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Nepleslian Mobile Refinary


Inactive Member
Mobile Refinery
NS-MMR-1PLNT Plantation Class

Table of Contents
1. About the Plantation
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the Plantation
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Complement
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

1. About the Plantation
The Plantation is a large mobile refinery ship designed to work in conjunction firefly class mining units. The ship contains all the facilities necessary for refining ore down to it's basic components and preparing them for transport.

2. History and Background
The Plantation was designed by Razeal Kresh with the intention of improving the trade abilities of his home nation. Seeing the mass uncharted area's of space beyond his home world, he knew there would be a need for remote refineries to service and support the new potential mining colonies and operations.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement:
Organizations Using This Vessel: Nepleslian Mining Companies
Type: Light Freighter/Supply Ship
Designer: Razeal Kresh
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: 4 Ships

Crew: 400
Maximum Capacity: 600 or up to the limit of attached modules.
Appearance: A long vessel with refinery modules built along it's spine.

Length: 860M
Width: 300M (without modules)
Height: 180M (without modules)
Decks: 40
Mass: 160,000 Tons (without modules)

4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0 to 0.30c Sublight
Speed (FTL): 2 LY/min Hyperspace
Speed (Aerial): N/A
Speed (Water): N/A

Range (Distance): 30,000 LY
Range (Support): 5 years with full supply stock.
Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance , the Plantation class has an estimated life of 100 years
Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed. Modular Upgrades are available as they are developed and produced.

5. Inside the Plantation
Bridge: The Plantation has a large and standardized bridge design which most crews find easy to adapt to. The bridge is stepped, going from it's highest point at the rear to it's lowest point at the fore of the vessel, where the pilot area is located.

Crew Quarters: The quarters are of a normal and comfortable size compared to most of the other work ships miners would be placed on. The ship is designed to support several rotational crews and to serve as a shore leave point for crews waiting for departure or between missions.

Mess hall: The ship has 4 large mess halls that serve delicious space food to the crews. By delicious we mean freeze dried junk you wouldn't feed your dog.

Medical Bay: The ship is equipped with two fully functional medical bays capable of handling up to a mining disaster.

Engineering: Located at the rear of the vessel and centered around the main reactor, each open deck surrounding the reactor has control panels and stations for monitoring and quality control.

Recreation deck: This deck houses various games and an indoor park for off-duty crewmembers.

Escape Pods: The ship carries enough escape pods in the fore section for a full crew.

Passageways: These are typical for a mining/industrial vessel, although the lighting has been slightly modified to help alleviate long term space voyages.

6. Ship Systems

Hull: Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and Mercurite anti-radiation shielding, the Plantation's hull provides fairly good protection. The spine area which the refining modules attach to features extra armor in case of a refinery explosion.

Airlock System: The main airlocks are located port/starboard near the ships main bridge, along the module docking spine, and port/starboard on the engineering section.

Module system: The Plantation can carry 24 standard sized modular refinery/cargo units.

Docking system: The Plantation uses the new Nepleslian UNIV-A Docking clamp systems, located at all 4 z/y axis points on engineering section, which enables any smaller vessel so equipped to be docked to and also carried along by the larger ship. The UNIV-A is capable of quickly docking and releasing any compatible ship attached to it.

Escape Pods: Escape pods are located near the bridge and the engineering section to the rear.

Environmental Systems: Enviro and Atmospheric generators/recyclers are located close to the bridge an also at key points around the ship.
Hyperspace Communications: The hyperspace communications relay allows near real-time communication between starships and other vessels or planetary bases.

Rapid Launch Bays: The ship's exterior is equipped with four large rapid-launch bays, one located to the front of the ship and the other 2 to the aft, which are force field-contained openings in the hull. The bays make it possible for shuttles to fly out into space at their convenience. These bays can also be sealed via large sliding segmented doors.

Graviton Beam Projector (24): This device creates a stream of gravitons which can be used to tow other spacecraft or shuttles. The projector is ineffective against ships using gravitonic shielding.

Subspace Mass Sensors: Subspace mass sensors instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 1 AU (93 million miles) distant from the ship. The readings are used both for early warning and navigation when traveling at sublight speeds. The readings are not very detailed and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg.

Hyperpulse Drive: Using layered asymmetrical warp fields that can envelop the entire vessel, the ship can move at superluminal velocities.
Ion Impulse Engines: Ion impulse engines ionize a gas such as xenon and accelerate the ions using a magnetic accelerator to near the speed of light, which produces thrust. While ion engines provide a decent amount of acceleration, they soon became relegated to civilian engines as newer technology became available to the military.

Defensive Systems:
Radiation Shields: The Plantation Class is equipped with a Mercurite shielding system, which is capable of blocking most forms of electromagnetic radiation.

Computer Systems:
Computer System: The Plantation uses an affordable off the shelf system which is capable of managing all the basic ship's systems. An upgrade area is also available for adding another computer or swapping out both in favor of a full upgrade.

Modular Weapons Ports(32): The Plantation features modular gun ports which can accept weapons designed for them. It is however not normally so equipped with the actual weapons as it is intended for civilian use. Locations are: 4 on the fore of the ship and 4 for the rear/engineering section of the ship.
Primary Purpose: anti-fighter/pirate/raider
Secondary Purpose: anti-mecha
Damage: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of Fire: N/A
Payload: N/A

7. Vehicle Complement
Ge-T1 Shuttles (12): Your basic high-capacity, FTL-capable transatmospheric shuttle. Includes adjustable-seal hatch on the floor and ceiling of the cargo compartment for docking with ships from outside. Not tall enough inside to hold the tank below.
Primary Purpose: Interstellar Transport
Secondary Purpose: Planetary Landings
Range: 10 days of travel (about 137 light-years at maximum speed)
Speed: 2000c, Mach 1 in atmosphere.
Load Capacity: 52 personnel with gear or 2 personnel with cargo.
Weapons: None
Systems: Anti-Gravity, Armor, CDD, Communications, Chaff/Flare Dispensers, Emergency Homing Beacon, Shields, Sensors.

32 Super Demon Human Power Armors are optional.

This page written by Zachary T Carpenter using the template designed by Wes Davis. Copyright ©2006 StarArmy.com
Last revised 11/4/2006
Could we get some more details on the insides? The ship looks pretty good so far. I didn't see any obvious problems.
Formatting would be good.

Other than that enormous ammounts of details about the interior so it can be RPed with an in would be great.
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