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Inactive Member
I'll get straight to the point.

Nepleslia as a faction is currently in a slump regarding the number of plots that we have. I have been pursuing a set policy 'on the downlow' recently, but I feel that it is time to come out with it here on this subforum for the site to see.

It's my policy to 'open up the throttle' regarding Nepleslia; I've asked Homeslice to start a Nepleslian Tank Corps plot, Sigma is working with his 4th Fleet and converting it to feature some IPG elements, and Cadet has his own plot in Bastardpiece Theatre.

NAM will now sell certain 'stripped down' versions of its products to the general Nepleslian populace, whatever that means regarding stimulating new RP.

So, I will ask this very general question, in the hopes that it will give me an understanding of things.

What do you, as possible potential players, want to see in Nepleslia?
Nepleslia needs to continue to be Nepleslian, through all things. What Nepleslia represents is the satisfaction of the most base entertainment impulses which have been captured in 1970-2000 era action films, but with a deep and rugged grit, and deadly lasers. Keep the Nepleslian identity above all else.

As for what to see plot wise, specifically; What we need is some straight on full engagement warfare. Nepleslia's flavor is ill suited for any sort of stand-by or 'Cold War' situation, unless the plot is specifically for the point of giving the middle finger to being stuck in a holding pattern.

P.S: Let's talk on establishing a cross faction expeditionary task force. Get your beer-chocolate in the Matriarchy's opiate-peanut butter.
Nepleslia needs something to shoot at. Flat out, that's when Nepleslia's at its best.
I have been planning on developing a new background faction of alien assholes that need to be shot. Maybe we can work together.

See my Summer Event: Alien Invasion! thread for details.
Think about what got us into the faction years ago. We were Marines on the tip of the spear that was Nepleslian foreign policy. We engaged the Elysians, we found Freespacers, we brought the Reds to their knees, and we lit a dude on fire then totes wrecked a bar.

Whatever you do, make sure that its loud enough for everyone to hear. We like to isolate Nepleslia from the meta faction politics or events, but in truth it's pretty cool when you realize your character has a hand in something huge.
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