1. At 5'10" and 185 pounds, this girl doesn't have a slightly muscular build — she is straight up jacked or she's overweight. Cutting her weight by 25 to 30 pounds will give you a frame that isn't so extreme.
2. But the measurements are a little wack. A 21-inch waist, with her bust and hips like that, makes her severely hourglass-looking. It doesn't fit with the muscular build you've got in mind for her — a 27-inch waist is more ideal, as it's just on the edge of being considered "hourglass."
3. So, she's totally a Yamataian woman. Has a family and everything. ... So why does she choose to look like a Nekovalkyrja?
4. Run that spellcheck.
5. In history:
Where was she born? Where does she live now?
Why did she choose to be police? What did she do to further that goal? She's 30 years old, so she's probably been to college.
Does she have military experience?
What police agency did she serve at before coming to the YNP? Or was she hired as a dedicated YNP agent?
Who taught her to play the flute and violin?
6. In Skills:
a. In Physical, she should be running 2-3 miles each day, as time permits.
b. In Vehicles, just watch the pronouns. You say "his" at one point.
Overall: Just needs some filling out, and you're good to go.
This character is pending.