Star Army

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RP: Dawn Station New Arrival - No Need for Space Marines

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
AF 260, 1st Quarter, 12th Month, 9th Day (12/18/31)
Dawn Station, Sector 1, Dock XX

As the passenger transport began to unload its customers, many of the Nepleslians, Geshrins, and Yamataians who were traveling to Dawn Station would stare in amazement at one of their fellow passengers. Then again, it was very rare to see an Abwehran male outside of their territory. Though most of them probably had no idea what an Abwehran was to begin with.

Standing out in the Dry Dock, the rather large individual towered over everyone present as he looked at his surroundings and adjusted the thick, black goggles covering his eyes. His mahogany skin seemed to contrast the orange turtleneck that could be barely seen past the man's black trench-coat. But even the large coat couldn't hide his muscular figure. Even worse was the extra pair of arms on his torso that every male of his species had to use. With gray beret crowning a head of regulation-cut, jet-black hair, the obviously military man was carrying a large duffel bag swung over the shoulder of his top-right arm and pulling a footlocker on wheels behind him with his lower-left. "Hmph, I'll admit it," he grumbled in his own language of Abwehran as he surveyed the Dry Dock Area with interest. "They can build em real nice." he said with a chuckle as he followed the pack of visitors towards a make shift checkpoint station security had set up.

It only took a few minutes for the security personnel to get to the intimidating man as they waved their detectors over him, which in turn squealed. The Abwehran could only grimace. "Does it have to squeal like a stuck Gruth?" he asked the ID-SOL security guard, who seemed rather offended that he was actually be dwarfed by someone else.

"Open your coat," the ID-SOL demanded as the foreign visitor sighed and opened to reveal more of the Abwehran Military Uniform to the security guard, as well as the Pistol at his hip. "How's about you step off to the side while I frisk you." he said more like a demand as the Abwehran's lower arm reached into the coat pocket and flicked open a Weltraumflotte ID.

"How's about you call your superior and ask why you're delaying the Abwehran Military Representative even further, void-for-brains," the Abwehran growled as the ID-SOL seemed to take a step back, which only further antagonized the poor Security Guard and his height complex. Unfortunately, he also knew that some governments were planning on sending representatives, hell one of them was Yamatai, which meant he was out of his league...for now.

"Wait right here, sir," the ID-SOL gritted his teeth and began to make a few calls.
After a few minutes, an extremely tall, muscled Nepleslian man covered in scars, wearing a gun belt with at least three kinds of guns hanging from it. His Origin uniform was covered in the tiny holes prevalent for anyone who worked with metal, as well as stained in several places by what smelled like gun oil, powder, and some other things that couldn't quite be identified. He had an apron on over the front of this uniform, made from heavy canvas and stained and pockmarked even worse than the uniform. Atop his buzz-cut head was a flipped-up welding mask, and his hands were covered in heavy gloves. This man, whom had obviously been working when Wolfgang had showed up, seemed to be in a good mood.

Pushing the perturbed seeming Id-Sol (whom he was taller than) out of the way, this huge Nepleslian made his way to Wolfgang, holding out a hand for the Abwerhan to shake. "So you're this Wolfgang that i've heard about from.. Abwhar? Abwehr? Something like that? Oh, sorry, I'm being rude, I'm Rob Robertson III, Co-Owner of Origin Industries. Pleased to meet you! Sorry about the Security here, we hadn't expected you on a Civilian ship! Still, Come with me, We'll get you settled in!" Rob Robertson was warm and welcoming, if a bit rough at the edges, and seemed glad that there was finally someone his Height around to talk to.
The slightly taller Abwehran gave Rob a measuring look before snorting quietly and smirking at the Nepleslian that could reach his height. "Yes, I'm Wolfgang Lehrer, Oberstabsfeldwebel of the Kaiserlich Weltraumflotte." greeted Rob with full title. "If you have to call me something though, just call me Wolf or Chief. I've heard that our rankings can be a mouth full." he stated gruffly as he took Rob's hand with his lower right hand and clasped it rather tightly.

"And don't worry about Security, I can handle them just fine," he stated as he gave the ID-SOL a toothy grin moments before he began to follow Rob. "As for the Civie ship, let's just say the Weltraumflotte has better things to do than ship my ass around like a VIP."
"I'll Call Ya wolf. Sounds Nice and deadly." Rob answered, chuckling as he shook his gripping arm vigorously. After a few moments he stopped and let go, listening to Wolf's explanation of why he wasn't on a Weltraumflotte ship.

"Well, that's nonsense. You're special around here, probably the only Abwehran on our station for the moment. Plus! You're going to be helping us to make designs for your nation, right?" Rob yammered on, making his way towards an oddly small vehicle that was sitting in place, vibrating slightly and making a nice purring noise. The Squared off car looked like it would be almost comically small for the two huge men. "Get on in!" Rob coaxed, Sitting down into the driver's seat and, oddly enough, fitting inside rather easily. "She's a Combustion-engined vehicle. Right now I got her running on Hydrogen. You can drink from the Tailpipe. Hell, this is the first Origin vehicle that doesn't have an aether-powered version. Ray designed it after his meeting with your bosses." The Gunsmith explained, seeming proud of the vehicle.
Wolfgang could only snort in amusement at the man's answer. "Your damn right, matches me perfectly," he growled in approval. "But while I'm important to this station and the Empire for my potential designs, I'm still rather low in the pile," he responded before coming to the rugged vehicle. Tossing his luggage into the back of the Versa, the Warrant Officer wondered why combustion-engined vehicles were so excited. Well, he wondered before Rob finally explained about the aether part.

"Ah," he muttered as he squeezed on into the car. "Well, I'm not as religious as some people," the Abwehran replied with a shrug. "Hell, Aether Power is one of those things I'm required to brush up on while I'm here designing," Wolf explained. "Those brainy-types at Kaiserlich F&E want to know more about Aether and that shiny little reactionless drive the Yammies use a lot for in-system FTL." the Engineer snorted in disgust. "Psh, my opinion is that those void-brained pushovers are just being lazy," he growled before crossing his arms.

"Now where was I--oh yeah, low in the pile." the four-armed man muttered as he stroked his chin with his upper-right hand. "I'm only a Chief Warrant Officer, barely out of Officer's Training because of personnel crunches. I'm trained enough to do my job well, but expendable enough to be sent elsewhere while the more highly-trained Engineers are used to train more Engineers." the Warrant Officer explained. "Believe me, the Abwehran Armed Forces are really being stretched thin with the Reformation of the military and the Expansion of Imperial Territory."
"Heh. I remember the back when I was someone low on the ladder, back when I thought Piracy to be a decent job. Garbage, all of it, and glad I got out of that world before it was too late. Still, here at Origin we treat everyone extremely well. Better than they deserve sometimes, but ehh. It pays the bills, gives me something to do, yannow?" Rob recollected, unleashing the parking brake and pushing his foot down on the throttle. The Little car's engine showed itself to be surprisingly powerful, pushing the two large men back into the seat cushions as it took off towards the center of the station, the engine giving a satisfying roar of power to accompany the speed and acceleration.

"We've been looking at a lot of Non-Aether applications recently, mostly for smaller projects" Rob began "Big things like starships often have Aether reactors, but the restrictions on them and the fact that a failure of an Aether generator is fatal 90% of the time made us look towards safer alternatives. So we have this unassuming little beast here. We have multi-fuel combustion like mine, here, Electric, and Fuel-cell versions." Rob suddenly took a sharp turn, sending anything in the back flying towards one of the sides, before straightening out and continuing. "Still, None of our designs have been strictly military yet, and seem to suffer in that regard. Origin hopes to learn how to make a Proper warship, as well as share what we know about starship construction in general. As well as anything else you might want to share."
The pirate comment caught Wolf's attention as he glanced over at Rob casually. Part of him felt like glaring at the man, but that wouldn't do at all. Wolf knew that this Nepleslian was a rather interesting individual. "Glad you got out of that void-spawned stuff too," the Engineer responded calmly. "But a word from the wise, don't mention anything pirate to an Abwehran." he warned as he continued to stare ahead of them. "About ten years ago," Wolf began before pausing. "Sorry, that was in Abwehran years. So it would be about 35 years ago," he stated before continuing. "The Jaspis System had a fat load of pirate clans roaming about making space exploration and industry a real pain in the arse. Then they pushed the governments buttons by attacking a civilian cargo ship worth 1.3 billion Credits and killed 200 people." he explained before pausing again. "With inflation and translating it to KS, it would probably have been about 1 billion KS in today's terms. Either way, that sparked a huge debate in Parliament." Wolf stated before falling silent for a moment.

"The result of that debate was the Piracy Act, which stated anyone found committing acts of piracy would have their citizenship revoked and lose the basic rights that were protected under our Constitution. It also started the Pirate War, which lasted another three standard decades (ten Abwehran years)." Wolf explained before glancing over at Rob again. "Hell, when I was a rookie in the Marine Corp, I was thrown into a lot of boarding actions against remnants of those pirate clans. Believe me, we Abwehrans hate pirates. Born and bred to hate and kill pirates if you ask me," he gruffed before falling silent again.

Moments later, as if sweating Rob a bit, Wolf began to laugh loudly. "Don't worry though, I like ya Rob. You're all right in my book. I'll help you learn military designing." he stated as his laughter slowly died down. "Star ships, powered armor, ground vehicles, you name it. I'll help you give all the corporations back home a run for their money. They need to sweat a little anyway."
"Heh. Military or not, all of our ships have been designed to combat piracy. An inside view seems to have been good for us, so our ships are more than a match for most pirates. It's the big organized militaries that seem to be giving us trouble, mostly the Mishhuvurthyar, seeing as we don't fight governments, as a rule. I'll love to see your perspective on things, seeing as most of the guns I make are fairly small, or at least usable by people, anyway. I like being able to see the entire weapon as I build it. And you, what is it that you do? You say you're an engineer, so, have you designed anything, or do you just do repairs?" The small vehicle buzzed along, squealing around corners as Rob took them a bit aggressively, trying to make good time to get back to Sector three with Wolf, as someone else figured out where to actually put Wolf.
Wolf could only snort as he felt the g-forces of the turns. "Glad to hear," he stated as he looked at their surroundings through goggled eyes. "I hear a lot of people have it tough because of those Mish...Mish...bah, those Kraken-spawned bastards," the former Marine barked the last bit after struggling with the word.

"I was trained as a Star Ship Engineer, not as a designer but as a problem solver," the Abwehran explained. "The Weltraumflotte teaches its soldiers to be flexible for when the need arises, so I'm here to solve your problems from a military perspective," the veteran said with a gruff laugh. "I can help you with Star ships from an Engineering perspective, but it's a little different with weaponry and Powered Armor," he explained before stroking his chin.

"I used to be in the Weltraumflotte's Marine Corps, so I have experience using infantry weaponry and Powered Armor. I can help you design those from an experience soldier's perspective."
Rob laughed at Wolf's difficulty with the word 'Mishhuvurthyar', even though, in trust, he himself only knew how to pronounce it in an effort to not sound as stupid as he was when he did his job acting like the CEO he was supposed to be.
"Well, I'm sure Aerin will have a great time learning from you. She's a witch of some kind in her structural designing, but she never learned how to make a warship, which seems to limit and frustrate her." the Gunsmith explained, nodding at the Abwehran.

"Now, for me, the worst critic is an experienced soldier." Rob quipped, taking a hand off the wheel in a relatively straight stretch of roadway and pulling one of the guns off his belt, a shiny handguard-clad chemical pistol. "My newest production gun, the ODM 10mm" he explained, handing the weapon to Wolf for inspection.
"Really?" Wolfgang mumbled in surprise as he snorted lightly. "I'll have to meet this 'Aerin' then sometime later," he replied as the former Marine seemed to let the Co-Owner's name roll of his tongue, as if to test out his pronunciation. Of course, the Soldier's left eyebrow rose above his goggles as he glanced at the offered firearm.

Gently taking the sidearm, the trained man glanced over it once to identify the magazine release. Removing the magazine, the Abwehran noticed something odd compared to his own side arm. Specifically, an area on the gun that seemed to open up from the side. Upon closer inspection of both the area and the rounds in the magazine, Wolf divined its usage. "Chemical-propellant?" he seemed to ask with surprise. "Well I'll be spaced--I've only seen chemical-propelled projectiles in historic files." Wolf stated mildly.

Sliding the round back into the magazine, he reloaded the sidearm and made sure the safety stayed on. "Hah, where I'm from we stick with magnetic propulsion for our projectile weapons. Are 10mm round standard over here for military use? Funny how standards seem to be close even with Abwehran isolation," he chuckled in amusement.
"Chemical-powered projectiles are still pretty common because they are cheap, easy to produce, and don't require huge amounts of energy to use." Rob explained, holding his hand out to take the pistol back. "Another reason we use them is Nostalgia. The feel and smell of a nice pistol is something that every Nepleslian was born to love." he chuckled, slowing down a bit as he neared the junction into his section of the Space station.

"10mm is a common round, able to be found anywhere and often found in chemical service pistols, probably because it's a nice, even number, and because the measurement of a millimeter seems to have grown up with most sentient life forms in this galaxy."
"Really," Wolf mumbled as he handed the pistol back to Rob. "I guess that makes sense," he replied before reaching down with his lower right to draw his Brefreier from its holster. Taking the time to remove the magazine/battery from its slot, the former Marine held up a pistol that was just slightly smaller than Rob's 10mm. "With the invention of liquid semiconductors on Abwehr, we moved away from chemical-propelled weaponry in favor of variable magnets to propell projectiles," the Abwehran explained as took a part the weapon to reveal and almost total lack of moving parts. The only moving parts visible seemed to have been part of the trigger mechanism.

"Using a nuclear battery to power the weapon, we use electro-magnetics to propel 10mm tungsten-carbide rounds," he explained before putting the weapon back together and removing a single round from its magazine. "Our standard round is the spike round, though on board starships we tend to prefer ball rounds so we don't penetrate bulkheads and damage vital equipment." he stated before placing the round back in and sliding the magazine back into position.

"I've heard rumors that Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer is currently working on a newer design than our standard Brefreiers. Hell, we've been using the same designs of weaponry for nearly half a century in standard time," he muttered as he held out his pistol to Rob. "Maybe you can create some competition for them to get off their lazy arses."
"Oh really?" Rob said, looking over the weapon, instead of paying attention to where he was going. He looked over the round and the weapon itself, taking mental notes and imagining what he'd have done instead of what it's designers had done, before looking back to the road and swerving out of the way of a stubborn building.

"I could use some competition too. It's just me and a couple other guys designing the weapons and building the test models, before we hand them off a team to create the mills to build." the Nepleslian said, realizing they were near his gunshop and he should probably slow the car down soon. maybe.
Wolf used his legs to hold his position while the driver swerved to avoid possible death to both of them, his heavy-gravity world muscles bulging. "Close one there," he snorted glancing at Rob with an upraised eyebrow over thick goggles.

"Three people design and test the firearms you have here?" he asked questioningly before staring ahead with a thoughtful expression. "Well, it will definitely be easy to Liaison between the Empire and you guys then. Though I assume your ship and armor departments are much larger personnel wise."
"it's a lot easier for like-minded individuals to come up with a working project" Rob pointed out "And we're different enough that progress is made. But yes, I hope that liaison will be easy, Nothing worse than arguing over something silly." the Nepleslian said, Planting his foot firmly on the brake and causing it to jerk forward sharply before the non-locking brake system kicked in, slowing the vehicle down without making it skid.

"Allright! We're Here! Now we can work on figuring out where you're supposed to go, I left all the important paperwork here, so we can finish everything pretty quickly so I can get on to showing you everything!" the Nepleslian told the Abwehran man eagerly.
Smirking a bit, the former Marine popped his door open and stood up slightly. "That sounds like a plan," he replied lightly. "Let's just get this done and move on," Wolf stated as he stretched his back. "I'd like to get to work as soon as I can. I've spent nearly half a standard year recuperating from injuries and doing nothing." he muttered and cracked his neck.
"Doing nothing is the worst kind of doing." Rob agreed, making his way through a doorway, holding it open for his guest. Inside the hallway it opened to, Wolf could smell the acrid smell of burnt gunpowder, and various other smells from milling oil to the scents of different metals. This was accompanied by sounds of grinding and cutting and pressing, with sparks flying through a door of a farther room.

Rob ignored all of this, unlocking the first door and heading in, to a relatively quiet office, the walls covered in guns, from best sellers to failed projects. the Nepleslian shuffled through some papers, shoved a folding computer out of the way, moved some wayward... scrolls... threw a few miniature storage devices around, before finally finding a piece of glass with words etched on it. Rob read this 'note' "Ah, it looks like your room isn't quite finished yet. We weren't expecting you for another few days, so your room is in an unfinished section of the station. No worries! We'll hook you up with one of the hotel rooms while your actual room waits. For now you can just leave your stuff in my car."
"Sounds better than a Barracks either way," was Wolf's only comment about the lack of room as he let his goggle-covered eyes scan over the wall of weaponry. A low-whistle erupted from his lips as he examined some of them by sight alone. "You like your firearms," he chuckled. "If a civilian had a stash like this on Abwehr, they'd be put away in a second," Lehrer muttered before shaking his head.

"Just to warn you, you may not get much business from Abwehran civilians. It's illegal for civilians to carry firearms unless its for hunting purposes. And only when they're Tyrani Hunting."