
2) I give out basic information and let you solve it on your own
3) We make it up as we go along (i.e. Luca and Sage get to create the building and occupant history, Pally gets to decide if she sees ghosties, etc)

I, personally, prefer Options 1 & 3 since it means less "cart-pushing" from me as GM and it adds some randomness, especially with #3.

@Luca @SageShooter @paladinrpg
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I like 3 the most honestly, gives all of us a big contributing factor, but one sounds interesting too. maybe a mixture of the two?

Say you give like a outline of what you want to happen, we give the description of the people, and then events happen?
I'll go with a mix of 3 and 1. @SageShooter, you're welcome to discover more about the building and add to it - I've given plenty of rope. Ancient building in SARP terms.
Sorry for the delay getting back to you, family Thanksgiving cooking (and eating) distracting me for awhile...

I am in agreement with everyone else in that mixing the two styles would be best for us, considering we need to have an overarching mystery to solve maintained by Sigma and he needs to prod a bit in the beginning especially to get it to stay on course... but this shouldn't be something quite on rails either, we each need to flesh out our own characters through reactions to the environment itself, continually generating the little details to keep it interesting.

(Although, I must admit I did not want to have full control over Sayoko's visions all the time, they were meant more as an inbuilt GM-triggered tool to provide plot hooks when needed?)
I'll get a post up tonight, promise. I'll work on the people in the building, and flesh out the building some more too.
The basic outline is that the building is the scene of an old, unresolved murder and the ghost of the victim does not want the building torn down until the murder is solved. The body is, in fact, buried within the basement walls. However, mask this information as you will. It should be so old that it looks like a footnote.
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