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Approved Character New Character: Silic Vas

Hello, and Welcome to SARP, Jimmy.
I'm Kai, and I run Fort Ready, so I'm the one to go to about it. The fort is already open, so you could just say he was already there, and join in the story (we barely started, and I need something to get it back moving again).

As for the character, I would like to not that changing bodies takes no needles, and would actually take less time than the year you have for his recovery (which with the level of tech is inordinately long anyway)

You have a few spelling errors, so check through that a bit better.

Overall, though, he seems fairly solid.
Thanks for the quick reply Kai

The needles thing is just him making excuses and being a wimp, its sort of like saying you won't fly because you don't like airline toilets, valid, but just total bull.

The hospital stay was me spitting numbers, but I've heard of people spending months in rehab for arm fractures so I figured blindness, mutilple lacerations and a missing hand would put someone away for a while. Although now you mention it, it probably would be a lot shorter but towards the end he was just waiting for the parts to arrive rather than any actual healing.

Sorry about the spelling mistakes, but it could just be culture clash, we spell color as colour where I come from, more than probable I missed something though, I'll look over it again.
The most obvious spelling Error was you put "Taunt" instead of "Taut" in part of his history: "the highly taunt belt"
I notice he's lacking a skill. Want to add one more?

And as another bit ... not to be offensive, but are you foreign? Your use of the word "Occidental" to describe his features, and saying he reached "majority" are phrases I don't recognize as common American speech. I'm just curious. It has no relevance whatsoever to your character being approved.
Well, I was thinking of giving him a basic demolition skill but then thought "He's a mechanic, what would he be doing blowing stuff up?", so he'll probably pick that up in training.

Actually I used the word Occidental from another character bio I saw here, I couldn't really use the term "White" to describe him and I really don't like the word Caucasian (hey, spelt that right first time :D ).

I'm not American if thats what you mean, I'm a New Zealander, but I live overseas for now, I also have a bad habit of using antiquated old words, my friends always complain I talk like an old man ("...back in the day...").[


I feel like I'm letting off a blowhorn during a church service but...
(pushes down handle on detonator)

_________For Emergency Use Only_________

I really hate doing that...

Anyway, just letting you know I'm still here and waiting, not sure if there's anything wrong or if I've just been forgotten for bigger things, but I can't wait much longer. If I have to pick a seventh skill it'll probably be basic Culinary skill as he loves his food, but he was going to pick up a small swag of skills in training so I cut one off.
Your choice.

This character is approved for IC usage. Please file orders in the communication thread of the character's faction.

Welcome to the Star Army Role-Play.
I sincerely apoligise if I was rude, its just that I've got a particularly busy spot coming up for the next few days, and I really needed to get everthing into gear or I'll fall behind. Thank you for your continued support and advice, believe me it is appreciated, and I look forward to playing with you soon.