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[Neshaten] Or'ion - Neshaten Intel Orgnization


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Organization
Submission URL: Or'ion

Faction: Kingdom of Neshaten
FM Approved Yet? Yes, by me!
Faction requires art? No, although I've asked Khasidel to make am Emblem for them.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, although I was told that one of them doesn't need approval since it's an informational page for a fleet.
Contains New art? None
Previously Submitted? Nope


This is the Intelligence Organization of the Neshaten, work on this was possible thanks to the help of several of my players - including Tanka who contributed quite a bit to it's creation.

The one other item on here is a GM Restricted armor plating, meaning that it would require FM approval to use. I did this because I understand that the nature behind this armor can open it to abuse, thus I did this to control it's usage. It is mainly going to be found only on Or'ion vessels operating in secrecy.

The stealth coating is inspired by several books I've read over the years, yes that also includs Halo, along with real world examples such as the stealth coating on US Bombers. However, I will admit that I can only find thoeries on the possibliity of photo-reactive panels actually being possible. However, because we reside within a science fictional universe, I personally don't see a problem with this and I will not remove that from the article as it is the primary component needed to allow Or'ion to operate in secrecy.

Asurataee Stealth Coating
I see no problem with these two items.

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