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Approved Submission [Neshaten] Kingdom Fall


Everything Is Magical
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  1. Neshaten
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  1. I agree
no template for this sorta thing, just a basic article for now and I'll be adding to it over time as the Division 5 plot continues on, idkhow approving this kinds thing works since its just for neshaten and is a plot device i use regardless but here we go hopefully I'm breaking laws since they're the bad guys.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think it just needs some text in the section "Ranks of Membership." A sentence will do. Also, please remove the colons from the headers.
page updated per request, i've just stumbled upon another article for a separate terrorist orginisation within neshatan and just in case anyone else finds it they are not affiliated with KF at all, nor do they work together at this time, i doubt they will ever work together given the original one is species supremacy based
Okay this should've been handled a while ago, so let's dive right in. A few grammar mistakes noticed and fixed, but other than that the main thing that needs to be 'fixed' is that EE003v does not have a corresponding YE date, nor does it have a link to something that can explain when that was, so it will leave readers who don't know the Nesha date system confused.

Other than that I would say, since this is meant to be something actively used, have somewhere in the article an estimate for how many members KF has currently, and an estimate for how many swords their are. It looks like the organization is pretty fluid, so they don't need to e exact figures if you don't want, but these numbers will give players an idea of what they're up against, and will help any future GMs with using the organization. Also I know a number of 13000 members is listed in the article but I don't know if that is still the number.
i've linked https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:neshaten:faq:year_guide this page to the date on the article, my bad, but yeah it does actually have a YE date, sorry for the confusion there.

i have also added numbers for both the swords and guns

thanks for looking at this, i wasn't too stressed about how long it was gonna take since i was still using it anyway within the faction, only really need approval if i ever take them outside the faction, which would be a source of potential rp but there isn't enough players around the site who aren't already stretched thin as it is
So returning to how I was thinking i might take this outside the faction, I'm planning a plot around them as mentioned in the nesh OOC thread, I looked back over the page and decided i wanted to add a small section in membership ranks about how non Neshaten members of KF cannot rise through the ranks without an extraordinary circumstance, I know this lookes like I want to limit players for the plot i just mentioned but i have newver planned to have other species be anything other than the grunts, given this group is trying to bring down a country from within they are simply outsourcing for a bit of extra hired help but are still a Neshaten organisation.

I think i'veoverexplained at this point but basically, im editing the page to make sure its clearly stated non nesh can't be higher up positions without special reasons, just mentioning it here in case that needs additional approval.
Sounds fine to me.
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