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Approved Submission [Nepleslia] Partizan Modular Particle Emitter

Foxtrot 813

Prettiest Member
Inactive Member
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
In the Partizan's main article, you need to update the nomenclature.

It seems like a disadvantage to have to set a weapon to both "High" and "Beam" to get that AA beam function. It reminds me of having auto-focus settings on a camera body and a camera lens, and having to set both to make it work. I'm not worried about it for approval purposes, and I understand the logic -- it just stuck out to me as a strange quirk.

Also, prices on the replacement parts, please.

Otherwise, this is an expertly put-together service weapon for the Nepleslian military, and I'm quite jealous. Great art, well written article, thoroughly explained.

Once those things are updated, you'll have approval.
In the Partizan's main article, you need to update the nomenclature.

Done and done. Blame bob.

The reasoning was that the beam, while having the same output as the pulse on the high setting, would deal more damage because you're sending a constant stream of particles instead of several short pulses, turning it into a primarily anti-armor application or if you needed the gun to be a very expensive blowtorch. For the other applications we figured that the pulse setting was good enough.

Also, prices on the replacement parts, please.

Also done. Blame everything on @Born-On-Board.

Otherwise, this is an expertly put-together service weapon for the Nepleslian military, and I'm quite jealous. Great art, well written article, thoroughly explained.

also credit for writing more of the article goes to bob because he was the one writing stuff while I did my dubious-quality art for the 10 or so hours it took us to design and write that.

this was intentional, can confirm as the writer of the first draft of the article.

the partizan was designed as a weapon to be issued to units that would be highly trained in its operation, so it is full of user 'quirks' that would necessitate a fairly rigorous training cycle to fully master, and also to balance it as a man-portable anti-PA weapon.

'High Beam' is the setting that is the most dangerous, in terms of to the enemy, innocent bystanders, and to the lifespan of the gun, so foxtrot and I decided that it would require the manipulation of two separate settings so that the operator would be fully cognizant of the fact that his gun is now a high-yield death machine. it's the same reasoning behind the fire selector on the AK-pattern rifles having the fully automatic setting in the middle rather than the top of fire selector's arc of travel, keeps it from being engaged accidentally.

neat partizan fact: the carry handle also folds underneath the power selection toggle to help prevent accidental manipulation of the slide toggle to further avoid user error.

hope this helps explain the reasoning behind such an initially strange 'feature'.

Also done. Blame everything on @Born-On-Board.

there's a special place in hell for people like you
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