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Approved Character New Character: Sanada Yuzuhara

Hey there. I'm Doshii Jun, one of the site's character reviewers. Let's dig in, shall we?

Minor things first:

1. Spellcheck. We love it, and we ask you do the same.

2. In some of the words you use, you have extra backslashes. If you were looking to italicize some words, use // on both sides of the text you're italicizing.

The majors:

1. "Master" is a tricky phrase in a military setting. The person in charge is Master. OK, but she will have an immediate superior, a supervisor above that person, an executive officer, a commanding officer ... that's not counting anyone who outranks her.

I get the concept, and it's a good one. Toning it down, however, is necessary. Instead of calling everyone above her "master," maybe she can stick to the devotion and dedication themes and be a very obedient and reliable soldier, if a little overzealous when it comes to protecting her perceived superior.

She can still find safety (and sleep) on whatever vessel she serves on, or in the barracks of whatever planet she's shipped to.

This also avoids the continuous breaking of protocol by calling superiors "masters."

2. On the "Physical" skill, expand that some. What kind of training? Any sports? Any focus of the training (conditioning, strength, endurance, flexibility)? That sort of stuff.

Overall: A good first start. The history is short, but that's fine.

This character is pending.
Just for clarification, Doshii, the new wiki setup adds in slashes for some reason when certain words including apostrophes are used.
Well I decided to keep the shell and core-concept, but I tossed the rest away and replaced it with a fresh one, hope you don't mind.

After dreaming up the new version, I wondered if they would allow someone with her "condition" to serve in the Armed Forces. If not then please let me know as I'll have to think of a new flaw.

I hope I read and applied your suggestions correctly for this one.

Please let me know if anything needs to be changed.
Besides setting up a userpage for yourself on the wiki, I'd say you're good to go!

This character is approved for IC usage. Please file for orders here.

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