Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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New Player Difficulties


Well-Known Member
Currently, we're pretty aware that there are hardships in being a new player here on SARP, and are all trying to remedy that. Sadly, that doesn't necessarily mean we're aware of everything that's happening either, so I made this to bring one of the issues to attention. It may be a bigger deal breaker to some more than others, and I'll be focusing on one example over others for convenience as well, so those are things to also keep in mind.

To sum it up, the characters themselves are supposed to know things that the new player may not know and/or be able to do things that said new player may or may not know about. When they act accordingly to what they do know - less than they ideally would - and it's brought up either IC or OOC, the immersion of roleplay can be disrupted, souring the experience.

A prime example would be a Neko's ability to float. We as human beings don't fly by default - even knowing their character can fly however, a new player (and many of us too) may simply have their character grab a stepping stool or ladder to reach something rather than floating up to it. Though a very powerful ability, it is not intuitive. Even when they read of it, it may be easily forgotten due to how unintuitive it is. Having this brought up disrupts the flow of things in RP - IC or OOC - as the character just did something they should have known better about. This extends to many other things in the setting too, such as our power armor. These things are far, far more capable than they are played, and are simply not used to the fullest of their abilities.

Though I now know of the problem, I have little idea of how to fix it. Several were discussed in the IRC, but I'll also refrain from putting them down here to hopefully foster more discussion. And to keep this brick wall of a post from getting any bigger.
This is why I think people should go in assuming or knowing nothing and learn it from other players OR be prepared to do their required reading.

If you want to play a character who's capable and savvy? You should do the reading yourself.

If not? There should be like a tutorial induction plot that introduces people to every slice of the game's many flavours.
I've been toying with the idea of making a series of videos that serve as guides to the setting and introduction of setting elements. I want to put a more professional shine on them than some of the work I've done in the past with Calgary Jones, so I've been avoiding getting into the project. As it is, we've got so much artwork that it'd be easy to take a History-Channel-style documentary approach. Considering that they mostly just pan the camera across illustrations while the narrator talks and use very little actual footage; we could take a similar approach.

I think we could condense some of the wiki articles, maybe get a pronunciation guide going (I've been looking at it for years and I'm still not sure how to pronounce 'Iromakuanhe'), and put together some basic scripts with very little effort.
A quick reference guide or sheet would also be nice. I know I love charts and the like also thats how some starting roleplaying games, such as Dungeons and Dragons get new guys in with a quick pre-made character with abilities listed.

Though I also agree with Lams idea of a video series, though I would go with somelike like Lore in one minute than a history documentary for new players. Don't think they need to know EVERY little detail... or the need for the aliens guy to show up.

Lore In One minute for those who don't know
Ah, I soooo wish I could put together something with that level of quality. And don't worry about length. I think a general guideline video can be kept short and sweet; whereas longer videos can be there for people who're interested in a more detailed explanation. As for the "Aliens." guy... Well, It's kind of embareassing...

I. Am the aliens guy. That was me.
I. Am the aliens guy. That was me.

I some how can see this...

As for the quality it doesn't necessarily need to be that high, could just use the art and maybe some paint effects and shazam got you some stuff for new people.[/quote]
That sounds like a pretty good idea - it'd definitely catch their attention. As mentioned before though, we used to have beginner plots for them to pick the ropes up in. How did Fort Ready perform in this regard? Was it successful?
As a Graduate of Fort Ready, I'd say the plot itself was successful in its earlier forms, however, as time went on and GM's changed and all that, it sort of became over-complicated and self-destructed. It did do really well for Classes Two and Three, when I was GM, though. All it really needs to be is a quick exciting introduction to the setting, with a GM Providing a lot of general setting information via NPC's and background happenings. Forcing the players to do every little thing took way too long; My introdcution to SARP consisted of very little doing and quite a lot of Wes showcasing elements of Yamatai via nameless, faceless NPC's that were around my character.
It would be neat to see some sort of educational video made, but it really does come down to doing your homework and reading until your eyes bleed. It is daunting but it is necessary without things like Fort Ready.