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New Race: Pyro

Flesh Hound

Inactive Member
Name: Pyro

Home planet: The Red Demon
About the planet: The planets surface is burnt, scorched, covered in ash, and constantly blowing up with rivers of blood and dead Pyro carcasses flying through the air. The core of the planet is a living mass of red fiery goop (better Known as the Master to the Pyros and Red Demon to everyone else.) discharging huge amounts of blood and fire into space. The planet is the size of earths star.

Physical Characteristics
Appearance: The Pyros look like elderly humans.
Sex: They are all male.
Age: unknown (They never live that long.)
Height: 5'6â€
Gods and magic not created through technological means are not allowed in the Star Army Role-Play, and thus this submission cannot be approved; additionally, there are some elements of the submission which lack proper description (such as saying "not much is known about...").

ok koo thanks wes for understanding.

I hope I fixed it so as not to confuse the reader.
I think this should be disallowed simply for them being called 'Pyro'.

They're also very much like humans.

All in all it doesn't seem like a particularly indepth species, or indeed a functional one.
Ya I know the name sounds very lame. To tell you the truth I only did this to see what people would think and is the reason why I never went to any trouble going in-depth.

The species is simply just a group of religious fanatics similar to terrorists. It would be a common enemy to all species throughout the Star Army universe yet they wouldn't be powerful enough to be of any real threat.

I was thinking this might help form alliances between planets to eradicate the species just to give more options to the RPP.

I have already started working on a new one that seams pretty rad but I need some feed back to see what everyone likes. So far I've got a robotic species that is similar to the second paragraph. I'm trying to avoid sleek ship designs and make them high in pollution.
Perhaps what people want is not new races, but new organizations consisting of the existing races. That would get around the 'human but not' restriction while still allowing a modicum of player freedom.

However, this also leads to quite a bit more problems (such as player base fragmentation), so one should take that into consideration.
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