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Nepleslian DNA interests?


Inactive Member
As of late, I was pondering the possibility of introducing a small plot which would involve the aquisition and sale of a small quantity of Nepleslian female DNA which has not been corrupted.

I was wondering if any corperations or goverments would be interested in the aquisition of said genetic material, and what kind of price the genetic material would fetch.
Emrys Industries would. They've got good genetics technology and like helping people.

They would negotiate with the price offered - but would likely offer into the millions.
Sorry to double post, but I'd like to elaborate more on the value of the Nepleslian female DNA which is being made available (at the request of one or more of the individuals involved in my mini-plot).

The value of untainted or modified Nepleslian female DNA is measured directly by how rare it is. Finding a Nepleslian female in the first place is like attempting to find a two headed turtle, but when you add in the need for DNA that has not been tampered with, that is what is the complicating factor.

The use of untainted DNA in regards to the Nepleslian genetics crisis is simple, the clean DNA could be used as the baisis for breeding stock, or even the basis for a genetic map which would allow Nepleslian scientists to resequence tainted genes back into the way they should be. Of course, just a Nepleslian female's DNA won't solve the entire problem, some untainted male DNA would be helpful, but the female DNA makes up a big portion of the puzzle, simply due to how rare it is.

In short, the untainted female DNA is as valuble as a flawless diamond the size of a softball. Least to the best I can figure.

EDIT: More elaboration.

At the request of the same individual involved, I am now going to elaborate potential uses of such DNA.

Usages can include and are not limited to: Breeding stock clones, basis for genetic treatment, mapping untainted genes, source of DNA to produce clones to produce flawless tissues and organs, the DNA could be used as a test sample to test new medicines without influence of genetic abnormality interferance, and if used to create a breeding clone, this clone can then be mated with the genes from an untainted male to potentially produce a line of untainted Nepleslians.

In short, it is really up to the buyer in regards to what they desire to do with the material. All that needs to be done is to have a creative plan. Anything from making thousands of clones to replenish the population, to using the material to produce a solution to the Super Y crisis.

EDIT II, Value:

Currently the Nepleslian gene pool is saturated with genes which have been modified, altered, damaged, or augmented to one degree or another. Along with that issue, is the Super Y, which has made females rare in the first place. Thus, to find a sample of fresh female DNA which has not been corrupted by toxins, disease, genetic engineering, or decomposition, is a small miracle for scientists wishing to study such genetic material.

Sure, a sample could potentialy be found, but there is also the issue of the effort required to obtain said sample, along with the test work involved, and the matter of funding required to pay for entire teams of field workers which would have to toil through millions of graves in an attempt to find DNA which may or may not be there, depending upon how many galons of radioactive waste was dumped ontop of the graves.
From how I see it, the amount of female Nepleslians is not a big concern at the moment. Natural birth isn't the only way of producing Nepleslians anymore, and in a universe constantly at war, I don't see why Nepleslia would divert it's resources to increasing the less-combat-capable Nepleslian female population. It just isn't that big a priority at the moment, in my opinion.

For the sake of medical testing and such, that would make a little more sense. Diseases need curing, after all. Although, I don't see how much different a 'pure' Nepleslian would be placed next to your average up-to-date Nepleslian.
Because as long as we have the "up to date" DNA, the female ratio problem will still be there. Also, it IS a large problem to Nepleslia. The Geshrin and Neko, from what I understand, were steps to try and solve that exact problem, among other things.

Also, compared to Nekos and Mishhu, there aren't enough IDSOLs to make a dent in either of their forces anyway, so sacrificing the genome of the planet isn't worth the inconsequential boost in strength anymore, in my mind...
Time to weigh in on the situation.

I'm going to make an executive decision and say that, indeed, there is a genetic crisis on Nepleslia (regardless of what was said in the previous cultural state topic). Whether this is a result of intentional cloning or genetic mutations is irrelevant to me now.

From how I see it, the amount of female Nepleslians is not a big concern at the moment. Natural birth isn't the only way of producing Nepleslians anymore, and in a universe constantly at war, I don't see why Nepleslia would divert it's resources to increasing the less-combat-capable Nepleslian female population. It just isn't that big a priority at the moment, in my opinion.

On the contrary, the lack of female Nepleslians is unarguably the greatest crisis facing the Nepleslian empire in the long term. It contributes to the following problems:

1. The drastic reliance on cloning or cybernetic enhancements as a means of both replenishing the population and trying to compete with Yamatai. But, unlike Yamatai, where their geneticists have managed to master the cloning of a super soldier, Nepleslia is eons in the past, having made no progress since the Geshrin, instead, relying on a vastly inferior set of outdated 'super soldiers.'

In effect, Nepleslia has been treading water ever since the foundation of the Yamataian empire, and it's probably this reason that Nepleslia lost its standing as the 'center' of the universe: humanity, as a whole, became a lesser lifeform.

2. An overabundance of males in the empire has created the chaotic society that Nepleslia is right now. Too much testosterone has caused rampant competition and aggressiveness between fellow man. Reason is enforced at the end of a gun rather than with words. Follow that with the churning of more clones and you end up with a massive underclass trying to live in a world with no family structure or support from any sources.

It's like a bull has been set loose and one guy with a lasso is trying to capture it.

If a family structure was introduced to the society and enforced very strictly (for the first few years at least), you'd see a tremendous calming ripple, as the once lawless citizens finally realize that their lives can finally amount to something: a home, a family and a progeny.

This is Robert Davis's dream.

That being said, I want to be informed of every possible facet of this so-called mini-plot. It's going to have to be very believable, and not something like "oh HAY GUYS I FOUND THIS HERE!" And, since this would be important to the Greens in particular, who's to say that this mini-plot would be done in one post, with the Greens pushing their clout and either stealing it or buying it?

I'm acknowledging that there's a crisis, but I'm not nearly sold on this plot at this point. Fian and I had our own ideas for how to handle this 'crisis' but they were shot down, so I'm going to look on further pursuits of this topic rather skeptically.
My character does have a little sister....

Any attempts to exploit her will lead to my character's fist introducing it's self to the exploiter's gonads at speeds that are quite painful.

And the rest of the family will, if anything, be worse. The Yuttrebergs take care of their own