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New Race: Baheel


Inactive Member
((Okay, before I get started, I want to just say that this is in no way final, and I am just writing down whatever comes to my head, as it does so. Over the last few nights I keep having dreams of this race, and while they are still fuzzy, maybe I can get some help and develop them.))

Divided into three different species within the greater "Baheel" title.
-Aio'Baheel: Mammalian animal mixed with human, the most docile of the three, focuses on lore, stories and storytelling, and knowledge gathering and distribution. Believe in a single god, the creator and knower of all things. The Aio seek after this deity and see any new opportunity to learn as a gift from it.

-Kenta'Baheel: Winged/Avian/flying species. The Kenta believe in many gods, much as the Greeks did in ancient history. Everything is looked on to have a god or goddess over it, and to go against these gods was very bad and would require a blood sacrifice to appease the wrath. They are very devoted to learning as well, but believe that if things do not apply to them personally, they are not worth knowing.

Sonten'Baheel: Lizard/Reptilian. Mostly underground dwellers/miners. They believe in a few gods, but devote themselves more to the study of the earth. Very science based. Only division to have mastered the creation of firearms, and while they are willing to distribute the knowledge, it will not come without a price. The Sonten are also the first to come across the crystals that allow the Baheel to go from their human like forms, to their secondary "Guardian forms"

The race was created by Shadow in his time before capturing Yuuko and Tyriel. It started with just two members, Yi, a female four tailed white fox, and Yun, a male black dragon like beast. Yi is currently on a project developping a planet not far from Darso, the site of Shadow's lab. Yun, for all knowledge was sealed in his black onyx coffin in the lab, as Shadow was unable to fully get a handle on the male's temper and irrational behavior. Those working on the project who know of Shadow's death have begun spreading the rumor that Yun's personality rubbed off on the good doctor.

The Baheel are very superstitious, as one would expect from a race cut off from most outside contact, other than the "losers" from the gladiator fights, up until Shadow and Yuuko destroyed the arena. The Sonten still use the ruins as their home, having used the stone to build new houses and tools from the rubble and weapons salvaged.

The Sonten and Kenta are currently locked in a large scale war, over which race should get use of the remains of the lab below the surface of Darso. While the fighting continues all around them, the Aio and the lab's original staff have been trying to find someone to come to the planet and do something about the warring factions, but so far their calls have gone unanswered.

The Baheel's guardian forms were created because the Baheel were originally slated to become slaves, but once Yi and Yun proved just how sentient they could be, Shadow was unable to remove it, feeling it would be killing off one of his creations. So he left their sentience and self awareness in. When threatened or overly emotional, a Baheel will call on the power of a specialized crystal found, so far, only on Darso, to channel their mental energy through. With enough energy, it triggers a latent programming in their genes that protects and augments the Baheel. The Sonten become more dragon like, becoming larger, more powerful, and their scales are coated with a mucous like substance that dispells great deals of heat and energy/electricity.

The Kenta's flesh becomes more like stone, which in actuality is a slight variant of Terrainium. They are not able to fly as well as before, as their wings go from feathery/avian like wings, to more like that of a bat, with membranes stretched between thick, muscle like 'fingers'.

I'm still trying to think of a Guardian form for the Aio, something like a kitsune maybe, but I am not absolutely sure and would welcome thoughts and suggestions.

I would also welcome any questions or comments directed my way in at least some semblance of kindness. Please keep in mind that I am trying to improve, and that sci-fi isn't my "native RP language". I am trying to gain a thicker skin, but am still sensitive. Anyway, I think it's a good start....
The Sonten are also the first to come across the crystals that allow the Baheel to go from their human like forms, to their secondary "Guardian forms"
As I said wes, I was just writing as I thought. My thinking was that the baheel can't just BECOME their stronger, more resilient half. Original idea is they needed some sort of drug, but the thought of a bunch of tweaked out, possibly emotionally and mentally unstable being walking around on highly sophisticated starships didn't appeal to me, so I thought that with the use of a crystal, the energy that flowed through the baheel could be focused, like light through a prism...type thing...

Also, I wanted to have the baheel be completely telepathic. Meaning they do not use their mouths for communication, because really, they don't have them. It would be why they all wear masks over the lower half of their faces, to hide this fact. It's not so much a defining thing though, and will probably thrown out.

Another idea I had, was to have them be photosynthetic. Collecting energy through their skin. Once again though, it's just in the interest of making them cool and different, and will probably be thrown out.
Meaning they do not use their mouths for communication, because really, they don't have them.
By definition and purpose, a mouth is something that you eat with. How would they eat without a mouth? Secreting disgestive chemicals and absorbing the disgested food through their skin?
I like the idea of secreting the enzymes, but that could get messy if they got any on another person, and the person's skin began to melt away and dissolve. I was mostly thinking they would just use the energy in light (Photonic energy I think it is called?). And they just absorb water through their skin to compliment this, and create a photosynthetic like thing....I think.

Anyway, that is my thoughts on the matter. Still mulling the enzyme idea, but for now I like the photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis wouldn't be enough to supply the ammount of energy you would need to sustain the life of a mobile creature.
And presumably that photosynthesis, although that can only work to a point. Without a mouth it would still be possibly to feed through absorbtion through the soil while stationary, possibly while sleeping. Off world they'd need to lie on a nutrient pad or in a nutrient bath.

They could of course absorb oxygen through their skin, although this is only effective up to a certain size a the mass increases greater than the surface area. However they could use a more advanced and more efficient form of respiration, or have more efficient metabolisms. Or simply use there noses *kicks self not remembering that*

Or (And this comes from some sci-fi films), they could have mouths in their hands, and eat things with them. Only for food, not for communication.

Edit: And it could be a form of photosynthesis more efficient than what current organsims use.
Note: They'll be absorbing carbon dioxide, and emitting oxygen as a byproduct, if they're photo synthetic. I also imagine they'd be pretty thin with some leaf-like extensions (perhaps they appear to be clothed in clovers), in order to maximize solar energy collected. They could also rely on air currents or, better yet, a symbiotic creature, to help them get around.
Heres two ideas...

1st: they could have like peudo wings that unfurl durring feeding time.

2nd: they could have no true "moulth" but they could have small pores that act as many moulths to complament it's photosythisis
Alright, wes and I were talking, and we came up with a new twist on it. The Baheel will be more human like, with just basic differing traits (small scales for the Sonten, light fur for the Aio, and small wing like appendages for the Kenta), but they will have a sort of animal "companion" that they ride to get around, since thier photosynthesis would not give them the energy to move around much on their own.

I like Thomas' idea about the mineral baths, and may end up using that too, since it's such a cool thing.

The companions that are with the baheel are what contribute the form for their Guardian forms. Sonten will become draconic thanks to the form of their reptilian companion, Aio will become multiple tailed wolves because of their lupine counterpart, and the Kenta will become large bat/gargoyle like creatures from their bat like companions.

Edit: New ideas...

For the Baheel, they are like the Geshrin and Nepleslian, human in appearance...but those that are to be raised to be part of the "Army", are tested for higher than average brain activity, and are taken to special training grounds where they are taught to harness their brain's power. With induction into the academy, they are given an animal companion to keep them company. Other than their teacher, this animal is the person's only social contact, forming a TIGHT bond. When the student is ready to join the mainstream army, both the student, and his/her companion are sent to a lab, where first the student is augmented into a sort of cyborg type thing, with uped reflexes, strength, and psionic ability. When the student is cleared to return to normal life, the student then does the same process to their companion, making the animal into a cyborg as well, with specialized things. Like the flying ones could give their companion a sort of screech which would stun, or even kill. and the student and companion are able to understand each other from the length of the tight bond.
So like the animal would have a sort of armor constantly over their backs. Just that whole "armored wolf" look.
And the Baheel are all really good hunters and trackers.
They are just big animals. When the students first get their animals, they are about the size of a large dog, bats and lizards included.
When fully grown, the animals are roughly the size of a large horse.
Yeah, they will be quite the ground force, and while not overly useful on ships, they still retain their tracking abilities...which include a visor with different vision modes, so the Baheel can see different types of signitures, be they heat, electromagnetic, or things like that, heightened senses....
I had a few new ideas, and posted them as an edit to the post above...but it didn't put the "New content" tag thingy on the post, so I had to post this to let everyone know about them...

Continue on.