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[Nepleslia] shopping...IN SPACE!

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Inactive Member
ON: Ayenee-Class Star Base over Nepleslia

Abby's account had received a generous amount of money earlier today as payment for serves rendered to the company and as such she was planning to use it to purchase a few things that she needed. Mainly she needed some more clothing and a pair of undergarments to replace some that were lost. Her legs had taken her to the market inside of the star base. Her small hands were in the pockets of her knee length white skirt, holding the card inside that had access to her funds. "Now where to start?" she thought out loud as she looked around, half wondering if she should have brought Clark along. In the end, however, she decided not to and instead went on into the market.

The market was full of various shops, mostly for clothes and small souvenirs to decorate rooms with. There were also a few shops selling entertainment goods like books, movies, games, and the occasional shop with random novelty items. The hall had a slight scent of cinnamon to it from a stand selling hot buns on the middle of the wide corridor. Nepleslians milled about, mostly men in work clothing on their breaks or days off.

Abby breathed in the air, the sent and space reminding her more of her time planeside than with the ECN. The buns did look attractive to her but she was to worried about getting something on her white fishnet shirt or the small thin tank top under it which covered her more adequately than what she wore over it. ~First things first~ She thought to herself as she headed into the closest store, wanting to see everything that the market had to offer.

The first shop in the mall area was a mid-size gun store, with dozens of pistols lining its walls behind clear windows and boxes of ammunition all over the place. Rifles and shotguns hung on a board behind the counter, which was full of yet more pistols of common models, where an older Nepleslian man with thick gray hair and a muscular body sat cleaning an old revolver up. "What can I do for you?" he asked, not looking up for his gun. Other than a young-looking Nepleslian Army soldier checking out the new Zen Armaments 10mm Covert Ops pistol, Abby was the only other customer for the moment.

"I'm just looking right now, Thanks," She said as she proceeded to do just that. She got plenty of enjoyment from large guns and the technology used to make them, leading her eyes to look over and hover on certain pieces of equipment that lined the walls. She also took the time to look at the other customer and check out what he was looking to purchase as she leaned up against the counter to see the weapons that were stored inside.

The guns on the walls included several semi-automatic pistols in various calibers. It looked like they were all older model guns from the planet below. The guns inside the counter's transparent top, however, seemed to be the latest models, including the new Zen Armaments pistols in .45 caliber and 10mm, the NovaCorp Xaser Pistol, and of some colorful Type 28A/C Nekovalkyrja Service Pistols from Ketsurui Zaibatsu, fitted with the human-style grips in green, purple, and red. There were also two solid-ammo pistols from Ketsurui Zaibatsu, too, the GSP and 10mm Mass-production pistol, a small but powerful gun with an odd, distinctive look.

Abby examined the GSP for a while through the glass, her brain thinking about just what made the weapon tick on the inside. She decided, however, to end her window shopping and leave for the next store over. "Bye," She said with a smile in passing to the man behind the counter while walking away.

The next shop was a store full of various electronics, from tablet computers to rings that doubled as portable radios. The front section of the store was aimed at the people who weren't tech-savvy, while the store's rear had was more focused on pieces of hardware for individual projects like cables, wires, circuit boards, and power supplies. A security guard by the door looked Abby up and down as she entered the place, perhaps suspicious of Elysians or maybe just ogling her.

Abby stopped and looked at the guard for a moment before continuing into the store. Tablet computers she already had or could just get from work but the rings drew her in and soon she was looking over the various gadgets they had besides the rings. Abby paused for a moment as she looked around for someone who might be able to answer her questions about the stuff here.

When Abby looked back at the man, he looked away quickly, as if trying to play it off that he'd not been looking at her. Inside the store, a four-foot creature of some sort wearing gray robes sat at the top of a chair that was half staircase, half office chair. The creature was browsing figures on a PDA-type device using a stylus. As the Elysian girl approached it, it put away the PDA in a pocket to give her his full attention.

Finding the guard confusing she went to the throned creature, whatever it was. "How much are the ring radios?" She asked as she looked over the other gadgets. Her attention was divided between looking down at what the store had to offer and up at the robed figure, wondering just what race he, she, or it was.

The creature's body and face were covered by the robe's hood and shadows, leaving only a set of dimly-glowing red eyes that watched Abby. "Ring radios are 50 KS," it said in a squeaky, yet gravelly voice. "They have a range of 500,000 kilometers and feature 128-bit encryption based on a key code we assign to each set of radio rings at the time of purchase."

Abby took a moment to look into the back of the store from where she was, then back at the rings. "Do they pick up music as well? Or are they strictly for 2way communication?" She asked while still observing the other gadgets. "And, if you don't mind me asking, what species are you?" As she said this she half glanced over at the guard, getting an odd feeling that she was being watched still.

"Two-way only," the thing replied, not commenting on its species. The guard casually looked around at random objects while she looked at him.

"Oh," Abby said, sounding disappointed as she moved on to look at the other objects in the store. She had seen everything the store had to offer but she was captivated by more than just the stuff. She walked over to the guard and lightly taped him on the shoulder, "Um excuse me," She said softly, not wanting to attract the other's attention. "Why does he wear those robes?"

"I don't know," the guard told her. "I just work here. He wears them all day every day I think."

"So you don't even know what species he is? Or even if it is a he?" Abby asked.


Abby nodded, "Well thanks anyways." She flashed him a cute little smile and bounced once on her toes before turning to walk out of the store. She decided to skip ahead to the next place that sold clothing.

There were a few clothing stores, but most of them seemed to have little or no sign of any female clothing in them, but Abby found a place that was women's clothing only, called Kyoshi's: Fine Feminine Apparel. There was a nice little selection of skirts and tops inside.

Abby went right toward the Kyoshi's store and as she entered she started to look around, half at the selection, half for someone to ask questions to.

Abby found a few things she wanted right away, she didn't really need another skirt but was planning on buying one anyways. She started to tally up a list of what she wanted to buy, deciding to pick up one mini pleated skirt and a silk skirt in addition to a few tank top and a button down. As she started to gather up the items from the store she was becoming more and more curious why they didn't sell undergarments here, or at least where they were. She'd have to ask if they were sold anywhere else than the novelty stores which tended to advertise their selection of sheer clothing in their windows.

The store has a few styles of tops, pants, skirts, dresses, and handbags, in mostly somewhat simple and conservative designs such as floral patterns and silk skirts. A dark-haired Yamataian woman sat behind a large wooden counter with miniature Yamataian and Nepleslian flags cross on a little stand that sat off to the side.

Abby soon had the clothing she wanted to buy and headed toward the Yamataian woman. "Excuse me. How much for all of these?" She asked while looking over the woman in front of her. "And also um..." Abby paused slightly before continuing, "Do you sell panties and the like here? I uh." She stopped herself again, deciding not to explain why she needed more.

"That'll be 130 KS by card or 130 Nepleslian dollars," the woman told Abby. "I don't sell panties, but there is a Yuuko's Undies shop next door." The Asian looking woman smiled politely.

Abby nodded and reached into the pocket on her skirt to pull out her card. "Here you go," She said, holding it out for the other girl to make the transaction with. "And thank you." Abby returned the smile while waiting for the transaction to be completed.

It only took a few button presses and a quick swipe of the card through a reader before Abby was finished and ready to go on her way. The cashier placed the clothing neatly folded in a pretty white paper bag with a flower print on it.

"Thanks again," Abby said as she took back her card and put it back in her pocket before picking up the white paper bag. She then headed out toward the Yuuko's store nearby.

Yuuko's was a fancy store with an interior purple walls and decorated with neon green lights all over the place, with glowing stands that held all sorts of cute, sexy, and fancy undergarments for ladies. A neko with rad-looking spiky pink hair immediately approached Abdyel. "Hey there! What can I put under your clothes today?" she grinned.

Abdyel was temporarily stunned by the Neko's hair, surprised by the odd look. "Well, I just need another pair of panties I." She cut herself off there as she looked over the rather eager neko. "You seem to have quite the selection here." She continued to look around amazed at some of the things they were selling here. A lot of the more outrageous she wouldn't let under her clothing but some she had taken a likening to already.

"Yep!" the excited neko nodded. Abby noticed she had a small diamond stud in her nose on one side, and at least four earring on each ear. "Yuuko's has the best undies around, for all your needs. And if you want something we don't have, we can custom make it, too!"

"Well, is there anything you suggest?" Abby asked. "I'm afraid I don't know where to start!" She rubbed the back of her head and giggled lightly.

The neko put her hands on either side of Abby waist, firmly gripping her, then kneeled down in front of the Elysian girl. She then slid her hands down Abby's sides and over her hips, then around back to cup Abby's bottom for a brief moment before letting go. The neko then stood up and grinned at Abby, giving her a wink. "You're looking for something in [INSERT SIZE HERE]," she suggested helpfully. "Are you wearing them for comfort or more for visual appeal? Any special functions you want?"

Abby tensed up and stood up on her tip toes as her rear end was squeezed by the girl. "Yes... that sounds about right." A slight tingle went through her body as the measurements were taken, causing a slight shiver after a few moments. "I'm looking for something comfortable over looks but. Well I think I should get one of each? Never know when you need to look good for someone." She paused for a moment and took up a curious look, "What kind of features?"

"Well, there's ones with open bottoms, for a sexy feeling or easy access. We also have ones with built in electronics," the neko grinned, loving the warm flush in Abby's cheeks. "You can get as many as you like. Spoil yourself, you pretty little lady."

The warm flush only got warmer with her last sentence. ~I'm not that pretty?~ Abby thought to herself. "What kind of electronics would you put in there?" She asked, her eyes involuntarily drawn to look down at the neko's hips. "I don't think a video display would be really...um... useful."

The neko noticed Abby staring and gyrated her hips for the plebeian in a sensual little dance, making a grinding motion. "Something to stimulate," she chuckled. "There are also ones with security features."

"Security?" Abby asked, intrigued, her eyes still looking down at the neko's hips.

"Yeah, ones to zap the man who won't take no for an answer. Of course, my favorites are the ones for pleasure..." The neko moved closer, slowly walking so that she was facing her back towards the storefront, so no one could see, then lifted the front of her skirt to show off her own undies to Abby. A faint buzzing noise came from them, only audible once the two young women were right next to one another.

Abby blushed more. "Wow..." She had not seen a neko up close in a long time, and had never seen this much. "You're really pretty." She looked back up the neko's body and continued, "I don't think I'll need zaping panties. "If you don't mind me asking, what do the panties your wearing feel like?"

She found herself wondering why Clark thought she was that pretty.

"Thank you," The neko rolled her eyes around and grinned widely. "They feel really, really good," she told Abby, lowering her skirt back into place with this ecstatic look of happiness on her face. "Would you like to try a pair?" she offered. "I can give you one free with a purchase of 200 or more."

"Try on one out here?" She asked, not even thinking to ask if there were changing rooms in back. "Well...maybe. I think I should get a few pairs I can wear to work before I get anything else." Abby said with a nod.

"Of course," the neko nodded, smiling, then sauntered over to her counter with her hips swaying.

Abby followed her and leaned against the counter, putting her bag of clothing on the floor next to her so she could support her weight with her arms as she leaned forward. "Can I get three white panties, low cut, with designs on them if you have them? I also need to get two more bras, anything you suggest?"

"Of course," the neko said dreamily, "What designs would you like on them? For bras, I'd suggest something that showcases your excellent assets by not covering them all up."

"Something cute please. Flowers? or little hearts?" She looked down at her breasts and then over at the Neko's becoming curious about how hers compared. "Well... what would you wear if you were me?"

"Sure, we have hear ones over there," the woman pointed for Abby. Her breasts were about the same size as the Elysian's, and the neko wiggled them around with her hands for Abby's viewing pleasure. "Well, I think I'd go with something sexy, that pushes them together a bit and perhaps leaves the tips exposed if you're feeling adventurous."

Abby nodded and looked to where the neko was pointing. "Ah," She then looked back at the neko and her little dance. "Exposed tips are a little much I think but still... can I try them on?" She asked.

"Sure," the neko nodded, getting Abby a white pair of that type. "The dressing rooms are over there, cutie," she grinned.

Abby nodded, taking the bra, and heading to the changing room. She closed the door behind her and took off her fishnet shirt and the rest of her clothing above the waist before tightening the bra around her body and looking at herself in the mirror. "This feels... interesting." She thought outloud as she cupped her own breasts and held them up slightly so she could look at them, touching her exposed 'tips' to see what it felt like.

"May I try on another type please?" She asked out loud, if that girl was still within earshot.

"Sure," the neko said, her head poking in the small room through the open space over the changing room door. She was floating "What would you like?" she asked. "I don't know what your size is yet," she noted, grinning.

Abby blushed and turned away, covering her exposed tips with her arms. "I'm C cup." She said. In truth her breasts were just slightly smaller than that. "I'd like to try the simple white bra and... well... Anything you think I should try I guess."

"One sec," the pierced neko nodded, giving Abby a grin and a giggle before ducking back out of the room. Moments later, the neko reappeared with a simple, soft-looking white bra that matchs the undies with the hearts on it, as well as another one that covered less but would give her more support and shape.

"Thanks." Abby said as she took the underwear and put it down, turning to look away from the door while she unhooked the bra she had on and tried on the first white one she had been handed.
Abby then looked into the mirror and turned around while looking over her shoulder at the mirror, admiring her own body in the new clothing. "These are comfortable." She thought out loud before looking down at the more revealing bra she was handed. Her hands quickly undid her current bra and put on the other. She then repeated the process of looking at her body.

"It's very nice," the neko commented smiling warmly in the mirror after about a minute. "You should take very good care of it," she nodded, sliding a pair of the same type of undies she'd showed Abby earlier down the inside of the door. "These are yours to keep."

"Alright, thank you." Abby said as she looked at the undies, then held them in her hands. She looked down at what she had on, then back at the electronics. "And...um, no one notices when your wearing these?" Abby asked the neko.

"Nope, unless it's silent and you're next to them. There's a remote control clipped on the inside of the waistband. You can put it in your pocket, or purse, or give to a friend. The batteries last forever...well, at least five years of constant use, and can be replaced as needed at any of our outlets," the crazy-haired saleswoman explained. "They can make your day much better, trust me. I'll give you a little privacy, alright. You let me know when you're ready to check out, okay? I'll be at the counter."

Abby nodded. In a few minutes Abby was back at the front counter. She put all of the underwear she tried on, on the counter to buy, her original underwear in the bag of clothing she had tried on earlier. She leaned forward closely so she was right up next to the Neko's ear. "So... What setting do you use?" She asked. The remote she was given had been placed on the counter while she fished out her card from her skirt's pocket. "I'd like to buy it all," She added.

The neko smiled, "I like it nice and low when I'm going for a long period of time, and I turn it up to about three-quarters when I need a quick burst to let out the tension." After tallying up the prices, the neko said, "That's 185 KS."

The neko's fingers walked over to the controller and turned on the device, rumbling it quietly near its lowest setting.

The blush on Abby's face started to turn redder and redder, dropping the credit card she had on the counter. Her hips seemingly started to move on their own, rolling around in a circle as the electronics did their thing.

While she slid the KS card through the reader, the cashier looked at Abby in lusty amusement. "Have a very, very good day," she smirked.

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