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Approved Submission [Neshaten] U'ia Star System


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Star System
Submission URL: U'ia Star System

Faction: Kingdom of Neshaten
FM Approved Yet? Poked myself about it... and I said yesh!
Faction requires art? Nope

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nay
Contains New art? Yes, for the planet.
Previously Submitted? Nie!


Another star system for the Nesh-Nesh! Long overdue considering its player count, this system is going to be used in the Gam'trosha plot. In order to not spoil it for my players, I've left out as much information as possible.
Last edited:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Looks interesting. Just a nitpick, but you need to touch up some of the table tags as a few of the planets have data that is incorrectly displayed.
What's the alien artifact? It doesn't have to be specific.
Thanks Paladin! Didn't notice that, fixed it =D

The arftifact is basically going to be what'll cause the Gam'trosha to be brought to that system, outside of that; I'd rather not give to many specifics, at least not yet! :3
Can you PM me the basics?
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