Star Army

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Never lost to Man or Beast

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RP Date
RP Location
Belmont Compound
"Ba-da-da-da-da ba-da-da-da-da ba-da-da-da-da dadadad~" Egwene was singing a tune to herself as she strolled along the Belmont Compound. She had been grabbing all the jobs she could with all the hands she could make because she had a new thing that was sucking money like a high class hooker. Though if she managed to finish it, she would be on her way to being awesome. Eventually, she rolled up to the classroom, and entered it, putting her dataslate on the table and then turning to the holoboard. Her skirt was just short enough and her blouse hung open to show off part of her breasts, which would ensure that the males of the class paid attention to her. She had no problems using her assets to get attention, after all.

'c = 1/(e0m0)1/2 = 2.998 X 10(8)m/s '

With the equation written up, she turned to the class and nodded with a smile, pushing her spectacles up.
"Good morning Class, I am Doctor Tai. I have been invited here to talk to you about electromagnetic science. Maxwell's Equation - as you see on the board - is the foundation of the understanding of Light, and indeed all electromagnetic understanding, in whole or in part. Ampere's Law, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, and Gauss' Law are the concepts that make up these equations, each one pertaining to a different part of the spectrum. Using some-" Egwene paused for a moment and laughed a little "-not-so-simple calculus, Maxwell's equations can be used to show that the electric and magnetic fields obey wave equations. The speed of an electromagnetic wave is determined by the constants of electricity and magnetism. Light, is an electromagnetic wave; discovered by the scientist James Clerk Maxwell, and detailed in the equation on the board.

This equation and Maxwell's work revolutionised the technological era, the discovery of radio waves, Infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays all coming within a century of the discovery of this formula. It is the core to the understanding of all electromagnetic properties, and so it is the first thing I shall be teaching you before we progress"
RP Date: Y42
RP Location: Belmont Compound

In the very back of the classroom, sat a well dressed Elysian with her arms crossed over her plump full chest. Though this was not just any random Elysian, this was madam Seraphina, CEO of Belmont Enterprises. She had heard of a new spunky teacher in town that was getting a good deal of attention. She could see why once she seen how Egwene dressed. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth for just a moment as she lipped her lips. A new toy to play with she thought to herself. Though maybe she could get more than just a fun toy out of the deal.

She would wait for class to end and have a good talk with her. After all it was her business to make business.
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Egwene was not just a pretty face, it seemed, as she went into detail about the concept and theories behind light and the electromagnetic wavelength. It was certainly enough that she earned the name Doctor. Eventually however, the class was over, and Egwene gave the people a suggestive and teasing fairwell before grinning to herself. That, had gone very well. One of them even licked their lips in admiration. She could get along well with the peole here.
Seraphina had watched like a secret admirer from her post in the back of the room. She had been informed this new doctor may bring new knowledge to the company. As an added bonus, she was not half bad looking either. She pulled her shades down so she could look at her with her own eyes. The green information from the interface screen of the shades lighting her face slightly. For all the information at hand, there was not much on this Egwene.

This just meant she would have to get the facts the old fashion way. She stood and followed behind the class. She walked with powerful steps, her chest bouncing with every step. "So, that was some very impressive lecture you provided today." She said with a sly smile. "I am Seraphina and I was wondering if you cared join me for a little chat?" Her voice carrying a serious yet flirtation note.
"Yea, that's the first day of it. You've got another five or six years before you can really be called a Doctor. Mostly people just settle for degrees, Doctorates are only for overachievers like myself. Or people who want to go beyond basic science and do something truly spectacular. Like me" Egwene replied, before looking up and nodding softly. Last time she had a little chat with a student it ended pretty well. Eventually...

"Certainly. What can I help you with, Seraphina?"
"Truthfully, I believe it might be what I can help you with." She reached up and moved some of her hair over one ear. "I am in the business of investing into people. The kind of people who can help grow my business, my empire if you would." She took a step closer and handed her a business card. "It is old fashion but I always did fancy a simple card. An item so simple yet could change the life of of the person holding it." In black ice across the card read, Seraphina Deus Belmont, CEO Belmont Enterprises.

"So far my information search has turned up little on you miss Egwene. So either you have done nothing and are just talk. Or if my women's intuition is correct, there is much more to this story than meets the eye."
"Doctor. Please. I quite possibly died to earn such a title so I like it being used" Egwene replied, taking the card. She thought this woman was just a hunter or maybe a family member but a quick scan of the intranet deemed her to be the CEO of Belmont Enterprises.

"As for what I have been doing, not much. Like I said, takes about five or six years to get a Doctorate, and I have two. Don't suppose the recent Nataria operation did a detail of everyone there, either. So, I have done little. But I can tell you I am far from just talk" She'd send a call out for her little toy to make it's way here, and then returned her gaze to the woman.

"So, how can I help you grow your business? Decent though I might be in the field, I've not doubt you have several of my equal"
"I am glad you seem to be onboard. This is just perfect. I am looking for the dreamers, the ones that can bring about the next great thing. So tell me, do you have a ground breaking idea your looking to make happen?"

She stepped closer and lowered her voice. "Though if it is better kept a secret, we can find a more private place too. We can't have our next big thing getting out before we are ready to launch. Like I always say, invention is like good romance, never stop trying new things."
"Pfft, do I ever! I have no worry of this being taken by another because it requires skill in an esoteric avenue to even understand" Egwene exclaimed, turning to the board and taking it over with her remote processor, filling it quickly with lines upon lines of incredibly complicated scientific formula. While that was loading, she went over and opened one of the large windows, which was good because a few seconds later a metal man-shaped thing came flying by and climbed through the window.

"This is L-3000, A Combat Flightsuit I built for myself. My home, Kenewess, has a lot of gang warfare and I wanted to do something about it. But, finances will always get in the way of any endeavour and I lack the indepth knowledge of military grade weaponry to make it from scratch so it's firepower is really lacking. Right now all it has is the Neutron Repulsors as weaponry. It's my first thing, partially related to the fomula on the board due to the power source it uses, a Muon-Catalysted Fusion Reactor" she pointed to the forumla that streched the entire board from top to bottom, end to end.

"See, recently I was in the Battle of Nataria, and I got my hands on this gun that had a Quantum Foam power source. It was incredible, I had made my own but the idea of harnessing that kind of power for ground-level technology was both baffling and enlightening. To know that there is so much above me is a delight. So I started running calculation. Using the Quantum Curve Theory, I can increase the Muon Pull Rate of my power source from one in fifteen thousand to two in one. So imagine the delight when anything you have gets a thirty thousand percent increase in effectiveness. Though that kind of power would require me rebuild the power core from scratch to handle the new wattage, which again. Finances. The reactor itself isn't so bad but the body and the suit it powers are the killers"
Seraphina walked over to take a closer look at the metal man. "I can relate all too well to the challenge of not having enough money. Was a time when I had nothing, barely even clothes on my back. It was only after meeting a stubborn ID SOL that things would start to change. We challenged each other to reach further heights. I will save you the rest of the details but all that is around you is part of that hard work"

He paced around the robot a few times. "This was not done alone and I am thankful that many have banded beside the Belmonts so we could reach what we have today. So I extend an offer of a lab and money." She walked over to the large board filled with science. Pointing to the board, "this is your dream, let us go and make it happen." She snapped her fingers and a very tall man entered the class room. "This is one of my associates, just let him know what you need." She again walked over to the robot and ran a finger across its chest.
After teasing the robot a bit, the faceplate would slid open and the void of the internals would stare at Seraphina in a judgemental manner.

"I'm hoping to reach further heights in a few years myself. For now, I am still in the hard work stage. This, is the first step of a multi-step idea that if it works then might lead to further patents that then broach into dream territory. I thank you for the fiancial support, but between Kenewess, freelancing for Psychopomp and now this, I would have three separate laboratories" she'd laugh softly. And then a thin associate man came in and she was meant to tell him what she needed.

"There's the thing. I don't know. See my current body is a basic Duranium build. Simple and cheap, but running this kind of voltage would need some specialised material to handle it. I have been writing up a chemical compound, a graphene-tugsten alloy that would be able to handle the thermal output of the reactor. Though I need to run a few tests for the bonding agent"
She looked at the robot with an, 'ooh saucy' expression. She looked back to Egwene giving her full attention as she explained the situation. "I do see the challenge of having too many labs and not enough Egwene to fill them all." Seraphina thought for a moment thinking what her next step could be. Clearly she wanted nothing to do with those other groups since she wanted this technology for her group. Though sometimes these type of deals do lend way to much larger collaboration.

"This new body you speak of has my attention. The new graphene-tugsten alloy may yield promising results. So, how can I play a part in helping making this happen?" She had walked over to get another look at Egwene. She was curious how much of a beating her current body could take compared to the new. Seraphina did have a skilled related to breaking things in.
"I'd have TONY" she'd nod to the armour suit "Help be an extra me but it's got range constraints of a hundred miles. And his automation is not very good right now. MIs have to evolve into VIs before they can do anything like that" Egwene replied, leaning back and swiping the code off the board, replacing it the new formula.

"It was originally the planned compound to make my body out of. I was going to create it and patent it and call it EGWENEIUM! hahahahaha! But I couldn't afford the experiments to work on it so we just went with reprocessed Duranium. Kenweness has a lot of scrap after all. For you, I don't know your skill in chemistry but Graphene is an allotrope of carbon, and mono-crystaline Tungsten is a metallic element so I need to find the best chemical to make the alloy bond with. F'ya skipped out on chemistry to ogle the pretty ladies, then the raw materials would be appreciated. Harvested Tungsten is fine but mono-crystaline Tungsten is the best for robustness"
Seraphina smiled ear to ear. "Bondage is something I am good at, on more than one level." She let out a chuckle and continued her thought. "But on a serious note, this Egweneium speaks to me. It has a certain level of sexy to it and we all know how well sex sells in Yam." She was now twirling her finger in her hair. "I am a fast learner, love everything in life. If you put enough love into it, chemistry is bond to happen."

"So were shall we begin?"
Egwene would stare for a second and break into a snorting laughter. She had her mind in the gutter from the start, and didn't let up. "So. Puns, flirtations and a cute bod. I can see why you are so highly positioned in life"

Egwene would turn and gesture to the door with a warm smile.
"First I need to puncture the quantum curve and apply it to a neutron pull reactor. Which will take a while to work out. Then after that make a new reactor from that technology, then start work on prototyping the alloy that needs a better name. It sounds horrible when you say out out loud like that"
"I am glad you are a fan of my work." She commented as her wings unfolded. "These do make for a good blanket after all." She let out a small flirty laugh.

"So when your talking about quantum curve. Are we still talking about the reactor or yourself? A slight giggle rolling off her lips. While she lacked full understanding of the science which Egwene spoke of. She could admire the passion for which was being shown. A great quality she looked for in people she did business with. "Oh please, the name is perfectly fine, you just need to roll it while you say it. Eg-wene-ium" She said slowly, rolling her tongue as she said the word." Though in truth it looked more like she was french kissing the word instead of speaking it.
"The reactor. The Quantum curve is the approach and....deproach? Departure from? Ehh, it's where you get the planck length, which is the shortest length in the universe. It is so small, that the height of an average person is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times bigger than it. It's so small matter ceases to work in solid, straight lines and more rips tiny wormholes open to wander about inanely. It's a ripple in spacetime that is tapped into and used as a power source. I can use the same theory surrounding the harnessing of this foam to act as a sort of beacon for muons to begin fusion. Energy is secondary, everyone has infinite energy generators these days. But this is special because the fusion I am using here can be harnessed and directed in beams that are the main armorment of my suit over there"

It seemed she had a great deal of passion about the subject, totally missing her new friends' attempts to flirt and be sultry as she did SCIENCE!
"Oh dear, the only time I see numbers that big is my checking account or line of folks looking to date me." An evil cackle followed her phrase. "I do say you have vast knowledge on the subject. So you need to score yourself some mono-crystaline Tungsten, I believe I can have this arranged." She snapped her fingers and the man standing near her opened his communicator and got to work. "It is so nice having such good help these days. Just point and off they go to make the world turn."

"So is there anything else I can do to you?"
"I see numbers that big when checking my debt" Egwene replied, shaking her head with a rueful smile. "Indeed. I'll make the Graphane myself. It's an artifical substance so making it myself allows me to keep the quality exactly as I need it. Though, I could also use some different bonding chemicals. Run some physical tests to see what comes best" She'd exit the lab and then look back and give her own sultry grin.

"And about twenty foot of rope to dangle you from the ceiling while I work"
"Make sure to use the double twisted pair style of rope. It tends to nip into the skin as you struggle." She gave a sly wink back to Egwene. She followed a moment later behind her out of the lab. "So where shall we go first on this little adventure? I have time prior to my next engagement, though i doubt will be as much fun as we are about to have." Seraphina tended to be the one behind the desk giving orders. But she did from time to time get out into the field to do work personally. This was her way of staying connected with the day to day operations.
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