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[Neshaten] Seru’chin Anti-Tank Vehicle Rifle


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Vehicle or Tripod mounted weapon
Submission URL: Seru’chin Anti-Tank Vehicle Rifle

Faction: Kingdom of Neshaten
FM Approved Yet? Yes! Me :D

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? One, the ammo.
Previously Submitted? Nope


x240 Libra

This is a weapon that can be mounted on the back of vehicles to give them an extra weapon to use in a fight, or to be mounted on a tripod to be used by infantry.
Alright, I'll be reviewing this article, and will take it a few issues at a time to keep it well paced.

The technology for the rifle itself is relatively sound, so there are no problems with that at all, and the Damage Rating is within parameters as well, so no issue there either.

The first issue that I'm confused about is the three round burst firing option - if I am reading this correctly, it will fire at one round per second after the trigger is pulled? When I think of three round bursts, I think of something like this for an example. It seems very odd if not unsafe to me in how it functions here with this Neshaten rifle, so I'm taking time to point this out.

Second, are the grammatical errors that I've found in the article itself. There are several punctuation errors, as well as the misuse of words in some cases, and a completely jumbled sentence I can't quite grasp in mind in another. These need to be fixed, but, considering I can't find my own errors when they're present, I will send a PM highlighting them out for correction on request.

After we handle these, I will need to go deeper and see what's to find.
Fixed the spelling (I hope) and also fixed several sentences. I also added a bit more to the three-round burst in hopes that it better explains it's usage.
Though the additional information in the article in regards to three-round-burst and its reason or rational for being an option is welcome, I'm still left confused with the mode as it is presented in the article. The reason for this is that the concern that I had brought forward has still not been addressed.

To ensure we're both thinking the same thing here; "Three-round-burst" is when a trigger is pulled once, and the weapon fires on "Full Automatic" for exactly three cycles without further user input, just like in the clip I linked earlier? Here, the solider fired his M4 in 3-round-burst a total of eight times, for a total of 24 rounds fired.

As I've read the Seru'chin article, I'm under the impression that the weapon will, when the trigger is pulled, fire the first round, wait one second, automatically fire the second round on its own and wait another second before firing the third and final round without any additional trigger pulls from the user. And, to emphasize, with a delay of one second between each round. This is based off the explaining text in the article, as well as the small firing mode chart. Am I correct?

Right now, I'm starting to wonder if what you're trying to do is have a Limited and Unlimited mode for the rifle. I'm guessing you're trying to say it can only fire a single round in semi-automatic every 2 seconds in Limited. Meanwhile, a single round in semi-automatic every 1 second in Unlimited, where the rifle is no longer completely safe in operation. This is purely my conjecture at the moment and born out of my attempts to understand what it is you're trying to do here.

At this time, what is currently in the article does not match my understanding of three-round-burst at all, and I am very confused.

If you don't understand what I'm trying to say as much as how I don't understand this portion of the article, I recommend you bring in a player (not a mod) to read over this portion of the article in specific and post here in this thread - it's possible this person might be able to point something out that neither of us are getting.