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New Government/Species: Abwehran Empire

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Warning: It's long. I think I need more of a life just looking at it all.

Table of Contents

I. Species Information
  • - Basic Information
    -Surfacer Information
    -Night-Dweller Information

II. Location
  • -System Information
    -Planetary Information
    -Jaspis IVc/Abwehr
    -Jaspis IVf/Gefahr

III. Imperial Government
  • -Basic Information
    -Constitutional Amendments
    -Important Government Officials

IV. Imperial Military Forces
  • -Basic Information
    -Academy Information
    -Capital Ship Organization
    -Naval Ship Organization
    -Fighter/Mecha Organization
    -Airship Organization
    -Ground Forces Organization

V. Military Vehicles
  • -Space Vessels
    -Naval Vessels
    -Ground Vehicles

VI. Weaponry and Technology
  • -Weaponry
Species Information

Species Information

Basic Information

Name of Species: Abwehran

Homeworld: Jaspis IVc

Population (approx.):
Total: 9.3 billion
Male: 30%
Female: 70%
Percentage of Surfacers: 64%
  • Male: 40%
    Female: 60%
Percentage of Night-walkers: 35%
  • Male: 20%
    Female: 80%

Type: Welfare Capitalism
Main Exports: N/A
Main Imports: N/A
Currency: Credit
Valuable backing currency: No Backing

Description: Abwehrans are a humanoid race with prehensile tails and have a height range of six feet to seven feet, six inches. Females can then be identified from males by the fact that males have four arms and females have two arms. Abwehrans have a strong skeletal structure, made of calcium and iron, which gives them the ability to withstand a maximum of 25 Gs of gravity with out support gear. To keep blood circulating through the body at such high forces, Abwehrans have two hearts that work simultaneously. If one heart should stop, the other heart will only pump for an hour until it fails as well.

Abwehrans also have brains that are the same size as an average human's, but it is twice as dense with two lobes fused together. This, and the fact that they can use 20% of their brain for conscious thought, gives them all photographic memories as well as mild empathic ability. This doesn't mean they're geniuses though. It just means their brains can process information at a faster rate. A strange birth defect in the Abwehran community is when the empathic powers seem to triple, making the individual a powerful tele-empath (a person with the ability to use telepathy and empathy). But a side-effect to this is the individual being born without vocal chords. This causes the person to rely more on written Abwehran and telepathy to communicate with others.

They also have the unique ability to regenerate their limbs, as long as a piece of it still remains intact. Abwehrans usually live to be 1200 Earth years old or 300 Abwehran years. There youthfulness stays with them throughout this time (Note: When Abwehran is 150 Abwehran years, they look 50 Earth years). The immune systems of the Abwehran people are incredibly strong and effective against most known diseases and illnesses of other cultures. The most surprising fact is that their immune system attacks the foreign body with not only the antibodies and white blood cells most races have, but also with a cell within the Abwehrans that is not in any other known race. Its name cannot be translated into English, so it has been dubbed the K-cell. The K-cell is an active defense in the body that will attack even live, active viruses and bacteria. It is so active, that it will attack nanoprobes and destroy them. How this came to be is unknown, but most doctors believe this K-cell evolved to protect the Abwehrans from powerful viral agents that at one time may have lived on Abwehr.

Races: Abwehrans can be divided into two races: Surfacers and Night-dwellers.

Culture: It's hard to define the Abwehran culture in its entirety due each race having their separate culture. But there are a few, if rare, similarities to both cultures that could be mentioned together.

First and foremost, all Abwehrans believe in the right to settle their differences with a duel to first blood. This is believed in so much, it is protected in their Empire's Constitution. Once an Abwehran is challenged, both parties are to use their personal swords in the duel. The party who is challenged is given the right to choose when and where the duel is to take place. The objective of the duel is to first blood, meaning the first person to bleed loses the duel. Duels to the death are considered barbaric and illegal. If an Abwehran is purposefully killed in a duel, the transgressor's sword is broken and they are arrested for the crime of Murder in the first degree.

Secondly, family is important to all Abwehrans, no matter what race they come from. Almost every Abwehran family has a coat of arms that identifies them. Each member of a family that is reach the age of adulthood is required to carry a sword with them when allowed to, this is a tradition that was meant to be used as protection and settling arguments. It is still used like that today, but only in marriages, duels, and funerals. These objects are symbols of family union and respect. There is no such thing as disownment or abandonment in any Abwehran family for such things is considered cruel and dishonorable. In other words, if someone in the family commits a crime or insults another family the whole family must atone for it in some way. The individual is punished in an appropriate way, but the family must pay for any damages incurred or help support the other family.

The Abwehr spoken language closely resembles the Earthlings German, though many of their words aren't able to translate into either German or English. Their written language seems to go by the same concept as Japanese and Chinese in the fact that each symbol represents an idea and not a letter. But the Abwehran written language is not as artistic as its Earth counterpart. In fact, it has evolved over the years into a written language that can be typed on computer easily. Each symbol is more blocky or spherical, but are all different. The written language is also read left to right as in English.

Surfacer Information

Description: Born with a variety of hair and eye colors, Surfacers are closer to resembling humans than their brethren from the subterranean depths. There is really not that much difference from humans other than species appearance.

Areas: All over the surface of the planet.

Culture: Quite hedonistic, Surfacers have no preference in religion and prefer the arts and commerce to more technical occupation. Monogamists due to a near equal male to female population ratio, they tend to consider homosexuality as taboo and have a discriminatory belief in it. Fashions and trends tend to be dictated by celebrities and what the Empress wears out in public.

Night-Dweller Information

Description: Unlike the Abwehrans that live on the surface, Night-Dwellers have pasty complexions with glowing blue eyes due to living under the surface of the planet. Their hair is usually raven black and dark brown in variation. Though they can and will go out onto the surface during the day, they are forced to wear dark black goggles when they do. Without that protection, the suns rays will burn out the ultra-sensitive retinas in the Night-Dwellers specialized eyes and cause permanent blindness. Dim artificial light to starlight is the only thing Night-Dwellers can really stand.

Area: Subterranean Cities underground and one Deep-Sea, Ocean-floor City.

Culture: The Night-Dwellers worship the universe as if it were a living creature and are the minority of the Abwehran species. The Abwehran Night-Dwellers believe that children are the gift of the universe and that a family with many children is a blessed family. Any children that have lost their families to war or famine are usually taken in by the family's greatest friend. Because of these believes the Abwehran Government provides children services, which involve discounts on numerous necessities. Night-Dwellers are also polygamists due to the uneven nature of their gender ratio, which also causes homo-sexuality with-in the female gender to be acceptable. It is also because of these beliefs that Night-Dweller families are the larger of the two races, sometimes being as large as one husband and five wives with nearly ten children.

The Night-Dwellers are the only Abwehrans with an active coming of age ceremony, which is a long and tedious one. It involves the child of 16 Earth years going through a series of three tasks. The first task is of purification. The child goes up to a mountain peak for spiritual cleansing and meditation. This meditation lasts for three days straight. Once this is done, the child should then come down the mountain to perform the second task. The second task is a duel with their father. Though to other races, this maybe considered barbaric, the Night-Dwellers consider it a necessity. To them, if the child can hold his own or win against his father, the child is then considered to be ready to protect himself and his future family without the need for help. The third trial is created specifically by the mother to test her child for his or her days as an adult. It can be anything and is usually wither something the grandmother did to her or completely original. Once the child passes the three trials, they are considered an adult. A celebration then occurs for the new adult of the family.

Abwehrans are rarely seen in any other occupation other than one's involving technical and scientific skills. Most of them can be found in the Abwehran Imperial Military Forces, government or private exploration programs, and within the scientific community; though the vast majority will always be found trying to gain entrance into the newly formed Space Forces.

The Night-Dweller marriage is a simple wedding, though it is quite large due to family. Traditionally, the male wears a black on dark gray suit with his sword on his left side. The female wears a forest green or teal evening gown-like wedding dress with no lace or frills on it. Unlike the male, she has a choice whether or not to have her sword with her. If she chooses to have it with her, the sibling or cousin closest to her age is asked to carry it for her. During the ceremony, both man and woman walk down the aisle together. Once at the alter, they turn to face each other and clasp hands. A special cloth with the coat of arms of both families is draped on top of the clasped hands and the couple pledges to the universe and to the people attending their love and devotion. Once that is done, the couple can then share a kiss together to cement their marriage. Afterwards, a celebration is thrown that can last from four hours to eight whole hours, depending on the size of the family.

The Night-Dwellers religion is known as Universalism, the belief that the universe is a living organism and that everything in the universe is constantly being recycled to be reborn anew. Another belief of the Universalists is that if a great wrong has been done (such as genocide, mass murder, or rape) the transgressor is punished by a decrease in the Life/Food Chain. Likewise, a greet deed is rewarded by a promotion in the chain. The Life/Food Chain is a ranking system of objects in the Universe. A sun or star is usually considered to be the highest form that can be received on the chain and is only for those who have led full and great lives. It goes on from their like planets, other celestial bodies, large predators, the intelligent races, other animals, plants, and micro-organisms. The lowest form on the chain is called the Charec Worm. This is an animal that is very destructive and has no known use in nature at all, a mere pest. Due to this status, the highest form of an insult that can be given is "May you forever return as a Charec!â€


System Information

Name: Jaspis
Location on Star Charts: 756341
Type of System: Mono-Star System
  • - Jaspis Prime > Spectral Type F

  • - Jaspis I > Planetoid
    - Jaspis II > Planetoid
    - Jaspis III > Planetoid
    - Jaspis IV > Gas Giant
    - Jaspis V > Planetoid

Background: A System located beyond the Lonely Expanse, Jaspis has had little to no contact with other space-faring civilization. Pretty much a backwater system, it is home to two developing species. The technologically advanced of these two being the Abwehrans of one of Jaspis IV's many moons and the far more primitive Gefahrans on another of the moons.

Planetary Information

Name: Jaspis I
Type: Planetoid
Stellar Radius: .7 AUs
Circumference: 3,789 Km.
Surface Gravity: 0.317 G
Rotation Duration: 8 hours
Revolution Duration: 203 days
  • - N/A

Name: Jaspis II
Type: Planetoid
Stellar Radius: 1.31 AUs
Circumference: 2,400 Km.
Surface Gravity: 1 G
Rotation Duration: 21 hours
Revolution Duration: 172 days
  • - N/A

Name: Jaspis III
Type: Planetoid
Stellar Radius: 2.8 AUs
Circumference: 4,700 Km.
Surface Gravity: 1.137 G
Rotation Duration: 24 hours
Revolution Duration: 267 days
  • - Jaspis IIIa > Asteroid, class A

Name: Jaspis IV
Type: Gas Giant
Stellar Radius: 5 AUs
Circumference: 342,800 Km.
Surface Gravity: 10 G
Rotation Duration: 87 hours
Revolution Duration: 1032 days
  • - Jaspis IVa > Planetoid
    - Jaspis IVb > Asteroid, Class G
    - Jaspis IVc/Abwehr > Terrestrial
    - Jaspis IVd > Planetoid
    - Jaspis IVe > Asteroid, class D
    - Jaspis IVf/Gefahr > Terrestrial
    - Jaspis IVg > Asteroid, Class P
    - Jaspis IVh > Asteroid, Class M
    - Jaspis IVi > Asteroid, Class P

Name: Jaspis V
Type: Planetoid
Stellar Radius: 10 AUs
Circumference: 3,137 Km.
Surface Gravity: 0.93 G
Rotation Duration: 2 hours
Revolution Duration: 4023 days
  • - N/A

Jaspis IVc: Abwehr

Type: Terrestrial
Distance from Jaspis IV: 1,883, 000 Km.
Circumference: 24,730 Km.
Surface Gravity: 3 G
Length of Day: 48 hours
Length of Year: 648 days
Land/Water: 40%/60%
  • - Saline/Fresh: 30%/70%
Axial Tilt: 3.12º
Seasons: None
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.2 BAR
Atmospheric Composition:
  • - Nitrogen: 63%
    - Oxygen: 30%
    - Other: 7%
Population: 9.8 billion

Background Information: See Background for Abwehr Species.

Species Information: See Species Information

Jaspis IVf/Gefahr

Type: Terrestrial
Distance from Jaspis IV: 1,070,000Km.
Circumference: 12,700 Km.
Surface Gravity: 1.003 G
Length of Day: 12 hours
Length of Year: 260 days
Land/Water: 20%/80%
  • - Saline/Fresh: 90%/10%
Axial Tilt: 22.7º
Seasons: 4
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.13 BAR
Atmospheric Composition:
  • - Nitrogen: 70%
    - Oxygen: 21%
    - Other: 9%
Population: Unknown

Background Information: The second habitable moon in the system, Gefahr is designated a quarantined zone by the Abwehran Empire. The only reason for this seems to be the native inhabitants of the world, the Gefahrans.

Species Information: The Gefahran people is a race of insectoids that walk upon four legs and have two arms with three-fingered hands. Each hand has a suction-cup like pad with multiple small spines on it. A race merely in the bronze age of their civilization, they are feared by the Abwehrans for the ability to infect another sentient life. This infection uses viral material to mutate an individual they touch with the suction-cup pad into a Gefahran. This process is incredibly painful and makes the infected person contagious as well. Since this is a forced mutation done by a primitive society, Abwehrans are wary of landing on the planet for fear of being transformed. It is unknown why the K-cell doesn't destroy the virus used to mutate sentient beings, it is theorized that the virus even mutates the powerful immune system of an Abwehran by stunning it. Either way, studies are unable to be done with the quarantine still in place.
Imperial Government

Imperial Government

Basic Information

Name: Abwehran Empire

Type of Government: Monarchy

Distribution of Power: Federal

Participation: Representative Democracy

Control: Presidential (Monarch)

Empress: Bertina Rosenthal
Emperor: Eckert Rosenthal I
Princess of the Empire: Johanna Rosenthal

Executive Description: The Executive Branch of the government is led by the Empress, who acts as a presidential figure. (Note: Has the same powers are a President would.) She is not voted for and stays in office until she retires and gives it to her heir, or dies and gives it to her heir. If the Monarch has no heir, the title of Empress is given to the sibling. If there are no siblings, the people then elect someone to the title of Empress from the house of nobles. The Empress has a group of 6 advisors. This group is called the Imperial Advisory Council and will act as the cabinet does with a president. Though it's the woman who takes over political matters of the Empire, the Emperor traditionally holds power over the military and police forces.

Legislative Description: The Parliament of the Empire as two branches: the House of Nobles and the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives is the more powerful of the two and is in charge of all monetary and civil laws. It is made of representatives based on the population of a Region and one senior representative per Region. Both types of representatives serve for a term of six years and at most four terms. The House of Nobles is made of mostly Barons and Dukes. Barons act as governors of Regions, Dukes are in charge of Territories, and Counts are in charge of Provinces. The House of Nobles is in charge of territorial law. These Houses gather every year for parliamentary business. The leader of the House of Nobles is the Baron of Alpenrose, while the leader of the House of Representatives is the Speaker of the House.

Judicial Description: The Judicial System is run by a Supreme Judge, who is elected into power. The Supreme Judge can serve a term of ten years and a maximum of two terms. He or She is in charge of the High Court, which deals with matters of constitutional importance. The High Court has a number of High Judges, who control Regional courts. The Regional courts are then divided into Territorial courts that are run by Judges. They are then divided into Provincial courts and are run by Judges. The High Judges, Judges, and Vice-Judges can be elected for a term of 4 years and run for an unlimited amount of terms.

Number of Constitutional Amendments: 10

Major Political Parties: There are four major political parties. The Constitutional Party is a party that believes in the strict enforcement of the Imperial Constitution. The Labor Party is only interested in the constant improvement of labor conditions, making this a Genetics led party. The Conservative Party is a party that prefers a scaled down version of the fascist's isolation. They believe isolation is the best protection against foreign aggression. The Progressive Party is dedicated to the improvement of everyday life. They try to pass laws that are usually impractical and idealist making them the smallest of the major political parties.

Constitutional Amendments

Amendment 1: Basic Freedoms of Abwehrans.
- Abwehrans all have the rights of free speech.
- They are free to worship freely.
- Freedom of the Press is fundamental.

Amendment 2: Discrimination and Slavery.
- Neither Discrimination, nor slavery of any race or species shall be tolerated.
- Punishment of such atrocities in the territory of the Abwehran Empire shall be imprisonment for however long the planetary courts deem necessary.

Amendment 3: Right of Justice.
- An Abwehran has the right to hunt down any transgressor and capture him for trial.
- Vigilantism such as the murder of the transgressor is illegal and the vigilante shall be brought up on charges.

Amendment 4: Rights of the Accused.
- Suspects have the same rights as all Abwehrans.
- Excessive bail is deemed unlawful.
- Cruel and Unusual punishment is deemed unlawful.
- The Accused is innocent until proven guilty.
- The Accused has a right of trial by his peers.

Amendment 5: Right of Dueling.
- Every Abwehran has a right to settle their differences by a duel of first blood.
- Duels to the death will be met with Murder charges if such an act is carried out.

Amendment 6: Rights in Wartime.
- The Basic Freedoms of Abwehrans shall not be affected in any way.
- Any Draft that takes place shall be enforced by penalty of imprisonment for one year.
- Exceptions are that of any religious belief that deems service in the military as wrong.

Amendment 7: Rights of the Blade.
- Citizens of the Abwehran Empire shall have the right to carry their family sword in public as a self-defense tool.
- Firearms cannot be own by civilians.
- Those that have been found guilty of treason will have their family sword broken in two in view of the public and forced to re-forge it in shame.

Amendment 8: Rights of Information and Privacy.
- Privacy is a right of all citizens of the Abwehran Empire.
- Exceptions are for criminal investigations and background checks for jobs.
- Though a warrant is necessary for the intrusion of law enforcement into private files and locations.
- The press may not forcibly exploit the rights they are given to do their duty.

Amendment 9: Rights of Territorial Acquisition
- New territory annexed into the Empire through exploration must have at least a population of 1,000,000 and must agree to become a voting member before its representatives are accepted into Parliament.
- Planets and Systems wanting to join the Empire must have at least broken the warp barrier before being accepted.

Amendment 10: Rights of States
- All power not given to the Imperial Government by the constitution is the power of the Sectors and Planets underneath it.
- Lawsuits against Sector or Planetary Governments are allowed only with express permission by the Imperial Government.

Amendment 11: Civil Law
- Lawsuits that exceed the value of 1,000 credits will be able to have a trial by jury.
- No fact shall be re-examined by any court than according to the rules of common law.

Important Members of the Imperial Government

Baron of Alpenrose: Anton Rosenthal
Speaker of the House of Representatives: Anja Eberstark
Supreme Judge: Carsten Schwab
Advisor of Finance: Eike Hirsch
Advisor of State: Iris Schneider
Advisor of Military: Jonas Hammerstein
Advisor of Interior: Lotte Diefenbaker
Advisor of Agriculture: Klara Grün
Advisor of Nobility: Rosa Astor

Description of Positions: (those not listed in basic government information)

-Advisor of Finance: Controls the Department of the Treasury and works with Parliament on monetary policy.

-Advisor of State: Controls all foreign policy.

-Advisor of Military: Is the second-in-Command (civilian-based) of all military forces.

-Advisor of Interior: Controls all government resources and all natural resources.

-Advisor of Agriculture: Deals with all business in agriculture.

-Advisor of Nobility: Keeps tabs on the nobility of the Empire and deals with the corrupt nobles.
Imperial Military Forces

Imperial Military Forces

Basic Information

Though it has been a century since any real combat has occurred from a military standpoint, the Abwehran Imperial Military Forces have actually been building up for the past fifty years. This is due to a restructuring in the military itself. Before the rebellion there had been five branches of the military: Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Air Force, and Intelligence. The new government now doesn't see a use for some of these military branches to be separated, so in a massive restructuring effort the five branches have been combined into three branches of military power.

Abwehran Imperial Military Branches:
Schirmherrschaft = Global Police Force (former Army, Navy, and Air Force)
Weltraumflotte = Space Forces (former Marine Corp with new Space Navy)
Nachrichtendienst = Intelligence Service

Academy Information
The Academy is the most prestigious school in the Abwehran Empire. It has been known not only to bring out the best in others, but train the best minds of the entire Empire.

The two-year curriculum is fast-paced and incredibly tough, designed to weed on those who are not capable of being officers yet not to discourage them from active military service. Though each cadet has a branch of service they want to go into, every one of them is trained to be able to join any branch and do any job their first year at the Academy. The second year is totally focused on their intended majors and minors, making academy graduates not only specialized in their own fields but knowledgeable in all the others.

Abwehran Military Academy Degrees:
* Capital Ship Command
* Large Scale Command
* Small Unit Command
* Ambassadorial Functions
* Administration
* Fundamental Law
* First Contact Protocols

* Capital Ship Operations
* Transport Operations
* Strike Craft Operations
* Linguistics
* Intelligence Operations
* Resource Management
* Emergency Protocols
* Away Mission Protocols

* Theoretical Propulsion
* Advanced Ship Design
* Computer Systems
* Nanotechnology
* Shields / Deflector Adaptations
* Robotics
* Advanced AI Studies
* Vehicle / Vessel Repair

* Emergency Medical Procedures
* Experimental Treatments
* Herbal / Alternate Remedies
* Pediatrics
* Biocybernetics
* Genetics
* Neurology

* Psychology
* Conflict Resolution
* Mediation
* Hostage Negotiation
* Child Psychology
* Treaty Negotiation
* Sociology

Flight Control
* Transport Piloting
* Strike Craft Piloting
* Capital Ship Piloting
* Atmospheric Craft Piloting
* Emergency Flight Protocols
* Navigation

* Exobiology / Xenobiology
* Quantum / Temporal Mechanics
* Agricultural & Botanical Sciences
* Planetary Sciences
* Stellar Cartography
* Astrophysics
* Cybernetics
* Archeology / Anthropology

* Hand-to-Hand Combat
* Anti-Terrorist Tactics
* Advanced Weapons Training
* Self-Defense / Martial Arts
* Diplomatic Escort / Personal Security

* Weapon Systems
* Offensive / Defensive Tactics
* Planetary Defense
* Starship Combat Simulation
* Military Strategies
* Guerilla Warfare Tactics
* Armored Vehicle Strategy and Tactics
* Fighter Tactics

Primary Command Rank:

Branch Commander Ranks:
Großadmiral > Weltraumflotte
Feldmarschall > Schirmherrschaft
Geschäftsführer > Nachrichtendienst

Weltraumflotte Ranks (Officers):

Weltraumflotte Ranks (Warrant Officers):

Weltraumflotte Ranks (Enlisted):

Schirmherrschaft Ranks (Officers):

Schirmherrschaft Ranks (Warrant Officers):

Schirmherrschaft Ranks (Enlisted):

Nachrichtendienst Ranks:

Capital Ship Organization: (Planned)

Armada = 1 Bollwerk
All Flotten

Flotte = 1 Befehlflugzeugträger
2 Einsatzleiteren

Einsatzleiter = 1 Flugzeugträger
1 Schlachtschiff
4 Kampfgruppen

Kampfgruppe = 1 Schlachtkreuzer
6 Kreuzere
9 Zerstören
12 Fregatten
15 Korvetten

Total Jäger in Flotte: N/A

Total Jäger in Einsatzleiter: N/A

Total Jäger in Kampfgruppe: N/A

Naval Ship Organization:

Flotte = 4 Flugzeugträgergruppen

Flugzeugträgergruppe = 1 Unbezähmbar – class Flugzeugträger
1 Dreizack – class Schlachtschiff
1 Furchtlos – class Kreuzer
2 Verteidiger – class Zerstören
4 Schlitzohr – class Fregatten
8 Schwertwal – class Unterseeboots

Total Jäger in Flotte: 120

Total Jäger in Flugzeugträgergruppe: 30

Fighter/Mecha Organization:

Flügel = Depends on Flugzeugträger Compliment

Raumfahrtgruppen = 2 Geschwader = 30 Jäger

Geschwader = 2 Gruppen and 1 Befehlgespann = 15 Jäger

Gruppe = 2 Gespann = 6 Jäger

Gespann = 3 Jäger

Ground Force Organization:

Heer = 4 Ufzen and 2 Panzerufzen = 745,472 Infanterie and 1280 Panzer

Ufz = 4 Divisione = 186,368 Infanterie
Division = 4 Brigaden = 46,592 Infanterie
Brigade = 4 Regimente = 11,648 Infanterie
Regiment = 4 Bataillone = 2,912 Infanterie
Bataillon = 4 Gesellschaft = 728 Infanterie
Gesellschaft = 4 Zugen = 192 Infanterie
Zug = 4 Gruppen = 48 Infanterie
Gruppe = 3 Gespann = 12 Infanterie
Gespann = 4 Infanterie

Panzerufz = 2 Panzerdivisione = 640 Panzer
Panzerdivision = 2 Panzerbrigaden = 320 Panzer
Panzerbrigade = 2 Panzerregimente = 160 Panzer
Panzerregiment = 2 Panzergesellschaft = 80 Panzer
Panzergesellschaft = 2 Panzerzugen = 40 Panzer
Panzerzuge = 2 Panzergruppen = 20 Panzer
Panzergruppe = 10 Panzer

Airship Organization:

Luftflotte = 1 Zepter - class Befehlluftschiff
4 Arbrust - class Flugzeugträger
16 Säbel - class Kampfluftschiff

Total Jäger in Luftflotte: N/A
Schiffe: 21
Warships - Spacecraft only

Military Vehicles: (‘*' = On Drawing Board)

Space Vessels

Capital Ships
Kaiserlich – class Bollwerk *
Schwertlilie – class Befehlflugzeugträger *
Kreuzfahrer – class Flugzeugträger *
Verwüster – class Schlachtschiff *
Schutzeinrichtung – class Schlachtkreuzer *
Beschützer – class Kreuzere *
Löwenhertz – class Zerstören
Tempelritter – class Fregatten
Schwert – class Korvetten

Raubvogel – class Abfangjäger
Kondor – class Jagdbomber
Walküre – class Varablejäger *
Wanderfalke – class Panzergrenadier *

Support Craft
Absatzschiffe *


Naval Vessels
Unbezähmbar – class Flugzeugträger
Dreizack – class Schlachtschiff
Furchtlos – class Kreuzer
Verteidiger – class Zerstören
Schlitzohr – class Fregatten
Schwertwal – class Unterseeboots


Zepter - class Befehlluftschiff
Arbrust - class Flugzeugträger
Säbel - class Kampfluftschiff


Ground Vehicles
Panzerjäger *
Gepanzertkern *
Gepanzertes Fahrzeug
Basic Weaponry and Tecnology

Weaponry and Technology

Weaponry Information

Starship Weaponry:

Energy Weapons:

Lasers: A mild powerful weapon, this takes the former place of mass-drivers that were used before. They are the main energy weapon of all ships with three types in use.

- Anti-Missile: A laser that sweeps a beam of energy in front of the paths of numerous missiles when they are several kilometers away. Usually has a 70% chance of destroying them before reaching the ship. Once they come in about a kilometer away from the ship, the AML begins to fire pulses at each individual missile in rapid succession. The AML is weak and is only used against missiles/torpedoes.

- Gatling Laser: The main anti-fighter laser, this weapon is either forward-fixed on strike craft or put on turrets for the larger ships. They fire pulses of lasers capable of ripping strike craft to pieces. They have only a minimal effect on capital ships.

- Laser Cannons: The basic short-range, anti-ship weapon, the laser cannon. Usually in turret form on Capital Ships.

Ion Cannons: Using charged Ions from the surrounding space to form a powerful beam of energy, the ion cannons are the powerful anti-ship weapon in the Abwehran's arsenal. Only ships Battlecruiser-sized and larger are able to fit multiple arrays of these weapons, all smaller craft can only mount one Ion Cannon on the forward section.

Guided/Projectile Weapons:

Missile Launchers: The primary weapon used by the Empire, there are several categories of launcher used. But the majority of them can be divided by long-range and short-range capabilities. The problem is that missiles are easy to pick off. To solve this, Abwehrans have created a system of firing missiles in volleys to saturate the defensive fire of enemy ships.

Anti-Ship Missile Launchers carry powerful missiles to decimate enemies at ranges of 900 thousand – 1 million kilometers short-ranged, 5 million to 6 million kilometers long-ranged, and 3 to 4 kilometers when placed on fighters

Anti-fighter Missile Launchers are different when fitted to either capital ships or fighters. On capital ships, they are smaller than anti-ship missiles with a range of 500 thousand to 600 thousand kilometers. This gives capital ships a buffer to protect themselves against fighters. On fighters, they are in the form of Micro-Missile Launchers. Micro-missiles are small missile with a range of no more than 10 kilometers under power. They are also programmed to fly evasive patterns toward their targets, which can range to at most five fighters per volley. These launchers are detachable from fighters and are in a box formation.

-Short-ranged Anti-Ship Missile Launchers = 6 tubes/10 missiles per tube.
-Short-ranged Anti-Fighter Missile Launchers = 8 tubes/12 missiles per tube.
-Fighter-based Anti-Ship Missile Launchers = 1 tubes/2 missiles per tube.
-Long-ranged Anti-Ship Missile Launchers = 2 tubes/5 missiles per tube.
-Micro-Missile Launchers = 4 tubes/6 missiles per tube.

  • Anti-Matter = Main Long-range Space-to-Space missile (only available in long-range)
    EMP = Disabling and Jamming missile.
    Nuclear/Fission = Main Space-to-Space missile (unshielded ships only)
    Fusion = Main Air-to-Surface and Air-to-Air missile.
    Laser = Main anti-fighter warhead

Infantry weapons:


Laser Cannons: The only anti-infantry/anti-vehicle energy weapon that is either place on a fixed emplacement or on the shoulder adapter of powered armor, these cannons are weaker than starship phase cannons but are several times stronger than normal infantry equipment. There is only enough energy in each cannon for three full-burst shots and fifteen short-bursts.

Guided/Projectile Weapons:

Infantry-based Missile Tubes: An anti-air/anti-vehicle weapon only armored infantry can carry; the tubes hold a maximum of ten micro-missiles in a backpack magazine.

Mass-drivers: Though considered a primitive weapon, the Abwehran Military is always known to hold large amounts of such weapons. This is due to the fact that they are so effective against Borg infantry. Unlike chemical firearms, Mass-drivers propel rounds by using powerful magnetic forces. These not only decreases the size of the round used, which increases the amount per magazine, but also increases the velocity of the round and its penetrating power. Pistols range from 40-caliber to 50-caliber and rifles range from 30-caliber to 75-caliber. Abwehrans also have a Gauss rifle that has a Back-mounted ammunition pack. This means armored infantry can only carry it.

Technology Information

Ablative Armor: An extremely durable, composite armor that covers the original hull of any warship. It is designed to shatter when hit by energy weapons or missiles, dampening the energy of the blast.

Fusion/Fission Reactors: A combination of Fusion and Fission processes using Heavy Water (water with an extra hydrogen atom); this is a powerful and long-lasting energy source that lasts until the Heavy Water looses potency. It can never run out of fuel due to the constant splitting and fusing of atoms, but after a while it looses the amount of the power released after a couple of decades. In most ships, the reactor is specialized so it runs on fuel cells called fusion bottles. Fusion bottles are easily to insert into the ship reactor and decrease time needed in the re-fueling process.

Ion Engines: Using the same technology as an ion cannon for propulsion instead of destruction, the ion engine uses charged ions to create a force that can propel even the largest ships at incredible speeds, though the resulting accelerations vary due to mass.

Laser Communication: Using a weak laser, communication signals are sent in between ships. Though a primitive form of communication to most space-faring races, it serves the Abwehrans admirably.

Skinsuits: A combination of environmental suit and space suit, this protective cover is thinner than normal space suits and thicker than most environmental suits. But this is because of both insulation and a light armor that can defend the user against light caliber projectiles. Infantry are required to wear such suits underneath their powered armor.

Powered Armor: Heavy armor that is powered by a powerful battery, it increases the users strength by a factor of 5, has specialized boosters to propel it at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, and jump jets enabling the user to jump a maximum height of 20 meters in 3 gravities (3 times earth gravity). The powered armor is made of a composite, enabling it to withstand large caliber projectiles. The armor has the ability to carry 4 pistols in chest holsters and 2 rifles in back holsters. There are also shoulder adapters for two laser cannons, two missile tubes, or a combination of the two. Hidden in the wrist guards of the armor are specialized combat blades that have the ability to pierce through light ship hull if necessary. This works if marines are forces to cut an entrance into pirate/smuggler ships during boarding operations. But the amount of Powered Armor in global police force is limited to one company per regiment. All infantry are required to have powered armor in the space forces.

Hazard Shields: Durable energy fields produced by special emitters in the hull to block out radiation of various types. This is essential to all interplanetary travel.

((Note: Abwehrans do not have energy shields or the ability to go faster than light. They are still a developing species when it comes to space travel and have never entered any form of space combat before. Likewise, their medical technology seems under-developed compared to the Star Army. They have some genetic engineering and cybernetic technology, but it's pretty basic.))
Everything looks excellent (very detailed!) and is approved for immediate in-character use. I'm very impressed, Matt! ^_^

One thing that caught my eye and wasn't explained much was the quarantined world and the parasitic thing on it. What's that about?

I'd like to add these guys to the character creation guide.
Hmmm...I should go into a bit more detail about them, shouldn't I.

I'll see what I can do about them next. Though there won't be as much information on them as their will be the Abwehrans. The parasitic species is merely in it's beginning stages of civilization and I'm not really good at developing races below the starting space age.
Ack. I mean, err, wow.

I was going to ask for a 100 word executive summary or something, but what I've read so far has been surprisingly easy to absorb. I believe this is a sign of good writing. Good job, Matt.
Damn man now I feel everything I've done for my race seem like an extremely vague outline. I really should domore detailing. Could you help me Matt?
I feel that way too, Tyler...Suddenly I feel like the Fenyaro are patheticly thought out and described in comparison to this, or really any other race...
Lenwe Veneanar said:
I feel that way too, Tyler...Suddenly I feel like the Fenyaro are patheticly thought out and described in comparison to this, or really any other race...
Hey, not just you. The newer model nekos could use much more fleshing out, too (although the big old technical manual for the NH-7 may be the reigining champ of species information).

In fact, I ought to make something like this for the Yamatai Empire.

Wow...such reviews. Never gotten this much attention over something like this. I thought I went a bit over-board on it all.

I have plenty of experience creating races, governments, and militaries though. In four other RPGs, I've created races that end up wiggling themselves into being major military and political superpowers.

Anyway, I'm not done with the Abwehrans yet. I'm busy making weapon specs and starship designs for them. There's also creating more information on the Gefahrans. But I assure you, the Gefahran information that will come up will be a bit smaller in nature considering theirs no advanced technology and only a few real civilizations on the world. Think of them as Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia.
I do believe matt has owned you two and show just how much effort should really be put into races.

Because of their unique anti-bodies, I would expect contact with your race to be highly dangerous to other races that do not have the same protection against the basic bugs and viruses on your planet.

Also, what was the great conflict that brought rise to the AC years?
Yes, that K-cell would indeed make them dangerous to most races. But I would only imagine it would be so if fluids touched.

The Great Conflict was basically the two millenia period of war between the nation of the Surfacers and the nation of the Night-Dwellers. A racial spat that lasts that long tends to keep going for a long time until force stops it from going further.

The Fascists actually did the planet a service by forcibly stopping the Great Conflict and oppressing the populaces racial hatred through fear and military might.

But this also lead the the eventual breeding out of racial hatred and the rise of anti-fascism.
Sorry, missed the part on polygamy in your posts...

In any case I would expect that it would be much like the expeditions into the new world on our planet, a cough or sneeze would end up killing thousands.

Very cool stuff you got, you might want to include a brief description of all your ships. Not necessarily a technical description but just their role in combat or why they are different from the other ships that your race has that are in the same size/weight class.
Now by cough do you mean from the Abwehran side of the delegation or the Star Army? I'd worry more about the Star Army than the Abwehrans.

And yes, I plan on creating descriptions of the ships used by the Military Forces. But only the ones that have been designed and contructed so far. Since the Space forces are just starting out, they really don't have anything larger than Destroyers types cruising about.

But rest assured, ship and weapon designs are currently being made.
imagine your race as the spanish and everyone else as the tribes. Simple interaction would spread the basic diseases.

And good job.