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Approved Submission [Nepleslia] Jackelope APC Update

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
1. The dimensions seem ... small. Are you basing it off of something? Just seems like it should be wider at the least, if not longer.

2. Holy shit, this thing nearly goes 80 mph on tracks? That seems mighty fast.

3. Can we get some more detail on the commander's position? What the console looks like, how much they can see, so on. Players will have a better visual of whoever is leading them, and what is left of them when some nasty explosion renders the console (and commander) into rekt status.
Changes have been made to the article to answer your questions, and I will also answer them here.

1. I have widened, heightened, and lengthened the APC to make it a little more believable, and added a blurb that acknowledges that while carrying PA infantry, that the interior is cramped and uncomfortable. This was originally a Sigma article that we updated, and Sigma was always a little screwy with vehicle proportions and equipment. This must have slipped right by us.

2. It does. It's a simple armored box powered by a hyperefficient fusion generator - when unloaded. However, the caveat is when laden with ten power armored soldiers (assuming they're all in Hostiles that's twenty tons, just the suits) I have debuffed the speed, so to speak, to make it only about as fast as the Maximus tanks it will inevitably accompany (85 km/h at its absolute most, that is on completely clear roads; combat conditions will inevitably make it slower).

If it were carrying 'light' infantry then their speed would still be attainable, since such a load is negligible for the UCF-04a, but the drawback here is that it's not carrying power armor - just goobers.

3. Added a blurb about the commander's and driver's positions, but truth is, there's not much to tell. The Commander's seat is a simple set of joysticks for the Remote Weapon System - almost everything else is handled by the Armored Vehicle Crewman uniform. The driver's is even more bare bones, and is merely a steering wheel.
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Ahhh, OK. That's fine on No. 3; as long as that's stated. And the rest looks good.

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