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RP: Neshaten [Ne'ushae Academy City] - The Curtain of Darkness Descends

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Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Mid YE 42
RP Location
Ne'ushae city District 6
Ne'ushae City

The bustling city of students had recently gotten a whole lot busier, with the imminent start of the next school term looming over the populus students and staff alike were scurrying all through the walkways of the fortress of knowledge. What the citizens of the isolated city could never have seen coming, what had penetrated their unbroken walls and defenses had done so many years ago and had lay in wait. Now on the cusp of a new term, with the education material including more content on their new foreign acquaintances and even some basic lessons on understanding trade though for the sake of security only members of the diplomatic and government roles within the kingdom were permitted to learn full trade as a new job requirement.

For Cieli all she would be concerned with was finding her way around to new classrooms and focusing on the new learning content, as well as figuring out who was gonna be nice enough to help her out once in a while with her lack of sight. Currently she was being assigned a new shared dorm room for her transition to upper school and that meant brand new roomate in a different building than she was used to.

Admin District

Deep in the heart of the city the takeover had already begun, without anyone knowing already the majority of adults and older students responsible for security had been recruited into Kingdom Fall with the remainder having been slowly moved out of their positions. Now on this eve of the new term, their plan was in motion, the roads usually closed this time of year had been opened and a large group of new KF initiates along with experienced personnel had been smuggled into the city unknown to its innocent inhabitants.

Tonight the pieces would fall into place.

And Cieli had just arrived at her new room, bright (but blind) eyed and ready to meet whoever was inside, as soon as they picked up their things from falling over the last step on the landing, sprawling over the floor in a daze.
Ne'ushae City
District 6

"Ee- mother f-of pancakes!" Cieli sat up and rubbed her face as she looked around after having tripped over the final, very final stair. At least she caught herself, this time. She was SURE that there was one less of them on all of the other ones she'd been on! She counted! She only briefly considered the possibility she miscounted due to her own nervousness as she quickly gathered up all her stuff, most of which ws under herself, thankfully, so it didn't take long!

Through her scrambling onthe ground to collect her bags, and her white cane (she liked the term Blind People Stick better) she messed up her hair quite a bit, but hardly noticed the extent of it all as she just brushed it out of her face so it wouldn't be tickling her. Although, the excessive, ever more intense curls of her hair as it got longer and longer, helped to alleviate that, somewhat. That short fiasco ended, she hopped to her feat, and hoped nothing spilled out of her bags... She would have to ask her new roomie to help with that, as she hadn't been paying enough attention to listen for anything like that at the time of her falling, unfortunately!

She quickly approached what she remembered SHOULD be the location of her new dorm, though unable to rely on her white cane, she could simply graze the walls and railings as she went in order to not get throughly lost. She was still just a little bit sad that no one actually came to help her move!"Helloo?" She called out, in a somewhat drawn out manner as she opened the door. "Is anyone home? This is my new room, right?" She asked as she peered around, with arm fulls of stuff, not quite keen on walking into a new dormroom like this. It could be messy! And also possibly the wrong room. She did miscount the number of stairs just then, afterall!
Ne'ushae City
District 6 - Dorms

As she opened the door and called out the blind Daur heard the distinct sound of footsteps rushing towards her before a pair of hands lifted a majority of her belongings out of her arms.
"Sorry, I should have gotten the door for you..." A timid voice came from within the room, somewhat masculine sounding but very soft, the person in question was a tall Daur boy the same age as Cieli who'd just moved in a few hours beforehand when everyone else was still asleep, as she would quickly find out he was rather shy and enjoyed his own company. The nameless boy took her belongings and placed them gently on the other bed in the spacious room before quickly hurrying to his own bed and sitting on it watching his new bunkmate as she moved into the room and closed the door.

In Cieli's case there was a slight breeze inside the room from a window which was cracked open slightly letting in some of the sounds from nearby, soft bird chirping from a nearby park as well as the muffled footsteps of hundreds of other residents walking to wherever they were going. The room itself was very tidy which she could easily tell from the lack of bumping her cane on any objects, the boy had moved over to her right initially before retreating to his bed on the left so it was a safe bet right was where her own bed was located.
"If the window open bothers you I can close it..." He offered hurridly, noticing the blind girls sensitive ears twitching as the various sounds reached the fluffy appendages.
Ne'ushae City
District 6 - Dorms

Cieli Tapped her fingers along her cane as she closed the door in a rhythmic manner after stepping inside and having most of her stuff lifted right off her, just giving a smile at the voice as they apologized- they hadn't done anything particularly wrong, really. She slowly maneuvered her way over to her bed as she soaked in the... sounds. This room was a pretty nice spot, it seemed! With a bit of tapping around, she found an unoccupied space on her bed to sit down on, and start arranging her stuff in a manner she'd actually remember where everything was- she had to keep herself very organized if she didn't want to lose anything!

"Ah? The window?" She faced the voice and shook her head, with a smile. "No don't worry about that, I was just thinking the bird's song sounded nice!" She kept arranging her stuff without looking at the bag itself as she replied, doing a quick check to make sure she didn't lose anything- a missing audio recorder would be awful! Even if she could remember most of a lecture with the first go around, it never hurts to have a backup of things like it!

As she arranged her stuff, and checked for herself, she spoke up again. "Did it look like my bags were open, or like anything spilled out of them? I, might have dropped them earlier! Yep! Just hoping i didn't drop anything outside on the landing. What was your name again? My name is... Well, really long, but you can call me Cieli." The star eyed fox sat there on her bed with her tail swishing back and forth, humming quietly to herself as she worked, occasionally reacting to some new strange sound she heard from out the window as she maintained a calm, focused expression, even if her eyes did look a bit empty, despite the strange sights there were to be seen in them.

The boy nodded to himself secretly happy he could leave the window open, as he observed her strange movements he began to wonder if she was blind, his wonders confirmed as she asked about the bags.

"Oh! The bags, ah, no they didn't look like anything had fallen out... I think the birds sound nice too." He stammered out, not entirely sure if he should offer to help her unpack or if she had a way of doing it herself, he'd never met another Shukaren with eyesight this bad. "Did, did you need any help with... anything, Cieli." He asked quietly while avoiding eye contact, his fists clenching as he realised how pointless avoiding eye contact was.

The Daur fidgeted sitting on his bed thinking it was a stupid idea to ask if she needed anything, clearly she'd made it here without help so she wouldn't need him to do anything for such a simple task as this. Though he was a little curious now about just how bad the blindness was, he'd worked on low light goggles before and specialised in personal level inventions, it was how he'd gotten invited to the academy city in the first place. Maybe he could help her see a bit better, if he had a good workspace perhaps, well the next semester would be starting soon for the new year so there was hope.

Cieli grinned at the offer, but thought about it herself, and shook her head. "I'd love help! But, I need to remember where I put everything. I could probably use help getting around later on, though! I only really barely memorized the way here before I got here... It was pretty hard, I even miscounted... actually, where are all the other furniture in the room, exactly? Yeah that'd be helpful to know!" As she dug her way through the backpack, it certainly seemed like she knew what she was doing, where everything was... as far as her own stuff went, that is. When it came to what else was in the room besides her bed, it certainly seemed as if she was totally clueless. Though her feat of memorizing the route to the room may lead some to question wether or not she hadn't done the same for a standard dorm room- she certainly didn't tell her roomate as much.

"Knowing where everything else is without having to wave this around," she gestured to her stick she had been carrying during a pause in her speaking "Would make putting away everything a lot easier for sure. By the way, I don't think you told me your name or what I should call you?" All the while, she kept that calm, focused smile on her face as she looked in the direction that the Daur was. With all the shuffling around over there, and the tone of his voice, she could definitely tell he was the shy, fidgety type... Or at least, he was acting like it, but that wasn't an ecxuse to let up and look away to make him less uncomftorable. That would still be rude! Probably. It was hard for her to tell which would be more rude at this point. In anycase, though she tried to disguise how she thought this was kind of funny and cute, her tail sweeping slowly back and forth across the bed behind
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