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[Neshaten] Kres'tronova Fold Drive


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Fold Drives
Submission URL: Kres'tronova Fold Drive

Faction: Kingdom of Neshaten
FM Approved Yet? Yes! Me!
Faction requires art? Nay

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope
Contains New art? Nope (although I plan on finding someone who can make a GIF demonstrating the fold-process)
Previously Submitted? Nay


Special thanks to Khas and Nashoba for the help

This is the FTL drive systems for the Neshaten, covers everything from civilian, military, and illegally modified FTL drives.
Star Army is not accepting submissions for new FTL methods.
.... it's not a NEW ftl method Wes, this is fold-drives only explained from the Neshaten perspective =\

Not sure where you got that impresion Wes....


Per Nash's suggestion, placed in an OOC tag at the top of page that states:

While the concepts the Neshaten use may be different, these drives are functionally the same as far as the rules.

Edit 2:

It would also greatly anger me if this gets rejected, given how much work has been put into it by myself and my fellow Co-Fms.
Advice: Kyle, I seriously recommend you simply cut that article down making it as concise as possible.

Focus more on history and use what is already in the wiki.

None of us have broken ground on this topic. Ever.
I understand where you are going Ira, but I am sorry, if you are referring to the different class drives; those are the main points of the article and I will not remove them.

Now, what I CAN do, is put each class drive into its own seperate article (which would clear up the main article and not make it so long) that I can do, but I will not remove them entirely.
I honestly don't see what's wrong with this. Fold Drive is Fold Drive and it does pretty much the same thing.

As for different models/types, Abwehrans do the same thing. The only difference is that Kyle's method of describing it is more in-depth than this.
After some discussion, it's clear that this is a flavor of fold drive rather than a new FTL methods so I'm going to approve it.
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