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Approved Submission New project on Ushobrakflug

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First off, that article needs a lot more information than that, if it's honestly going to get an article of its own. As it is, that's a stub worse than some of the articles from YEARS ago we have left, and most of them are in need of updating for that exact reason.

Second, this brings up the question of money again. How can the ITC afford to build a city when they still don't have any products, or income?

Also, the post in SYNC needs to be removed until such a time as this is approved. That is an IC forum, and you cannot post about unapproved events in there.
This is your second warning; please mark all of your submissions with the proper tag. Failure to do this next time will result in consequences.
How can the ITC afford to build a city when they still don't have any products, or income?
The YSE is paying ITC to build it, using them as a construction contractor.

I think the article is a decent enough. What else would you guys like to see in it?
I do believe it makes no sense Wes, Yamatai has never had a problem with building their own stuff. Plus, as for the article, it is basically just ONE paragraph and doesn't really explain 'what' is in the city, its population numbers, how large it is.. stuff like that.

It also hasn't been placed in a proper namespace. And last, but not least, it still lacks an unapproved tag which is required for all unapproved submissions.
Services, such as police, firefighters, emergency services, hospitals, things like that. What sort of buildings is it mostly composed of? is it a bunch of basic huts? Large houses? Urban, industrial-based? Skyscrapers getting built? basically, we know absolutely nothing about this city other than it is a city, although with only two hundred people it's really more of a 'compound' than an actual city. Heck, I don't think the term City technically applies unless it has several thousand residents, but that's not an especially big issue.

Really though, I'm with Aendri. this article is horribly under-detailed, we have barely any idea what's there, what would draw people there, and why they would stay. Does it produce anything? Are there Job opportunities? what's there for Civilians to do?

Use something like this awesome article for Sargasso written by @Luca as an example of what a good city article should be like: Sargasso
Or, as an alternate example, with more general player involvement, Francia. And Kyle is completely right, Yamatai has gotten by without a contractor for their construction for literally DECADES. What would draw them to start contracting such things out now, especially to a company with no history, no other forms of income, and no real record of doing anything at all? Companies have to show the buyers that they have a reasonable chance of actually doing the job right, after all.
If I remember my sociology classes from way back when, the basic necessity for something to be defined as a city is it has a population of at least 200,000 people, as well as a developed Urban center of either commerce or politics, a transit infrastructure, and is not considered "rural"
So I've added a lot more on the page so check it out. Also, I've added the tag in. But just one question: shouldn't there automatically be a "WIP!" tag above it? 'Cause everything that's created is essentially unapproved at first.
When you first edit a page it should have the tag already up there... provided its located in the proper namespace. As it stands, the page still isn't in its proper namespace.
Namespaces are like folders for organizing the wiki's articles.


In the wiki URLs, you can see them after id?= and before the colon - in the example above, the page is in the in the wiki: namespace.

Another example is stararmy:equipment for equipment of the Star Army of Yamatai. There's also a character:npc: one for NPCs.
So I've moved the page to the location namespace, I guess that's the right one?

If there's anything else that should be done, please ask here.

Edit: I've updated the link above as well to include the namespace.
Approved. I'm impressed by how much it has been improved since it was first submitted.
Approving it without any word from the people who had brought up issues seems a bit hasty, Wes. I still have some serious questions, here.

First, why is the city made from wood primarily? We live in a VERY post scarcity society, it would be cheaper just to use any of the known materials that Yamatai can manufacture than to set up an entire system to build everything out of a material that's far from standard in the modern setting. Even temporary, quick shelters aren't made out of wood in this setting. This extends to lots of other parts of the written out info, like how the streets turn into mud. If this was a temporary camp, sure, but an actual city would be constructed with far better materials.

Secondly, why build a city here, when other places with more reason to be worked on are still around. A planet that has no existing civilian population would make little sense to set as a priority for work to be done, especially when there are other planets still in need of improvement, even from an IC perspective.

Finally, the question stands. Why would Yamatai hire a no-name company, with no history of work and no background, to build a city for them, when they have ably handled such matters themselves for decades? Especially since, from the writing, the ITC really isn't doing a very bang-up job of it. Just doesn't add up. I could see them hiring an established, well known company like Emrys, or Geshrinari to help, but not a company with no income, no work history, and no products.
Yamatai hired them because it needed labor, simple as that. And they can build with local wood if they want to. If someone else wants to make a YSE construction company to compete with them, I'll be happy to hire them too.
Wise words Wes. But if you worry about the city as it stands now, I'll expand it in the RP. All I really intent to do is to build a city from the ground up. Perhaps within a few months, the city will have evolved to make it more interesting. Also, you are exactly right about temporary structures. I intend to make all houses stone-built, but for now simple wooden huts would suffice. I'd like it to be an American colonial era-like village, and to expand it to a like metropolis. It's just like the story from New York, which started out as a block of wooden huts as well. Also, New York was first known as Nieuw Amsterdam and was Dutch(My homeland) but that's not the point.

There's a proverb here in Europe that says: Basel and Munich weren't build in one day as well. So why would any city be?

But let's cut the metaphores here. I hope I've stated my intentions. If there's any other question, just ask.
I'd definitely like the article, and the city, to continue improving. Hopefully we will see some RP take place in it.
Stone is just as archaic and pointless as wood is, in this case. All of those materials have long since hit the point where their primary usage would be as decorative materials, not as your major building pieces. We're in a setting where this is a baseline shelter, that any random person can buy. Why would ANYONE want to live in a place with less amenities than a modern tent?

I even recall a modular structure system being designed by someone, though I can't for the life of me remember who, that could effectively drop entire structures and systems into place in minutes. And that was military grade stuff. So why would we be unable to build civilian structures in a similar manner? I'm sorry, but I just don't see the reasoning behind using ancient, out of date materials that aren't used as primary materials IRL, let alone in a setting FAR ahead of us.

And Wes, I return to my first question. Why the ITC? Manpower is no reason to randomly select a company that there is NO reason to believe will do a good job, that has no record. I'm sure Origin, if no one else, would be happy to take on the project, and they not only have greater manpower, but an established history as a solid provider for more than one faction.
Let the RP decide how viable and/or popular it is. Many already have made their minds about Yoerik, his ideas and his RP.
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