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[Neshaten]Lunebaren Crystals


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Essential Technology
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ne ... ercrystals

Faction: Kingdom of Neshaten
FM Approved Yet? Given I operate the faction, I'd have to assume yes.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Previously Submitted? No


I first wanna note that while I wrote up the original page for this, special thanks goes to Khasidel for rewriting this page for me to make better sense from what I had originally.

Onward, getting some basic tech out, will only post one thing at a time so I don't end up flooding the forum.

Regardless, this is the Neshaten's basic power technology, a crystal that is mined from their own world - but has the drawback that is causing thier world much problems (which they arent entirely aware of just yet)

I did talk with Nash about this two weeks ago, didn't see anything really wrong at the time if I recall correctly. Just now putting this up, hopefully nothing is wrong.
I'm confused about how they generate electricity. Are they positively or negatively charges? Are they shooting out electrons or what?

When I rewrote this part, I was implying that the crystals release large quantities of free electron particles which can be harnessed to generate an electric current through a suitably conductive material. As to how the electrons themselves are generated -- its supposedly through some strange physics-defying interaction between the exotic materials of the crystals and the bonded aether particles-- which over time decay into electrons, other subatomic particles and photons / radiation.

The process is admittedly a little pseudo-sciencey, though no more so than power generators fueled by a strange inter-dimensional particle which is 'somehow' turned into electrical power and some of the 'aether-to-matter' conversion tech out there -- which 'somehow' turns aether into stuff like anti-matter for weapons (ie Eucharis' antimatter guns which technically would require dozens if not hundreds of metric tonnes of anti-matter on-board unless its rapidly 'generated' by aether-to-matter conversion before each shot 'somehow').

The inclusion of 'exotic matter' into the explanation is that because such materials are labeled thus because they violate or operate outside of the known laws of physics and can therefore have behaviors or properties which aren't normally possible -- they're the only way I know of justifying even half the tech existing in SARP, ie wormholes, hyperspace travel, distortion drives, higgs-field manipulation for mass negation and reaching 40% C in a second or two flat, yadda yadda yadda.
Unless anyone objects, I will approve this submission in 3 days.
Nothing's been changed, Khas explained how this works, better than I ever could.

The only other thing I plan on adding is an image showing what the crystals look inside of a cavern, but I don't think that would hold up the submission.
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