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Approved Submission New IIS product


🎨 Media Gallery
Submission Type: Starship model
Template Used:Standard Starship Template
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:iis:eye_ii_stealth
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:iis:eye_ii_stealth

Faction: Corporate product
FM Approved Yet? Yes, Etherial writes IIS
Faction requires art? Sometimes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Production model of an already approved one-off starship, based on technology found in a development JP.

Some minor modifications were made for reliability and safety, with integration of an actual life support system, upgraded emergency beacon, and cryogenic storage.

Also made using entirely new components, as opposed to modified derelict parts, so some part numbers do not align.
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Added some loadout options thanks to ideas from Etherial and possible needs for a small scale scouting and/or rapid colonization mission.
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Math checks (Changed Hyperspace fold elapsed time rate to 75 LY/hr and checked math that the ship can stay in hyperspace fold for 533 hours and 20 min at a time) giving absolute range of 40,000 LY (But not knowing if anything's out that far, we don't do that kind of jump)

Eye II class is ready for sale unless @Ethereal or @FrostJaeger want to add anything, I think we're ready to begin the henpecking that'll make this perfect.
Alrighty-o, here's the first part - of two; the second I promise will be completed by tonight or tomorrow - of my (belated >.<) unofficial review, namely the minor things I noticed:

Again, sorry for how late this is - the last few days have been rather busy at work, and the forum ate the majority of my post yesterday when I was working on it.
Alright, fixed those concerns, and waiting on Eth for the price tags.

I went ahead and linked the quantum mirror article alongside in order to give an idea of what it is, and gave a description of what everything does.

There's also a caveat to the aetheric reactor, so I buffed it. 50% better power output, but renders your ship visible on infrared.

This is explained by the fact that an aetheric reactor doesn't use deuterium fuel cells.

Thusly, heat isn't absorbed by the hull spanning heatsinks and liquid hydrogen lines and thus the hull surface isn't 105 degrees kelvin operating temperature.
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I'm actually not the best with price tags lol, since there's no tracked material cost in SARP you can ballpark a lot of stuff. Given it's niche nature and lack of offense I'd probably put it somewhere under a million.
You were too high before and are too low now. Think about adding a 30k to the main price.

Mosquito Gun Pod (10,000 KS +Ammo)
Cargo pod with attached 50mm railgun. Starfire, standard kinetic, probe, or orbital bombardment ammunitions optional.
Secondary Personnel pod (13,000 KS)
Secondary reentry fitted cryogenic pod for personnel transport
Oversize cargo pod (15,00 KS)
Cargo pod of larger internal volume at cost of stealth, internal volume 3.5m3
Enhanced sensor package (14,000 KS)
Sensor system controller and booster package, increases detection ranges and scan detail
FTL booster (12,000 KS)
30 liters of extra deuterium for reactor fuel and a micronized continuum distortion drive rated at 12 AU/Sec
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