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New race/system/government: Heilan


Inactive Member
I have a few hours free at work, i'm bored, and this ideas been kicking around for quite a while so here goes:

Race name: Heilan (pronounced 'hee-lan')

Physical Description: Heilan's generally stand just over 8 feet tall when standing, and are about 4 feet tall at the shoulders when down on all fours. Their build is generally lithe, with deviations more towards the slim than muscular. Their heads are extended in the back, giving their skulls a stretched back appearance. Grey skin, rough, covers their forms. A tail extends from their hindquarters that generally extends to about 5 feet in length, and is prehensile, often used like a fifth hand. Their fingers and toes are long, allowing for dextrous movements with all four appendages, including clutching and working with tools. Their mouths house long slender fangs. In appearance (facial, body, etc) they are best described as tall, gaunt, humanoids.

Biology/Psychology: Heilan's are most likely descendants from the furless carnivorous mammals of their homeworld, and they still show many of the traits of their ancestors, including being naturally athletic, and often preferring to hunt down their own meals whenever able. The greatest difference between their ancestors is their intelligence, which other than being sentient, has graced them with what most may call natural psionic abilities. Most Heilan youth can perform simple stunts such as warming themselves by drawing heat from the nearby enviroment, and feeling the emotions of those around them. When trained and with good heritage, the talents develop till they are of military level. Heilan's take great pride in their ability to manipulate the forces around them, and often practice it in tune with their hunting abilities, keeping both finely honed.

Heilan's lack sufficient vocal chords to produce the sounds that are common in most languages in the universe, instead being mostly able to produce screeches and howls, animalistic, and left-overs from their hunting heritage. Heilan's rarely use these noises, only when they are threatened or in exhiliration, but instead choose to communicate through a language using their nimble fingers and arms to pass along messages. They also use some of their natural psionic abilities to pass along feelings, and in highly trained individuals, messages.

The Heilan's internal structure is closest to a large feline, with reverse-bending knees and elbow, as well as typically mammalian organs, lungs, heart, etc. Their lifespan is generally around sixty standard years, reaching maturity at around eight standard years. Their bone structure is fairly dense, allowing for the constant shock of travelling through treetops and hunting. The muscles along their legs and arms are usually more suited for springing/jumping than pure weight movement.

Psionics: The mental powers of the Heilan's tend to be divisible into three categories. All members of the Heilan race have at least passing talent in all of these categories, and those with a good heritage and training generally are very skilled in one over the other two.

Energy: The powers that fall under this category include the abilities to control and move heat and energy in the enviroment. For most Heilan's this is minor, the ability to warm ones self on a cold day, or to make a small spark. At the higher ends of the spectrum, this power is often used to control and guide heat based weapons in the military, or without technological support, start fires and control them to a degree (similar to pyrokinesis).

Communication: The powers that fall under this category include the ability to sense others emotions, and to send images of ones self and thoughts into others minds. At a basic level, Heilan's are empathic, and can send/receive general vibes of emotions from others of their own species. With good training and heritage, and the help of technology, the abilities can be extended so that Heilan's can send their images into others minds, with their lack of vocal communication, acting like a communication system between ships, or thoughts and orders to subordinates.

Sensory: The abilities in this category include the ability to feel the presences of those around the Heilan, not limited to just sentient beings. At a basic level, this mostly acts as a third eye, a Heilan can sense if someone is standing right behind them naturally, thus making it a vital survival instinct while hunting. With the boost of technology and training, the ability can be extended to act like a sensor system in ships.

Society/Government: Heilan's have a heirarchal class sytem of government, based off of the natural skills of each individual. When Heilans are young, they are tested for physical, mental, and psionic aptitude. In combination with a minor interest test, their education is then tailored to their specific talents to better the society. Often, much emphasis is placed on the psionic talents of the person, whether or not they're profession direly needs such talent, and one who receives a high ranking in psionics is often deferred to as a higher class citizen than those who rank poorly. Given the hereditary nature of these talents, this lends itself to dynasties in the government councils.

Heilan's are practically always in competition, with each other, with the enviroment, anything that can provide a challenge. It is not rare to find even the smallest cities to contain an arena for those who practice the military and war arts to compete against each other to improve their skills. These contests are generally not fatal, but their have been occasions where it gets out of hand and a member of society is lost.

Given the competitive nature, and hunter heritage of the Heilan's, it is only natural that they are often mistrusting of each other, and even more so of those outside of their village/clan comfort zone. This is easily shown in the fashion of the species. It crosses the spectrum from tight fitting garments suited for combat and hunting, to billowing colorful garments that obviously hinder movement. The clothing implies a level of trust, the less combat ready the garments, the more trusting the person is of their surroundings, and therefore, and therefore subtle insults/praise can be determined by what someone wears to an event.

The society of the Helian's is often spread across their planet in small villages. Since the formation of a tribal council system of planetary government, each village is generally assigned something to build for various military implements. In addition to this, all young are tested for their talents and any with sufficient skills for the government service are recruited into a standard thirty year service, which they may renew if they wish.

Despite the ranking system, all members of the society who are not deviants generally live the same lifestyle. The only difference is those in the military and government, who are rewarded better for their particular service and sacrifice.

Technology: The technology level of Heilan's is pre-hyperdrive space age. Given the significant lack of metals suitable for ship building, most of their ships are made of high-tensile ceramics, lighter than space-grade steel and very close in quality and toughness. The lack of iron or other tough metals is replaced by a good amount of gold, which allowed their culture to develop sophisticated circuitry. Given the lack of hyperspace technology, the main types of ships they have developed were intended only for in system use, so they consist of fighters and transports primarily.

Given the Heilan's natural psionic talents, a lot of their technology has gone to boosting such talents instead of pure technology implements, and so communication systems aboard ships are mainly circuitry that boosts the links between the minds of the people communicating, instead of transmitting radio waves or the like. Similar things have been done with sensors.

Most weaponry relies on their talent for adjusting/applying heat to objects, for guidance and use. Planetside weaponry has taken the course of melee heat weapons (frames with a metal inside that allows for easy ignition) and slugthrowers, since often well trained infantry can deflect or lessen the impact of heat based ranged weapons given enough warning. Space weaponry has taken the form of plasma throwers and missile weaponry, often favoring missiles given the Heilan's ceramics have a tendency to absorb heat very well.

(added to the society and physical sections)
I would think this needs a lot more discription on the creature's social attitudes, basic organs, ect, as well as a discription of their planet, nations, political groups, and at least one ship if your going to be using that in RP.
Well i planned to discuss the government/planet in a different post, probably in the story/setting forum, and the technology in another post in this same thread. Wanted to get the race itself typed out before i forgot some things.
Alright, Weapon designs for the Heilan race, part One:


Barakor Tribe Armaments Model MR-03 Military Rifle
Caliber: 3.75x14 mm
Action Type: Traditional Double/Single Action
Safties: Hammer block, trigger block, magazine disconnect
Magazine Type: 15.24x5.58 cm Screw-stacked Rotary Drum Magazine and 11.43x4.45x4.45 cm high-pressure gas chamber
Magazine Capacity: 210 rounds
Rate of Fire: 1070 rpm
Firing Modes: Semi-automatic, Fully Automatic, Five-round burst

A rapid-fire, small caliber military assault rifle for use in high-volume fire situations (such as in engagements against offworlders) and in the very rare occasional greivance war. These rifles are produced in reletively small quantities excepting in times of extreme need and strife, as the general Heilan doesn't like mass combat or high-volume engagements.
The firing system in the MR-03 is similar to that in the older, more popular HR-T7 Mk. II.

Trellrrar Tribal Projectile Productions Model HR-T7 Mk. II Heavy Rifle
Caliber: 7x21 mm, 7x40 mm, (Model HR-T7X chambered for 9x32 mm)
Action Type: Traditional Single/Double Action with Lockable Bolt-Action Mechanism
Safties: Hammer block, trigger block
Magazine Type: 7x1.7x2.3 cm or 7x1.7x4.4 cm or 8x2.1x3.6 cm Double-stacked Box Magazine and 17.7x4.95x4.95 cm high-pressure gas chamber
Magazine Capacity: 20 rounds (17 of 9x32)
Rate of Fire: As fast as operator can squeeze the trigger
Firing Modes: Semi-automatic, Single shot

This is the traditional style of rifle associated with the majority of Heilan combat engagements: a long, heavier caliber bullet propelled by use of a highly pressurized gas whose pressure is further increased by the use of natural Heilan psionic powers to heat the gas, causing it to expand even further. Pulling the trigger of one of these weapons (after working the action; if fired in Double Action mode, the weapon chambers a round, as well) first trips a sear in the action that allows the spring-loaded movement of a heavy, gold-alloy hammer forward in the weapon. This hammer strikes a valve which is connected via a pressure chamber to the gas cylinder magazine on the weapon. The valve, when hit, opens for just long enough to allow enough gas (at high pressure and temperature) to burst forth from the pressure chamber and into the locked and closed breach of the weapon, propelling the bullet out of the chamber and down the barrel at (possibly) extremely high velocities (the velocity of the bullet being in large part determined by the amount of psionic heat energy the user of the weapon has infused the pressure chamber with and thus the amount of pressure that is being used to accelerate the projectile). The trigger pull then trips another little valve that releases a light puff of the gas to force the hammer back, automatically cocking the weapon again. The chamber flicks backwards after the round has left the chamber and loads another bullet, sliding back forwards to maintain fully closed-bolt operation (for reliability and to prevent pressure-wear on sensitive components). The typical range of operating pressures that this series of rifles is rated for is somewhere between 480 and 510 MPa (70,000 and 75,000 psi), which is enough to accelerate the 7x21mm round to speeds in excess of 1066.8 m/s (3500 fps; greater than Mach 3).


Barakor Tribe Armaments RAP-99(D) Talon Repeating Autoloader Pistol
Caliber: 3.75x14 mm
Action Type: Military Single Action Only (RAP-99D has DA/SA operation)
Safeties: Hammer block, trigger block, magazine disconnect, gas transfer hose manual shutoff safety
Magazine Type: 12.3x1.43 cm Triple-stacked Box Magazine and 11.43x4.45x4.45 cm high-pressure gas chamber
Magazine Capacity: 93 rounds
Rate of Fire: 1200 rpm, 3 3-round bursts per second, or 1 semi-auto shot as fast as user can pull the trigger
Firing Modes: Semi-automatic, 3-round burst, Automatic

This pistol is a fast, high-volume sidearm for use alongside the MR-03 rifle in fullscale warfare against highly mobile opponents in urban environments and other engagement arenas where overpenetration would be detrimental, where high-volume sustained fire is possible, and where the neutralization of nearby soft targets is the primary objective. The tiny GCFC rounds fired by this extremely rapidly-cycling pistol are extremely effective at close range in quantity against soft targets, but vastly less so against armored targets and any target at range. The standard recommended operating pressure for this pistol class is 250 to 270 MPa (35,000 to 38,000 psi).

Kreelinsikar Pack Personal Arms Victor Mod. 73K Gentelman's Pistol
Caliber: 9.5x23 mm
Action Type: Single Action Only Revolver
Safeties: Hammer block, transfer bar safety, trigger block
Magazine Type: Internal cylinder and a 5.08x2.54x2.54 cm high-pressure gas cylinder
Magazine Capacity: 7 rounds
Rate of Fire: 1 semi-auto shot as fast as user can pull the trigger
Firing Modes: Semi-automatic, single shot

This pistol is a classic model built by one of Heilan society's oldest and most respected personal armament manufacturers to the exacting specifications and obsessive detail required by said society's upper class elite. Previous models of the pistol (such as the 73A, 73A4, 73C, and 73H) have been used in more duels in the decades since the original's introduction than any other model of pistol on the planet. Each pistol is hand engraved to the specific orderer's own direct instructions and inlaid with precious platinum and steel. They fire a traditional large caliber round, typically an SCA or FG round, as they are both highly effective anti-personelle rounds that have been proven time and time again on the field of honor. The old-style revolving internal cylinder is reliable and stable, if restrictive with respect to capacity and reload times, and stands up nicely to the high gas pressures needed to fire such heavy projectiles. This pistol and cheaper replicas thereof can be seen hanging above mantles and from the belts of nobles and duelists around the world, a cherished personal tool or family heirloom.

Ghharakka Defense Model 97 Impact Autoloading Pistol
Caliber: 9.5x23 mm
Action Type: Traditional Double Action/Single Action
Safeties: Hammer block, trigger block, magazine disconnect, gas transfer hose manual shutoff safety
Magazine Type: 16.3x2.5x1.5 cm Staggered Box Magazine and 11.43x4.45x4.45 cm high-pressure gas chamber
Magazine Capacity: 21 rounds
Rate of Fire: 1 semi-auto shot as fast as user can pull the trigger
Firing Modes: Semi-automatic

This pistol defines the modern defense pistol for the Heilan race. It's a solid, high-density polymer frame autoloader with a slide action and standard gas-transfer firing system that fires a large caliber round at sub- to slightly supersonic velocities and has a decent magazine capacity with a removeable magazine. These have sold in very high numbers and models with DAO, concealed hammer, and SAO actions, as well as models with alternative trigger kits with adjustable overtravel and expanded pressure chambers and the like have been manufactured for recreational, concealed carry, dress carry, and militia purposes.


7x21mm SCA and the powerful 9x32mm SCA rounds are the standard ammunition choice for most shooters firing many of the high-powered rifle-type weapons chambered for these popular calibers. SCA is an abbreviation for Solid Ceramic Aggregate, as these bullets are made up of several dozen layers of high specific heat, medium-high density ceramic layers sandwiched together with a thermosetting polymeric epoxy. This process creates a very strong round that isn't anywhere near as prone to critical fracture and brittle fracture mode failure as older SC (Solid Ceramic) rounds are in such powerful weapons. The higher heat and pressures in the newer weapons caused brittle fracture and cracking in the older style of bullet, causing occasional misfires and numerous cases of less-than-effective discharge (situations where a round fired but failed to perform to maximum efficiency die to cracking or splintering). SC rounds still perform very adequately in such older models of rifle as the 7x21mm Trellrrar Tribal Projectile Productions Models R-85 and R-89, the like of which have been around for several decades, due to their lower intrinsic operating pressures and temperatures (a much more managable 330 to 360 MPa of pressure and the generally lower temperatures necessary to produce such gas pressures), but most ammunition manufacturing currently turns out rather more SCA rounds than SC. These calibers are also produced, though to a far lesser extent in GCFC, with warnings to fire them at lower pressures, due to prefragmentation risks (the usual recommended firing pressure for such rounds is 280 to 320 MPa). These rounds are only GCFC from the 8mm mark forward on the round, consisting of an 8mm thick base of SCA material, to help prevent the aforementioned prefrags. These are usually only used when the complete neutralization of unarmored soft targets at reletively close ranges is desired, as the impact of such a powerful, high-energy frangible round with the fragmentation profile of the GCFC will routinely shred the internal organs of most living creatures in a vortex of rapidly spinning glass needles.

The less popular 7x40mm rifle round is actually a High Explosives delivery system, completely unlike the more usual mass-driven high-energy transfer style of round commonly used in Heilan weapons. The extra length of the round (which was based off of the standard 7x21mm SCA) is a 19 mm long core (with 1 mm side walls of the usual ceramic enclosing it) of explosive charge which, while making the cartridge somewhat more dangerous to carry in bulk and handle than usual, provides a very effective dose of powerful ballistic fragmentation damage to a target. This sort of round is usually considered both overkill and dishonorable to use against soft targets and reserved for use against armor, plated, entrenched, or shielded targets, such as transport vehicles, explosive ordnance, and small air- and spacecraft.

3.75x14 mm GCFC (Gold Core Frangible Crystalline) rounds are the standard round for the MR-03 rifle and the BA Talon handgun. They are made of a stable crystalline ceramic material with a 36 grain solid gold core that encourages rapid expansion and heat and energy transfer thanks to the high density, high malleability, and low specific heat of gold. When the bullet expands (thanks to the hollow-point effect of the hot gold being pushed out of the core of the round as flesh fills the core and presses out on the hexagonal colse-packed crystal lattice of the ceramic), the glassy shell shatters into shards with edges approximately one micron in thickness (like old Earth flint) that slice into the target with a violent spin and twist due to turbulent fluid forces and the spin induced by the rifling of the barrels of the weapons in question. The gold core makes up most of the mass of the round and so, when it splatters and impacts the target, it facilitates most of the energy transfer. This allows the frangible outter shell to slice into (and possibly through) a target to shred the internal workings of the target, thus providing both a complex and reletively wide wound channel and decent knockdown, at least for so small a round. These rounds are usually deployed in large quantities, to provide for full neutralization of a hostile soft target, as, in single shots, they simply lack the damage capability to incapacitate a full-sized humanoid.

9.5x23 mm is a world standard heavy handgun caliber (though several rifles have been chambered for the round, and it was originally based off of the now-retired 9.5x28mm rifle slug, it is still considered the quintessential pistol round) and is one of the most effective bullets in its class. This caliber is produced in SCA, SC, and FG (Frangible Glass), as well as in CHTA (Ceramic Hollow-Tipped Aggregate) and CST (Ceramic Soft-Tipped), both of which are designs based off of the SCA round that allow for greater round expansion, resulting in a larger wound channel and heavier bleeding. It is usually fired in excess of 500 m/s, but can be launched by an experienced gunman at around 310 m/s (slightly subsonic) if a quieter discharge is desirable.


Shew! Alright, that's all I got for now. Ask questions, tell me if I forgot something, critique, comment, bash, praise, etc. I'll do my best to respond, but not perhaps in the most timely of fashions, as I will be out of town for the next few days. Anyway, have at 'em!