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New Government/Species: Abwehran Empire

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Warning: It's long. I think I need more of a life just looking at it all.

Table of Contents

I. Species Information
  • - Basic Information
    -Surfacer Information
    -Night-Dweller Information

II. Location
  • -System Information
    -Planetary Information
    -Jaspis IVc/Abwehr
    -Jaspis IVf/Gefahr

III. Imperial Government
  • -Basic Information
    -Constitutional Amendments
    -Important Government Officials

IV. Imperial Military Forces
  • -Basic Information
    -Academy Information
    -Capital Ship Organization
    -Naval Ship Organization
    -Fighter/Mecha Organization
    -Airship Organization
    -Ground Forces Organization

V. Military Vehicles
  • -Space Vessels
    -Naval Vessels
    -Ground Vehicles

VI. Weaponry and Technology
  • -Weaponry
Thank you.

And I guess the K-cell would probably be transferable by air. But I highly doubt it. I think the K-cell would most likely be transfered through contact with the blood than by a cough or...sexual contact.

But then again, my knowledge of pathology and biology is rather limited to basic knowledge.
Damn Zack you don't have to be so blunt. matt is the new god of making races it seems. could you help me flesh mine out more? And I suppose that lacking high grade technology may help. But that's only cuz I suck at making tech related stuff.
Do you mean they could be vector's and other people would catch diseases which would halm the vector due to its immunity?
I think what Zack's trying to say is that the K-Cell exist because of extreme biological threats. Because, say, Nepleslians would not have the K-Cell, these very dangerous viruses could be harmful or fatal if they were transferable to humans (they may or may not be due to DNA differences). Older Nekos like the NH-7 might be potentially at risk (unlikely) but newer ones are built on such a small scale, they're not going to be really phased by K-cell, bacterial, or viral encounters.

The K-Cells themselves wouldn't be a problem--not through casual contact or sneezing, anyway--because cells canot live unsupported, so once they were out of the Abwehran body, they'd die. Its the disease the K-Cells are warding off that are the problem. Of course, if you directly injected K-cells into a human, you'd have problems as they'd start attacking everything.
Ah...that's true. I forgot all about that part.

Yes, that would be dangerous. And would require quarantine and de-tox (I forget the term at the moment) before meeting with any unaltered humanoids.
Well to be honest Ty, his race just needs polish and yours needs work.

We all know I'm allergic to work.

So I'm helping with the polish.
Due to points Uso pointed out to me, I'm thinking about adding a small section at the end.

VII. Warning to Visitors

Basically this would be a section with OOC Warnings about certain aspects of Abwehrans. This would likely include cultural as well as pathogenic problems that may occur. An example of a cultural aspect would be the consititutional right of dueling and of vigilantism.

I'm still busying thinking of such problems that would occur, but expect that portion out soon.
Some non-apparent points of honour which would seem harmless to an outsider but would in fact cause a duel.
The same thing I was thinking. I'm trying to think of all the points of honor that could be infringed upon by anyone coming into contact with the Abwehrans.

It should be done soon, but I'm trying to both polish my race and finish a few weapon designs as well. So it will probably be done by tomorrow.
Speaking of which, got an image in mind of what you want your weapons to look like? I'm sure I could make a 3d model of them in bryce.
Please do if you want to. I have no artist ability what so ever and my computer doesn't have a 3D program. So you can make appearances for them if you please.

Anyway, Jadg Wolf should read the Abwehran's culture. To be specific, the one on family. I think he would be glad that any Abwehran character can never be an orphan.
Wes gave me an account on the website. So I'll be sending him some HTML versions of this information via FTP client a bit later on. It should be available sometime next month. But that's once I've finished the weaponry, the Infantry Powered Armor, and the active ship designs.
OOC warnings? No, no, no. If you're going to warn people you should do it ICly, if that's what this deal is--sorry I don't have the time to read it. If it's not an IC document, you can put warnings or whatever you want, but the characters wouldn't know that. Of course, this will lead to subconscious metagaming. If you know something and your character doesn't, and it's potentially deadly, you won't act normally. IC warnings would be fine.
As a GM, I need to know all the warning OOCly before the problems are encountered or even known about in-character. You can see form all the starship designs and such around here that I like to have the intricate details of things written down before they appear in character.
I know you would want that so it doesn't appear like he's pulling stuff out of his ass when he goes to play his species, but he was addressing it to everyone. He should get with you or send the list or whatever it is to you, instead of showing everyone.
Uso Tasuki said:
I do believe matt has owned you two and show just how much effort should really be put into races.
The only people who really got "owned" are the people who sit around using all their time in OOC Chatter forum posts instead of contributing to the RP.
Changed the Warship section to a Military Vehicle section and then added naval vessels, airships, and ground vehicles to the list.

Though I may never get around to the Naval Vessels and Airships, I will get to the Space Vessels and Ground Vehicles.

*Edit: Just a few minor adjustments to the Weapon and Tech section involving the Laser Cannons and Warheads.
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