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Approved Submission [Neshaten] Tra'she Barge


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Civilian Ship
Submission URL: Tra'she Barge

Faction: Kingdom of Neshaten
FM Approved Yet? Yesh
Faction requires art? Nah

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope
Contains New art? Nope
Previously Submitted? Nope


Something I'd intended to get out almost a year ago but kept on putting it off due to being unable to get the artwork to look right, so I decided I would submit this 'without' the artwork as the ship 'has' already been mentioned in RP (not by name though). Once I can get the artwork to actually LOOK right then I'll add it to the article.

Also, in regards to its damage capacity, I wasn't sure 'how' to properly calculate those numbers. So I just went with what I felt might be correct. Its a non-combat vessel, so no weapons of any kind on it (unless you wanna count its reinforced front end as a battering ram )
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Put up a temporary line image of what I was trying ot go for with this ships design, will give people a better idea of what it potentially looks like.
I’m not worrying about the line art, as I don’t think it quite matches your dimensions. This thing seems like it should be a flat rectangle of a ship, but the 900 meters make it more like a cardboard box.

For weight capacity: Did you mean something other than 600 pounds?

How many turret spaces does it have?

I don't see a problem with this vessel, considering the vessel previously approved utilizes more advanced technology. It seems a bit small on the details, but it's meant to be a civilian vessel.

I think a better description of where things are on the ship — the repair bays, the cargo holds, etc. — is really needed for this ship to see approval. However, that would take a more defined visual, either by text or art.

This submission is in progress.
I've actually got a better protrayal of how it looks.... bloody it all, once I wrote out the description in the article I was able to actually get the ships shape down to the way I really wanted it; so I'll be modifying the appearance description later on tonight once the render is done. Sorry about the problems Doshii.

Errr... hmmm... didn't mean to even have a weight capacity, given its size.

As for turrets, considering its size I don't really know 'how' many turrets it would actually have.
On the visuals: No problem, Kyle. Take your time. You can remove the weight capacity at your leisure.

You could throw out a rough guess. I wonder if maybe the turret "slots" are mostly taken up by loading/repairing manipulators and their ilk.
Ok, removed the weight value and aded in a turret amount - I hope the numbers are ok forthis kind of ship.

Edit: Modified the Appearance and added more to the 'about' section.
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