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[Nepleslia] Na-BCAC32

This seems okay, but it should be YE 32 rather than YE 31 (2009). We're already halfway through YE 32 (2010).

If anyone else has comments I'd like to hear them.
The reason I put YE 31 was to cement the fact that Orion was making defense mechanisms back when he was on his homeship. The BCAC was one of them, but he never managed to bring it to production because he was cut off by the NMX attack to his ship.

He then brought the idea to Heram, and that's where the Na-BCAC32 was born.
What are methods of delivery? How large are these methods? what kind of are-of-effect do they have?

Also, Some people may not know what blooming is, please link to an article somewhere that can explain what the term means.
Ah. Thanks Kai. I can't assume everyone knows what blooming is, too true, so I'll get right on that.

As for the delivery methods... I'm fairly certain they can be much too varied to put all the kinds that can be used. The BCAC is a compound, and as such is a mixture of substances and materials which can be mass-produced in large amounts and has essentially limitless potential of delivery methods.

Describing the BCAC is a lot like describing gunpowder, in that sense. Gunpowder can be potentially used in all kinds of solid weaponry. In that same way, the BCAC can be used in potentially in all kinds of vehicles with all kinds of delivery methods.

I can, however, put the minimum requirement size of the delivery method, considering the aerosol requires at least the size of a hand-held grenade or mortar to be delivered with substantial effect. The area-of-effect size would depend on the delivery method, so that's kind of vague, as well, but the effects of the compound are fairly well-explained, I think.
well, give us a few examples, and give us an area of effect for a given amount of the stuff, so we can figure out the area of effect for whatever sized round/delivery method we're using.
The original idea was to use a separate submission for delivery methods in the form of updates to the nepleslian vehicle smoke launcher and power armor missile articles as well as a specialized disposable mortar submission once the stuff itself is approved.
Regardless, I made a couple of examples. Other types of grenades, mortar rounds and aircraft flares may be created that have more or less of the compound, though, so those are only guidelines.

I also added the link to the blooming article in Wikipedia. So that should be that, I hope.

EDIT: Na-BCAC32. Linked for ease of access.

I once again await the judgment from the SARP gods!
I would approve this if not for potential conflicts of interest as I am the FM of Nepleslia.
I must say, it's a very simple solution to a lot of complex problems.

This submission is approved for IC usage.
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