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Approved Submission [Neshaten] Meina'slahe Composite Material


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Armor
Submission URL: Meina'slahe

Faction: Kingdom of Neshaten
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Nay

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope
Contains New art? Nope
Previously Submitted? Nope


This is a composite material that I am creating for use the creation of future weapons, such as swords, firearms, and staves. This is actually one of our two materials I will be putting up in time, the other I am still working on so I decided to put this one up FIRST.
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I don't get how this works. I mean, wood is combustible...
Well, wood by itself is combustible - at least as far as WE know, we've never actually run into a kind of wood that wasn't. However, even in our world, we have wood that is specially treated to be fire resistant - such wood can be found used in the construction processes of homes built in mountains or even in areas that have a lot of forest fires.

Although I will stress this that even if such wood doesn't exist, even in our world, I would still consider it a realm of possibility given we reside in a fictional setting =)
Wood is combustible because it's porous. Dense wood burns not as great. Without oxygen, is anything really combustible? (unless it makes its own oxygen). I can imagine filling the pores in the wood with metal, under very high pressure in vacuum. Just slightly unsure if that would give it the properties as described.

On the other hand... i think thats how you make tar...

Oh and and edit comment to the above - twohundred degrees celsius is not enough to ignite wood. It seems wood starts to burn properly around 260 degrees.

There could also be wood that isn't made of cellulose, but would we call it wood?
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I love Centurion! He just helped me remember what the kind of wood was that I'd be using. In this case, a Neshaten version of Petrified Wood; which I will be adding to the article in a few. Also Wes, something to keep in mind, the Neshaten don't consider wood 'combustible' as that's not how they look at it - but rather - they look at in the form of a pattern or texture and appearance.

There 'is' wood on their world, along with some plants, that are non-combustible.
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Ok, making another post, talked with Lex and am going to make a few more changeso the material that is used to create this stuff.

Edit: Ok the changes have been made, decided to list the minerals and plants used to create this along with links to their locations.
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Morning wood doesn't burn unless you need to see your doctor. As hard as it is, its an inferior building material due to its transient structural integrity, though it isn't in short supply. Ha. Ha.

You could explain this pretty easily as being a plant matter which instead of using cellulose fibres (which burn) it instead uses mineral fibres. Its literally that simple. By doping the plant as it grew and controlling the direction in which the threads actually grew (a lost skill we used to have irl) you could grow hulls or even circuitry -- or both quite easily.

The closest example to this I can describe is the way we trick bonsai plants. By selectively cutting branches, we can trick them into thinking they've already grown to a set size or scale which makes them assume tree like behaviours and shapes but on a much smaller scale. Another example would be the way indigenous peoples of India used to grow bridges by manipulating trees over decades or the way native Americans manipulated young saplings to act as permanent signposts for navigation purposes.

Google arborsculpture. You're going to have a wonderful wonderful time.
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Hmmm, I wasn't aware that one could 'trick' or dope a plant, never knew such a thing had even been possible but then again you 'do' state that its a lost skill so perhaps that is why. Hmmm, that makes me wonder if I should modify this one more time to instead create a plant that was artificially created by combining the elements I listed (minus the metal).


Alrighty I decided to create two separate processes for this material, one of which is ideal for creating specific kinds of weapons (such as staves) while the other is more useful for creating every day items. At the end of the day the processes just describes the two separate means of obtaining the same thing, just that one is more ideal for one kind of item and another for another.
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