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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Neshaten Information Network New Diplomatic Agreement and Martial Lockdown for Ne'ushae

The familiar jingle of Netoshen FM plays as the radio station starts its evening show

"Good evening everyone, Ni'la Pesscio here bringing you a special evening report. For those of you who aren't regular listeners, just two days ago the entire planet was placed into a state of mild alert and all of us were ordered to remain indoors for 24 hours, I dunno about all of you but those were the darkest hours of my life so far, literally! Did anyone else notice anything unusual during the long night? Our phones are open and we'll be taking calls after the break."

There is several advertisements played along with the standard message to report any suspicious behavior or information regarding terrorist activity directly to the local naval office

"Welcome back everyone and thank you to all the callers on the line, I'll be taking the first two callers we received so first up welcome to the show Mr Delipna, and what are your thoughts on the recent events?" Ni'la clicks a button on her desk in the studio unmuting the audio from line 1, through the phone line a man cleared his throat and began to speak, from the sound of his voice he would have been in his mid-sixties.

"Thank you for having me on your show Miss Pesscio I've been a long time fan. For anyone who doesn't know me, I work closely with several of our advanced education facilities, particularly in the technology departments. What we experienced two days ago was definitely not natural as most of us probably realised by now, myself and some of the other researchers believe that the 24 hours of total darkness was a side effect of some sort of government project or test. Another good friend of mine actually heard from some of the trade families they had been barred from leaving the planet several hours prior and were kept grounded until several hours after it had passed as well."

"I see, so you and your friend believe keeping the trade ships grounded was to stop them from finding out what was happening while the government performed some kind of testing?" The radio host asked with a hint of shock in her voice, ever since this new Kingdom Fall had emerged she had been getting many reports of strange events all over the city and even the other continents. "Do you have any other evidence to back this up or any theories on what it may have been?" Ni'la asked, sitting on the edge of her chair waiting for the response.

"Well I'm glad you asked, we attempted to get a meeting with the royal family or their affiliates but no such luck I'm afraid, we all believe they were definitely involved though with the very strange timing of keeping all commercial ships grounded as well as how effectively the navy stepped in to enforce the lockdown." The man replied, he didn't sound like a typical conspiracy nut and his points were pretty valid.

Without warning the radio broadcast cut off to all the listeners as the station lost power, Ni'la looked through the studio window to her assistant who shrugged and motioned he was going to check the power box. As he moved over to the door the assistant let out a loud cry and well over trying to back away from the door as it was kicked in. Ni'la looked up from her notes and gasped, watching on has a group of 5 Neshaten clad in black with faces obscured by helmets burst through the door. While none of them were armed they moved swiftly with one member restraining her assistant while two more moved into the recording room with her.

"Miss Pesscio, you need to come with us now, we'll take it from here." The rough female voice came through the black helmet crystal clear, and it was clear she wasn't waiting for the radio host to protest as Ni'la was tossed over her shoulder and carted out of the building alongside her assistant. The last three black-clad foxes in the building removed their helmets and reset the breaker, turning the power back on and getting the broadcast going once more.

For all the listeners the last minute of static was suddenly replaced with the usual jingle of their favourite station followed by several short sponsor messages they'd heard before.

"Sorry there everyone, had a bit of technical difficulty here at the station but it's all sorted now, unfortunately, I won't be able to take the next caller whatever it was it seems to have messed with the phones. Moving on to the next story of the night I have some top secret juicy info for all of you, Our Royal Family is rumored to be announcing a new diplomatic agreement with a foreign nation later this week, we here believe the long night has something to do with this but don't have any concrete proof right now, but don't worry when we do you'll be the first to know. I'm not sure how long this backup power will last so for our second story of tonight, the educational institute city of Ne'ushae has been placed under lockdown by the same black and grey dressed military personnel we've all been seeing popping up around the cities recently. We believe they are some form of special unit activated by the royals, what they do or why they have shown up now we don't know but stay vigilant out there and be careful not to get in their way, some of our listeners have reported family and friends going missing after an encounter with them."

The three foxes flicked off the microphone and turned off the broadcast, the one who had been speaking reached up to adjust their voice changer in the helmet to disable it, with a nod to one another they each pulled out an incendiary device and tossed them around the building before exiting through the front door as the fire from each canister took hold of the cozy wooden cottage in seconds.